Animal folk, humans, high orcs, and high ogres


Tales have I heard of dhe origins of Romanichal and Vanceir from dhe firs' humans, our distant cousins. I have heard dhe story of elves and dhe Great Dragon dhat begot all of dhem. I have heard stories of hoblings and dwarves from dhe underbrush of dhe forests and dhe rocks of dhe mountains. I have heard dhe stories of Mystic Wood Folk from dhe fairies and dhe elves. I have heard stories of biata from griffons and stone elves.

I have howe'er nye heard a word about dhe origins of animal folk, humans, high orcs, and high ogres. Vhat are dhe legends surrounding dhem? If animal folk are indeed descended from animals, vhat made dhem decide to take dhe gift...or curse...of high sentience? Vhat circumstance made high orcs and high ogres ascend above dheir primal counterparts and refine, if indeed dhere is any relationship 'tween dhe two? Vhere do humans come from? Dhey are so versatile in dheir ways dhat dhere is nye one dhat I have met dhat will answer "what are you" wit' "I am human." nor a universal answer to "where do you like to live?" like, for instance asking a Romani vhat dhey are. Dhey will likely answer "I am a Roma of dhe familia ____" or a hobling where dhey would like to live, you will be hard pressed to find one say "I would like to live in alone in a cave in dhe forest wit' no possessions."

I am nye asking to be rude or to make assumptions about any race and if dhere are stories of ot'er races ot'er dhan dhe ones I've expressed specific curiousity about dhen by all means, I would love to know ot'er stories.
A word of advice.

We Gorbe and the animal scavengers are two -very- different streams of life. I would recommend making that clear before going into any questions about where we might have come from. I know, with certainty, that I did not progress from the animal form of a cougar, and in turn, when Mzaa Bibi split herself into the eighteen original couples for our people, there were no such dogs or other creatures among her when it happened.

To compare us to the Kin is to compare a Biata with a Chicken Scavenger. Something that the -biata- would undoubtedly be angry about; and their claws are not quite as ready to shred someone's face as ours are.

A word to the Kin who read this.
There are some of your people I call a loyal friend; and there are others I would eat as a meal. Do well to remember thus before questioning my clarification.

Captain Zehnyu Shanshi
Is nye what I meant at all, Captain! I am truly sorry about dhis and I knew were delicate topic vhen I asked. I forgot about dhe Gorbe vhen I asked, to tell you dhe trut'...I have ne'er seen one in dhe flesh. Please pardon dhis ignorance.

Dhe Mzaa Bibi? Is dhis like dhe Great Dragon of Elvish Lore?
Apology accepted.

And travel to Moria; there are more of us there than any other continent I have seen, short of Icenia.

-Captain Zehnyu Shanshi

A word of advice.

There are some of your people I call a loyal friend; and there are others who have no control of their rage and go about threatening to eat people. Do well to remember thus and think of how you want others to see you.

zehnyu said:
A word to the Kin who read this.
There are some of your people I call a loyal friend; and there are others I would eat as a meal.
I could say the same of you and yoursss, Captain. But I quessstion not your clarification. Indeed, I sssecond it. I would not be lumped together with the water-logged. No offense meant.

May your body not be lost to the salted oceans,
Sharazad wa Shezan al Arith amat Mohim
of what you would call "the spider kin"
I agree with both Zhenyu and Sharazad. Though there are similarities between the animal analogs of both Gorbe and Kin, we are quite different.

Regarding "eating people", I know that on Synvia (an island in Icenia ruled by Kin), it is legal to kill and eat another in the wild. However, if brought to the law you must prove that you were really hungry and that there was no other means to acquire food.

May you always have water and shade,
Kalaji ibn Faruq Am-khaibitu Entil'zha
Warrior of the Rab Desert
Guardian of the Eternal City
Ambassador to the Kingdom of Arandin
And there are some, such as the Captain there, who remind me why I am content to wear the form I now do. Some Gorbe, it seems to me, often labor under mistaken assumptions regarding their place in the world.

Now, now, vhen it comes to eatink, it should be not zhe person you eat, but zhe meal served you eat.
Though no fightink here, and not so stingy, okay?
We had a qvestion posed about our ori-gens, and it poses a very good chance to let other people learn about your history. After all, zhere are so many boundries in our cul-tures today zhat it gets "soo" confuzink vhen you say somezhink an' suddenly you find yourself under at-tack because vhat you have done iz hostile in zhere cul-ture.
I for one, am very interested in hearink about zhe originz of zhose from other lands.

