A toast to the Bride and Groom and Spiderbear - June 2015 review


Thanks to everyone who came out and helped make this event happen. It was easily in my top two favorite SoMi events so far this year so far. I hope everyone had as much fun this weekend as I did; the organization seemed to favor my play style of doing as many things as possible with little time as possible between for rest. Thanks to all of the people who made this event possible. Gj, Alison & Ian did their jobs so well that I almost didn't notice how much they had done.

Soft Lay on. Allowing the people who arrived early to role play and get into the game instead of waiting seems to only have positive effects on the game.

The party guests and games at the reception. Either of those things could have been entertaining, but together they were amazing. Giggles' toasts and my "insult competition" with the spider bear were my favorites. After losing a battle of wits against something that is essential a bear dryder and seeing it gain the backing of a guild; I, for one, would like to be the first to welcome our new spider bear overlords.

I'm excited about the new developments in the army system and seeing how they effect the game.

Plot guys did a great job in keeping things rolling when I wanted to do mods or look up information that had been run by Chris up to that point when he couldn't be at an event.

Chapter overlap. The degree to which things are moving between chapters and the actions in one land can effect those in another is something I've never experienced before. This is only possible though the efforts of owners, plot teams and PCs who are active in both chapters.

The tower. Fun weekend plot, tied into a larger plot and lead to a town fight. I wish the final fight could have maybe lasted a little longer. These are the things that can make the stories we tell for years.

Having my group leave our mod to join the Dust mod as illusions of ourselves.

The Pride. You'll see

Thank you to everyone who came out, I wish I had done with more things with some of you but wouldn't be willing to give up what I did with everyone else. So maybe I'll just have to give up sleeping at events.

Pebbles had a wonderful time at this event. It was awesome! And the food! Amazing!

My worst complaint was that there was a huge delay in the start of a few mods to the point where for the first time I thought of ditching the mod to sleep. But crap happens and it's all good.

Over all great event! The wedding ceremony was fun. I loved the good food, the fun games and Giggles and the spiderbear. The Spiderbear catching the pancake and the butt in the face. Great times!

I loved the way that the levels were all accounted for to do the tower. It made every one including, it just could have lasted longer. It was an extremely short fight for being the big Saturday night.

Loved getting to be mirages of ourselves in the dust plane. It was to fun screwing with people's heads.

There were so many things to do, and everyone helped each other out. Overall great team of players!

Thanks plot and logistics for a smooth game! Look forward to next time!

This was one of my favorite events as well-I feel it was a good mix of business and time left to our own devices. I ended up not doing much besides my own stuff and HoG stuff, but that worked out really well-between the Greater Vision, the contracts I ended up doing, and that town mod, I had a blast! I am a big fan of that soft lay on, even though I'm usually the one running late for these things. Plus, the party Saturday was a huge success, I think everyone had a great time. Overall, great event, can't wait for the next one!

I usually am a horrible person and forget to comment on the boards about the event. Mainly that comes from exhaustion from a great event. However, while I think about it I figured I would post fast.

First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to all the NPCs, runners, staff, and other players for a great event. I personally know how much hard work and effort goes into creating an amazing event like that and I for one appreciate the heck out of you all. Thank you also for all of the out of towners that drive to each of these events. They make the world feel bigger and I love that. Also thank you to the local people for showing up as always as well.

Thank you to Doug and Al for cooking and serving us awesome food! Ham for days! So good.

The party in the morning was freaking amazing. I had such a good time and I thought it added so much to the atmosphere. Next time make the thing at 11 though lol.
The NPCs that came to that party were amazing. Everybody had a different personality and each was fun to interact with.

The 4 parts to the tower was a great idea. It seemed like it really helped include everybody in town without making them all be town mods.

The tower the high levels I went on was extremely fun in my opinion. It was challenging on different levels and I loved the thought put into that one.

"Come on guys lets just try this mod, no matter what we can run away right?" GJ as plot when we get there - "You rift into a room with no doors or windows".........oh the irony :).

The soft lay on seemed to work well for the people that got to experience so good job on that as well.

The army system seemed super cool as heck. I might need to start recruiting one to play around with it lol.

There was so much to do all weekend that I didn't even get to be lazy and play my board games :(. LOL great job of keeping PCs busy all the dang time!

