“Ah’ve threatened and bullied a -lot- more fer a -lot- less.” Baibh responded coolly. “Sounds like yer a wee virgin in these parts though so I’ll cut yeh a break. Ye’dun have yer facts straight boy, ye’d best get back teh research’n if’n yeh want teh accost them’s in the frontline o’this war.”
“Also. Y’know this forest ain’t safe right? Word is some crazed Tari Nor got fed up, same as you. Used some powerful magics t’make these woods around yeh, but see they’re full o’fae. Ain’t no natural forest, some people go in an’ever come back agin. If’n I was feel’n really cruel I’d jus’leave yeh t’tha fate, but I think yeh’d best March yer *** back t’town square an’deal with the hubbub yeh’ve made.”
Not moving, Baibh gauged the man to see his reaction before continuing, “An’ why do I hop so hard t’defend the Archmage? A couple o’reasons really, firstly I know he’d do the same fer me, an’ has on occasion. Tha’s th’whole point, equivalent exchange an’all tha’, we ‘elp ‘im in closin the breaches an ee‘elps us with what we need. Secondly, the man is essentially nobility, an’ what yer doin ‘ere? Well some might see that as mockin nobility, which be illegal o’course. An’ anyone in all th’Lux ‘as ‘eard yeh, so agin, best teh go face the crap yeh’ve said without research‘n. A’fore one of em pesky Homeguard come sniff’n around.”