- Edgar (The Bat)
Those who know me best know I control my rage well when the time calls for it. Other times, my rage has saved us when it needed to; maintaining the balance is what is important. However, I harbor no patience for the stupidity I have seen in some of the kin. It is -those- that I threaten. In fact, I am happy to say I have fought alongside one of their people; a black snake kin, who is as intelligent if not moreso than some elves, or other deemed 'scholarly' races. However, I have also seen some of the kin be nothing short of their animal counterparts in their stupidity and lack of understanding what needs to be done. It is those that need to understand there is no place in the world for them.

And I am more than aware that stupidity happens in -every- race. Not just theirs. In time, life has a way of sorting those that should live shorter; and those who are meant to survive do so. But I thank you for your warning and will take it into account.

I would welcome meeting you; as part of your message and name, I would assume you are of similar living space as Kalaji; and knowing of those spider-kin, they are quite intelligent indeed.

Make no mistake; I never said I was better. And if you prefer an alternate form other than Gorbe, such is your place in the world. I know you not, therefore I make no assumptions.

Given what I believe is a gypsy started this thought, and would prefer to speak of our origins, let us return to it.

Captain Zehnyu Shanshi
Privateer to the Arandin Navy
Hi everybody,

I say this only 'cause it make' me crazy to hear over and over. Icenia am country, right? Tar'Navaria am continent it am located on, yes? Just want to clarify 'cause dis am one of those thing' you know, get messed up a lot. If there was popularity contest for country on Tar'Navaria, all other land' would weep and grovel at the shiny hand' of Icenia.

So, Rom who mind am never rest wish to know of how High Orc become so lofty? I cannot tell you. I can tell you this though, some am never truly ascend, and some are like me. Broke. I ain't like no other High Orc you will ever meet.

The true light at the end of this tunnel am that you cannot group any race together. There am some trait, like the Ansconi (or Mystic Wood Elf) loathing of command and slavery that these race' seem to be born with. There am other trait we learn. Every being am individual, and it am not the race of many land' culture you should try and learn, but the people you encounter. Learn from them in real life face to face, and keep these thought' to yourself. It am never so personal or enlightening to let your dream' wander so recklessly in a land of tricky faerie and other unseen foe. Know of this, travel the land, be warey, and ask your question' then.

Now rest, and let this fade away.

Well, well, well....
It has been quite some time since I have heard that voice, and I am more than glad it is alive and well.

Tetsu! Where in the world've you been? Its good to hear your voice!

Pfft..I have no reason, nor desire to tell anyone other than a select few about my origins, or background. I have enough problems to deal with as is.


Indeed those who know you best will read a deeper meaning into your words. My advice has nothing to do with your nature or actions but rather others' perception of the same. Those who know you best will read a deeper meaning into your words but those who have never met you will see your words only for the meaning they carry on the surface: A Gorbe threatening to kill and eat other citizen races for little provocation.

My advice was to think about what your words will mean to those who do not know you at all.

Given what I believe is a gypsy started this thought, and would prefer to speak of our origins, let us return to it.

Captain Zehnyu Shanshi
Privateer to the Arandin Navy

I mos' certainly am a Romani, Captain. T'anks for noticing. :D

Anyvay, you seem interested in dhe topic at hand, I would love to know, if you are willing to share, dhe origins of vhat you consider your people.

I am mos' certainly sorry for dhe troubles of ot'ers, but was hoping for a lighter discussion of legends and lore surrounding dhe races.

Fortune And Love Forget No One,

~Marcena Cenkraea "The Dove" Idumea DagonGaddi
My story is passed down by many; but it more intrigues me in all honesty that you've never met any others of my kind. Do they not exist in your world?

I have nye seen one in Valdanis nor Briarpass. I do know dhey exist for hearing dheir voices in dhe dreamrealm and people speaking of dhem and somet'ing about peppermint dhat dhey say I should know about. Ot'er dhan dhat, nye. Is dhe same wit' High Ogres except wit'out dhe peppermint t'ing.

Stories are my lifeblood. To ressurect someone wit'out telling dhem one is awful as is to live wit'out having some to tell. I love stories about dhe origins of entire peoples, especially dhose dhat I have rarely or ne'er encountered.
Well my people's story is a sad and tragic tale of strife and discord until the a Pankaren name Tamphan ZIll rose amongst our kind and taught us much. Otherwise we share very little with our distant animal folk. It's said that Pankarens and our kin took 2 seperate paths.

Tien Tien
I have heard your name 'afore, little o'er a year ago. I forget what dhey called your kind specifically...a pehn-dah type Pankaren, aye? You were spoken highly of, if it were you dhat were spoken of.

If it pains you nye, dhen you may send me dhis privately if you do nye wish to here. Only if it pains you nye. Dhere are some stories best left in dhe ground.