Millie said:
As clear as the sky on a May day, so is what laws should be in place. It is not murder, it is justice. A slaver is a thief of lives, and so justice demands a slaver's life in recompense. Slavery should be abolished, and death the sentence for such crime.
And not to press the issue too far, but if you put a slaver akin to a thief you should note that we've
never punished a thief with death in Briarpass.
They pay a fine and get a slap on a wrist.
So by your own logic Millie, you have to realize you are overreacting a little and allowing your emotions to speak, not your intelligence.
They did not kill Kyrie, they held her against her will -- yes. But in Briarpass we've held many creatures against their will. (Goblins, that poor creature with the axes that were under contention fo a while, and many others that will come to mind if you think of it for a while.) No one has had to die for it yet, and it should not start.
As I understand it she was not mistreated, and therefore we should not mistreat them.
I believe Kyrie deserves some recompense for her lost freedom. But I think it is up to her to decide, and as she seems as grieved over this whole mess as I -- I would imagine all she'd like is what we'd all like -- for it not to happen to another, for I am sure she realizes that not all slaves have it so well.
So put your heart into that, Millie, and see it happen. Help Liddia and I put an end to slavery by writing Renlee and telling him your grievances with it and why. Why you hate it so. Your story.
Hennessey believed that slavers could be rehabilitated, and taught another profession. I am also convinced of this. If Hennessey believed their lives worthwhile, I do not see how any other Mystic who knew him could not find a way to see this as well. He was the most stringently against slavery out of all of us.