Ladies, gentlemen, and Dave,

I am pleased to inform you that preregistration for the April 23-25 SEASON OPENING EVENT in Chicago is NOW OPEN!

For preregistration now on, we need: MIs, build expenditures, high magic, and goblin stamp expenditures. You will circle your column on-site (don't forget a pen!).

Preregistered people will pay only $30 for the event. Those who do not preregister will pay $40 at the door.

New rulebooks will be available for $20. You can reserve one as a part of your preregistration.

Memberships will also be available for sale. For those attending in person, it is a part of your event fee. If you are planning on pay no playing or gobbying the event, it is $15 additional to renew. This also gives you a $15 discount on the first event you attend in person, if you make it out to Chicago.

You can prepay for the event via Paypal. There is a $2 surcharge for doing so, to offset the Paypal fees.

The email address for Paypal, as well as preregistration emails, is WaysideLogistics@gmail.com

NPCing in Chicago is ALWAYS FREE!

The preregistration deadline is April 21st at Midnight! If you prereg by April 10th, you will get a bonus 30 goblin stamps! Prepaying via PayPal by April 10th is also worth 30 goblin stamps!

The site address is:

3640 Scout Road
Kirkland, IL 60146

See you there!

Preregistered PCs (30)
Robert Sachs
Peter Blumenstein
David Glaeser
Levar Jackson (+ prepay)
Ryan B. (+ prepay)
Alexander Thompson
Maria Johnson
Andrew Cameron
Crystal Kastl (+ prepay)
Chris Hamilton
Brent Woodward
Emilynn Rhoades
Vince Lopez
Paige Hubbell
David Tengdin (+ prepay)
Seamus Costello
Mike Hirl
Ryan Zabawa
Carrie Smurr
Katie Fontaine
Jenn Sireno
Jesse Smith
Samantha Oestreicher
Stephen Stana
Jeff Rainville (+ prepay)
Victoria Pacillo
Matt Nottelmann
Ranee Johnson
James Moore

Preregistered NPCs (8)
Paul Foisy
Soren Haurberg
Thomas Macauley
Chris Carroll
Dawson Davis
Adam Peckron
Daphne Poineal
Kenny Fisher
What kind of time frame should I expect for this event- arrival & departure?
The preregs have begun!
WOOT PETE! YOU BETTER BE THERE....TONS OF GOLD FOR YOUR BACKRUB SKILLS SIR!....and are you rolling out your secondary this season? I know you had talked about it, just wasnt sure :)

I will toss you crazy cats my prereg after the one day event here in somn.

See you soon,
Only a few more days to take advantage of the free gobbies for preregistering early for Chicago!
If only I could get your extra gobbies by prepaying for you and getting paid back later. That would be nifty.

Question, do gobbies transfer or are they chapter specific? Example: If I get gobbies for my prereg in Chicago can I spend the them in MN? I'm still trying to figure out how this all works.
Gobbies are chapter specific. However, it is good to have gobs in multiple chapters, as you can use them to blanket events that you can't attend in person!
Yikes, looks like this is going to have a rough ratio of PC's to NPC's... o.0
pre-reg and pre-pay sent! 26 minutes before the extra goblin stamp bonus deadline. :D
Haha! David I think I got mine in 26 minutes after it was closed >.> but I had a good cover story...Al Gore was cleaning out some of the tubes and needed to shut down the internet for like 20 minutes...

dark_water said:
I'll be attending the event and NPCing for you fine folks.


We'd love to know who you are!
His name is Adam Peckron :) He has NPC'd down there before for you guys and has a card in your database...I think thats where it is :) He is also an NPC in SoMN for a lot of events.

Long story short, Adam Peckron is his name, and he forgot to tell you lol :D

See you at the event,
Yes Brent I will be there and yes I will do some massage work also. Be warned I have a kitty at my feet and she will fight for my attention a lot seeing that this is her first event. I am still trying to pick up some NPCs for us so we shall see what will happen.
Sounds great man :) Will be glad to see you and your kitty friend :) I was going to play a Sarr a while back so I am very excited to see one being made...I hope she is as bloodthirsty as I ever could be :D

On another note. Folks GET YOUR PREREG's IN! Help these guys out, there are a lot of people heading to the game from SoMN and some are not on the list. Preparing cards for the game is a lot of work and anything to make it easier should be done without hesitation, so take the 5 minutes and get them in! (if you would like a sample form there is one on the SoMN Website and one on these boards!)

I will be doing both pc and npc, so dont be suprized I am on the NPC list even when I told several I will be there as Bart.

Look forward to seeing you all coming up.
28 preregistered, with 26 hours till the deadline! How high will it go? Will we get more NPCs? Keep watching...
I'll be there (unless they bone me once again on working saturday last minute) but won't get off work till around 3am on sat morning so won't be there till dawn or so. In case anyone needs "he who has teh awseompants".
EricMarsters said:
28 preregistered, with 26 hours till the deadline! How high will it go? Will we get more NPCs? Keep watching...

:lol: This sounds like one of those television marathons. "We've got 22 more hours to hit our goal of 10 NPCs"