April Event!

Rowen and Larien will be there!

I've been having at least 2-3 Alliance dreams a week... I'm sooo ready to get back into it!

Balls, soup sounds amazing! I'd be willing to help you if you like. Cold Nights+Hot Soup=Much Awesome.
I am considering going all out since it has been 2 years since I baked as Ciaarah... individual cherry and apple pies... plus cherry and apple turn overs... plus some yummy mini loaves of banana nut bread, spice bread, etc. I figure they could go really well with soup and would make a yummy lunch/brunch or late night sugar snack. Any interest? I don't want to spend a full day baking if no one will be interested.
Aven said:
I am considering going all out since it has been 2 years since I baked as Ciaarah... individual cherry and apple pies... plus cherry and apple turn overs... plus some yummy mini loaves of banana nut bread, spice bread, etc. I figure they could go really well with soup and would make a yummy lunch/brunch or late night sugar snack. Any interest? I don't want to spend a full day baking if no one will be interested.

i have no doubt that if you bake all of that and put it out in the tavern then it will all be gone by sunday, and of course id be willing to help with that lol. it sounds yummy, ty for the donate.

on other note: Leara and Mattock will be there :D
I love to bake and I love to see my baked goods go into the happy bellies of Alliance players. However, they aren't donations. This is how Ciaarah makes a living. However, she is a very fair baked goods merchant who doesn't mind trade vs. coins. She once got a personal dance from a gypsy for an apple turnover.

- J
Sym will be there!

2 Apples pies for me! = )

I have some wine to go with the pie in bringing! Woot!
Aven said:
I love to bake and I love to see my baked goods go into the happy bellies of Alliance players. However, they aren't donations. This is how Ciaarah makes a living. However, she is a very fair baked goods merchant who doesn't mind trade vs. coins. She once got a personal dance from a gypsy for an apple turnover.

- J

lol i well i kno Leara will be happy to finnally be able to trade goods with people in this town (also i bet of you made fudge brownies you would get a lot of attention/trade/money lol, just a sugestion)
I do make a mean brownie... I bake them like mini loaves so you get a lot of brownie without it going stale so fast. There is a great amount of preparation that goes into all this. It actually takes me 2-3 days to do everything. I make my own dough by hand, as well as some of the pie fillings. I will post something IG so that characters can make some pre-orders.

Aven said:
I will definitely be there... may be bringing back an old timer who happens to be an elf and bake individual 5" pies... any interest in pies?

I'll be playing a character who, unlike Kalaji, will actually eat pie! Huzzah! What flavors are there again?