
The issue was turned over to the Squires. Perhaps they can better answer your questions.


We will need to, once again, bring the wands together for the ritual. I know not who currently holds the wands, perhaps Squire Neo does. Also needed is another of the ritual scrolls and I believe that is being handled. I apologize for not being fully up to speed on the town's plans, hopefully Squire Neo can be of more help than I...
One wand belongz to a Lightning Prince vho luckily traded vor Ellez life, I dont think zhe vill be zo villing to do thiz again though. The rezt I think are in possesion zave I think ve may have given one back to the barbarianz.

May I ask how the ritual is cast? What ritual is it and what is the difficulty of it? Specifically I need to know if the wands are the catalysts of the ritual or if they are the target of the ritual.

Order of the Emerald Flame
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What Elder's wand is the Barbarian one? What about the Lightning Wand?

Why did she do that? There's other ways to get these things. I'll make sure we no one dies in pursuit of this anymore. We are finishing it this weekend.

I'm actually pretty unfamiliar with how to cast the ritual. Does it need a scroll? Does it need additional reagents or catalyst?

Order of the Emerald Flame
Ideally, we can just brute force the wand from the barbarians, and if the Lightning Prince is anything like the Lightning in Dragonreach, hopefully he won't be too unreasonable.

I agree with Link. We are finishing this this weekend. I too would be interested in learning how the ritual is cast.

Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
We have all the wands except for the lightning wand which the lightning Prince has. Ahlana has 6 wands. I have 2. Baron Gareth has 2. And elldandral has 1.

Once we get the wand back from the prince we can do the ritual again. I believe Kit is getting us another scroll to cast the ritual.

As for the prince. I did not personally face him last time but I do know that once the adventurers rifted back in from facing him about half were dead or dieing. So he is not to be taken lightly.

I can't thank everyone enough for wanting to help and solve this problem. You all have my utmost gratitude!

Squire Nyio a.k.a Shiny
Fantastic. Thanks Shiny!

I have the ritual zcroll. Or vill I should say it is nearly completed. The scroll iz being veaved vrom scratch by allies az ve speak. I vill arrive vith it sometime on Friday of the Gather. The magics will complete earlier in the day. The ritual only needs one caster vut it vas deemed vise to have four people cast it last time. Thiz vas a mistake. I do velieve it to be general in its nature az vell. The vands act az the reageants I believe vut not completely certain.

I would be willing to cast the ritual and Kit if I could see the scroll I could prepare my high magic properly this time. I agree that it needs to be done first thing, we cannot allow this to go uncast for the whole winter.

Lady FallingStar
No offense Vut I vould prefer Mathis to do the casting or even Zane. Howver it iz up to the Squires. Alaz I do not know if it vill ve ready in time to prep more interesting highmagics. Do not take offense Liddia vut in the end vou and Elle are at fault vor the last failing.

The only items required to cast the scroll are the scroll itself and all 12 wands. As for difficulty, it is about on par with a circle walk, and is indeed general in nature. Only one caster is required.

Something to bear in mind here as well, that "releasing" the Elders also seems to require someone to give up a piece of their spirit for that Elder. What that entails in the short and long term I do not know, but something to consider who is likely to be agreeable to these Elders. I know some adventurers "champion" for these Elders and carry daggers attuned to these Elders, however it does not appear that person with the dagger has to be the one to give up a part of their spirit.

Link; The Barbarians have the unicorn wand and is tied to healing. I believe it has been re-recovered. Four of the them have been released, but I cannot remember which four for certainty.

The Elders:
We indeed have recovered the unicorn wand from the barbarians. And the four elders that were released were Cerebrus, Phoenix, Shadow, and Fae.

Squire Nyio a.k.a Shiny
What does it mean if an elder is released? Is that good or bad? What do each of the elders specialize in?