I thnk that I saw NPCs get about 3 hours of sleep and I know how much that truly sucks, so thank you all for sacrificing so much for us and this game. It is a pleasure to be a part of it with you all.
Hey guys! I want to start my feedback by mentioning how awesome IBGAs are in this chapter. You guys put a lot of time into those responses, and by giving an extra one over winter, I really had a lot of meaty information to think about coming into this event. I probably sound like a broken record here, but thank you SO MUCH for all the time you put into this game! It has always been good, but it has gotten better and better over the last few years. You guys are really hitting a great stride, laying down interesting stories, challenging and fresh fights, and a welcoming environment.

I had a super great time at the event. We were planning on coming Saturday morning, but circumstances allowed us to make the last minute call to come Friday night. I am glad we did! We got in a few back-to-back mods that culminated in a nice tough one to cap off the night. It was very fun.

You guys are doing a great job as a plot team. I like how hard you are working to mix things up so it isn’t always “go here and kill this” or “go there and smash that.” There is information to try to uncover through roleplay and research. The adventures have variety. The fight mechanics do too, which is also excellent. The dust thing with the mirages of the PCs was super interesting and challenging. The spirit thing where we were reduced to 10 body swinging 2s with no items was also a real challenge--yikes!! Sorry, TC, for snagging that packed to fix the problem!

I am also a fan of how you engage proactive players. If you want to go talk to someone or get somewhere to do something, there are lots of ways to do it. This is one time where realism should give way to having fun--after all, we are traveling by magic stones to talk to far flung librarians or politicans. Much better to do that than say okay you can do it at the next event. Allowing it to happen here and now rewards proactivity and allows things to get done on a reasonable timeline, which is especially good for a guy like me who cannot play every minute of every event. Never an excuse to be bored—amazing.

I also loved the party Saturday morning. It was a good way to get everyone moving (thanks Alabaster and Jinx!), and the games and rewards helped to encourage participation from lots of people. The NPCs were great – Giggles and the Spider Bear Makmub (or whatever his name was) were absolutely amazing. So many laughs.

The pace of the event was excellent. The weekend plot moved along nicely and I was able to follow along through RP with other players. Where there were gaps, we were able to jump in on other adventures to assist in personal plot of other adventurers or fill jobs on the jobs board. One of our jobs board mods with Stu and I was a super tough and fun fight against Travis and Chad—thanks guys for a harrowing mod! I really don’t recall an event where I have been run so ragged.

The many layers of plot that are going on are very interesting. I have caught myself more than once since daydreaming about what must be going on with this plotline or that plotline. That is the mark of a great plot right there—we have to work hard to figure out what is going on and how to get out ahead of it and fix it! I like that there are big world things going on, but at the same time, there also appears to be more mundane things happening too.

I too thought the Saturday tower mod could have gone a little longer, but the nice thing about it was how you engaged all levels in the same battle on the same field. That is a very hard thing to do, and I liked your mechanic for pulling it off.

A special shout out to Frederick (from Minnesota maybe?), Shiny (armor dude who I can’t remember his name), and Pebbles, for engaging right away on Friday with some roleplay in the tavern. To the elf dude with the polearm who did the crazy worm dance during the party, and to the leafy dryad dude, let’s talk more at the next event! To the three new guys who were there on Saturday, I am bummed out I didn’t get to hang out with you more. Next event, I will be sure to say hello. Nice work though in the tower mod being on top of the Troll killing blows. You were a critical part of that effort!

Well, guys, keep up the good work. This was a great event!
Holy cow you guys... What an awesome event. Seriously. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I had so many favorites, I'm just going to list brief bits of them here. I could easily write a paragraph about how much I loved each one.
-Soft Lay-On
-2 hours of talking with Waymaker
-"Playing Mathis" as the only healer on the middle path mod
-Gypsy stuff (Lost spirit & Marheim)
-Almost killing Trellis 80 times
-The Wedding Party
-Dust Mod... Oh my god Dust Mod.
-I also really enjoyed the way the final mod was structured so that everyone had a unique and different role, regardless of what level you were. Super neat!

Super excited for the next event... I already wrote up a guide on how to survive Vacuum. ;)

See you guys in August!
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Thanks for all the hard work from our staff, NPCs, and other players for making this another great weekend.
The idea of a soft lay on is great, it gave us a chance to catch up on some conversations and chat with newer players so they can get some information.
The variety of challenges being thrown at us between the tower mods, the mod to put up the Waymaker Stone on Dust, and even relatively straight fighting mods is great. It puts a lot of emphasis on the advantages of people with a wide variety of skills.
There was a little lag in going from mod to mod, however that is understandable in light of our hard working NPCs/Plot needing a bit of rest. Plus it gives the players a chance to share more information.

For the record I went into the weekend with a to do list that had 20 items. We managed to accomplish 18 of them. I'd call this a great event.