Aven said:I am considering going all out since it has been 2 years since I baked as Ciaarah... individual cherry and apple pies... plus cherry and apple turn overs... plus some yummy mini loaves of banana nut bread, spice bread, etc. I figure they could go really well with soup and would make a yummy lunch/brunch or late night sugar snack. Any interest? I don't want to spend a full day baking if no one will be interested.
Aven said:I love to bake and I love to see my baked goods go into the happy bellies of Alliance players. However, they aren't donations. This is how Ciaarah makes a living. However, she is a very fair baked goods merchant who doesn't mind trade vs. coins. She once got a personal dance from a gypsy for an apple turnover.
- J
Aven said:I will definitely be there... may be bringing back an old timer who happens to be an elf and bake individual 5" pies... any interest in pies?