My Lords , Ladies, & Allies of Gaden,
You have my apologies that this plight has only now been brought to my attention. I do not dream often, nor do I ever venture to your lands and thus had not heard of your final fight. That said, several years ago, the adventurers of Gaden rose in the defense of Wayside and at that time, me and mine promised to repay that aid when the time came. I am afraid I am unable to attend your castle to raise sword and spell along side so many of you that I know but perhaps I can still lend some small aid to your beleaguered country in it's greatest time of need. Some of our Guild will attempt to walk the mists to join you at the castle, I wish them success on their journey to aid your final battle.
It appears that so far; Wayside has done a spotty job of repaying the favors and sacrifices of our mist neighbors. I was roused by the cries of a brother in arms, Roy, to the depredations of a few members of the War-bands sent to aid you. This is not what Wayside or Terna stands for, I seek to reclaim our honor. What is done cannot be undone, but perhaps we can be of aid still.
As we speak, a few score of Celestial Warriors and Adept Scouts from my school are rushing to the aid of your forces at the Giant's Walk. Although they are not trained to the task of holding lines, they will avail themselves with honor and obey the orders of your officers. Each is trained to read magical scrolls, and perform basic first aid and some can even be of help as hospitaliers in your resurrection circles.I have included with them a cadre of mist walking specialist to hopefully reach you in time by walking out of the mists close enough to join the fight. I have been mist locked for most of the last 3 years but will attempt to take the field myself to lend what small aid I can to this fight. It does not erase past misgivings, it does not turn the tide, or even begin to repay you for the aid you once rendered and we do not even know if we will reach you battle site in time. But we owe it to you all to at least try.
I can however promise this: You can steel your forces with the promises of a warm fresh meal at battles end. Regardless of the time of our arrival, my forces carry with them fresh food, healing supplies, and a few comfort items such as wine. It is the smallest of favors we can do to at least feed the noble warriors of Gaden and her Allies and shield their path out of the battle ground.
With Highest Regard,
Jehan Wyldweaver
Lord of Storm's Rest
Guildmaster of Lifestorm
Warden of Truth