First and foremost: I had a great time.
My new char is vastly different from my old. It is a challenge to stay in her mindset. Certain people intentionally trying to make me break character is a pain in the ***... you know who you are.
Even though I am not 1st level, I am a new character. I have no coin, no friends, no investment in any plot line. I think being new and yet experienced gives me a unique perspective on New Player content and issues. Most of which I addressed with Corey at the event.
Food. New players start with 12 copper. Food is ridiculously expensive. Not being able to buy food is a very real problem. I intentionally took a new player with me on a 2 man mod Friday night with the goal of being able to afford breakfast (so sue me for meta gaming this). We made 1 silver each. I, not being truly new, had brought breakfast because I knew this would be a problem. He hadn't and of course I offered to share. Pyke worked out some kind of trade deal so he could eat (thank you). Regardless, this should not be a problem. I know our economy is severely out of whack when it comes to food (1 meal = 2000+ chickens?) so I proposed a different idea to Corey. Make it a point to run a special Friday night mod for any new characters. Make sure they get at least enough treasure to buy food. What the mod is doesn't even matter. It's a simple welcome to alliance mod. They get to use skills, ask questions, and eat breakfast.
Playtesting. I am testing out a build that couldn't have existed in the old version. Or trying to. I used 1 skill all weekend. There simply wasn't the opportunity to use anything else. It wasn't applicable. (I have a very defensive build and was never hit by anything that I could have used those defenses on). Since we only have 1 more playtest event, I would love to have an additional "note" on our IBGAs that is a request for a certain style of mod. ie: I want to test out my backattack skills, I want to test my defensive skills, etc. Hopefully plot will design encounters specific to these requests and invite those characters requesting it on the mod. Ironically, the one mod that would have tested my build, was the kin party tpk, that I had walked out of before it got ugly

I doubt my char being there would have made it a win, but she would have at least gotten to use a handful of skills.
Inclusiveness. There were at least 4 times I was told I couldn't go on a mod. The first was the rogue mod, and honestly, that was a good choice on their part and I have no quarrel with that denial (I am NOT sneaky). The other 3 were "super secret" mods that they didn't want to take everyone on. I get having secret things you take a small group on. I have no issue with that. However, on all 3 occasions, about 90% of the town went, leaving ~4 of us sitting in the tavern not doing anything. The 3rd time this happened, I went to plot to make sure they knew it was NOT a town mod, and people were sitting around bored. (Corey was aware of this one and had something for us, so THANK YOU COREY). I did address this in game with Soro as well. I'm just mentioning it here so everyone can be more aware of the situation. If you don't know about it, you can't fix it. Taking a small group is fine. People choosing to stay behind is fine. Telling the same few people over and over they can't participate (and not having any other option for them) sucks.
Wait times. Virtually everything I did was Corey's plot. Corey was also running a lot of the feast games. That man never stopped moving. Thank you for all you do. Rather than rant, I'll just give suggestions. I like the envelope idea mentioned above. I also think having someone (Bev maybe) be available for any quick talky style mods were be great. You want to purchase a scroll from x npc in y guild? Well they aren't available, but their assistant (Bev) can help you with that. Thank you move along. With that, I also propose a slight change to the white board. Instead of putting your name under a certain runner, just do a list. You name, goal/mod, potential runner. Each runner grabs the group highest on the list that they can run, even if it's not specifically theirs. Why? ie: At one point I wanted to purchase a map. I thought it was Corey's plot. Apparently the map maker is actually Chris. Chris is busy, he sent Joe. Joe had no idea what we were looking for, but did have something else, that we couldn't afford. It was 5 gold and the 2 of us combined (first event for both) had a combined worldly wealth of <2 gold. Short version: we waited hours to accomplish nothing. If we had random person that could have talked to us hours earlier, this failure wouldn't have stung nearly so much. I think another huge part of wait time is 100% on the pc side. There were a number of times people were signed up for multiple mods. They would go off on mod 1, then mod 2 would pop before they were back, but the group didn't want to go without them, so everyone waited, which also pushed back all other mods. As pcs I think we need to make it a point to not wait for every single person every single time. If the mod is ready? set some kind of time limit. You have 10 minutes to leave for the mod. If the other people aren't back yet? They miss out. I love that we don't want to leave an interested party out, but sometimes you have to choose. Either that, or only be on the board for one mod at a time. When you get back, put up another request, or join a group that is still waiting.
Everything jungle. I specifically did not want personal plot. I certainly did not anticipate things spiraling out of control so quickly. I'm vastly amused by how things have turned out so far. (And confused why Eragon is still alive).
Sunseeker pointing out who Eragon was Friday night. Sorry/not sorry I woke up the entire room.
Kin bonding. You guys are great. I loved our conversation. (Shortly after the retribution murderfest in the Jungle, the town ran off and left 4 kin sitting in the tavern...)
Winning the gauntlet. That wasn't supposed to happen. I am not nimble, and have a giant tail to hit.
Moral Compasses.
Getting yelled at. So, this may not seem like it would be a favorite, but it means I am playing my character right. I'm glad at least one of those people seemed to understand my side of it once they calmed down a bit.
Having Justice on my side. If I knew what Justice was, this would be even more amusing. (PS Ahlana hated and avoided Justice, so this is even funnier).
Accidentally being included in the resonance, and knowing things about who was there that no one else did.
I wish that I had known what the golden animals were. I saw a handful of them and didn't touch them because I presumed they were part of some mod I didn't know about.