Eh. When it comes down to it, we just have to face facts. We have an uncool hobby. It isn't ever going to be mainstream, because it is a bit silly, when you look at it hard. Lots of fun for those who can relax and play without being self-conscious about their dignity, but it isn't something that I relish explaining to my co-workers, or that I would want to introduce to a new significant other unless she happened to be an incredible nerd like myself.
This is always going to be a limiting factor on the public perception of the hobby. Much like the mental image that goes with D&D, the shut-ins with their cheetohs and Mountain Dew in someone's Mom's basement, there's always going to be the perception that LARP is something vaguely unsavory that the weird kids do.
What it would take to change this? Production values can help. Renfaires are mainstream these days, after all, so the costuming aspect doesn't really raise eyebrows. Most people, however, are really thrown by trying to imagine the guy in the sweats and tabard with a bit of green makeup rubbed on an a couple pieces of plumbing supply as this :
It breaks their suspension of disbelief, and suddenly they're in the woods with a bunch of sweaty LARP kids trying to desperately say numbers faster, not fighting a pitched battle against invading orcs. Long-time players tend to be those who can keep that suspension despite all the faulty trappings, but looking silly is to most people like a cold bath to a cat. And there is nothing sillier than pretending to be scared of the rejects from a 3rd grade halloween party.
This is always going to be a limiting factor on the public perception of the hobby. Much like the mental image that goes with D&D, the shut-ins with their cheetohs and Mountain Dew in someone's Mom's basement, there's always going to be the perception that LARP is something vaguely unsavory that the weird kids do.
What it would take to change this? Production values can help. Renfaires are mainstream these days, after all, so the costuming aspect doesn't really raise eyebrows. Most people, however, are really thrown by trying to imagine the guy in the sweats and tabard with a bit of green makeup rubbed on an a couple pieces of plumbing supply as this :
It breaks their suspension of disbelief, and suddenly they're in the woods with a bunch of sweaty LARP kids trying to desperately say numbers faster, not fighting a pitched battle against invading orcs. Long-time players tend to be those who can keep that suspension despite all the faulty trappings, but looking silly is to most people like a cold bath to a cat. And there is nothing sillier than pretending to be scared of the rejects from a 3rd grade halloween party.