Additional uses for goblin stamps

Looking at the list, I feel like a few adjustments should be made:
  • Bless & Shield are gone from Full Protectives so they should ideally be replaced with something or maybe discount the cost. Maybe throw in one free Evade, I dunno.
  • LCO Spellcrafting Components: Since spellcrafting can be done outside of logistics, clarify if you can carry these around, hand them to crafting marshals, stockpile and trade them, or if they can only be used at time of purchase.
  • Recharge Spell Store: no spell store has 10 levels, adjust somehow. Maybe allow Memory Strike to be charged here too. Since stores now discharge between events and this can't be used to stockpile, maybe remove the limit and just charge 5 GS / level stored?
LCO Spellcrafting Components: Since spellcrafting can be done outside of logistics, clarify if you can carry these around, hand them to crafting marshals, stockpile and trade them, or if they can only be used at time of purchase.
Spellcrafting doesn't have to be done at Logistics, but if it's not done there then it DOES have to be done at a Crafting Station; in the case of GS Components, they should probably be listed on your Battleboard, and marked as used when the time comes by either a member of Logistics or a Crafting Marshal, rather than given as physical items. That, or you should pay the High Magic to Spellcraft said Ritual at the first Logistics of the event, turning in all non-GS components at that time or losing the purchase (and probably getting a refund on the GS). But I prefer the first one, since it's much easier on everyone.
Recharge Spell Store: no spell store has 10 levels, adjust somehow. Maybe allow Memory Strike to be charged here too. Since stores now discharge between events and this can't be used to stockpile, maybe remove the limit and just charge 5 GS / level stored?
It says you can split the 10 levels between multiple Spell Stores and across both schools, so I don't see a pressing need to adjust it; if yours fill up and you have some levels left over, coordinate with a buddy and tell Logistics you're throwing some into theirs.
LCO components don’t expire if unused, do they?

If not, I don’t think they’d have to go on your BB.
Since the ones bought with GS are only usable for Spellcrafting, I don't see why they wouldn't expire if unused by the end of event, although I would certainly advocate that a refund of some kind would be appropriate in that case.
For the LCO components, I think they should stand as written. Only for spellcrafting at logistics. You want the freedom of doing it later or not at all, yea use physical comps
If Local Chapter Only then I suggest the Chapter define it.

It was an owners vote to allow for more uses for goblin stamps
Have there been any official decisions on this to update it for 2.0?