April weekend favorites

April fav's

Sorry! I'm a walking zombie right now..didnt leave harrisburg until about 10:30..got in around 4:30am, and got up at 8 for work..I didnt notice that this thread had already been started...could someone delete my other post please? )

I just want to say that, as muddy, nasty, and cold as it was, for a first time to HQ, it was an awesome event..Getting to hang out and play with the crew was well worth the 9 hour ride out there, and always will be :D

Some favorites that I can think of (bear with me, I got less than 3 hours sleep)


Mischief with Kit (Shakuu? Shakoo..er..I cant remember how to spell your name..sorry!)

Raining down destruction with alchemy the entire event..I hardly ever want to waste globes, but this weekend was the exception :D

The drama that came from the kobolds stealing Ivandrake's crown, at the same time werewolves were attacking the town..The wild goose chase with Walgar and co. was fun, but SO pissed Tsuku off IG ( I still can't believe that people thought I was upset OOG...I dunno if thats a good thing or a bad thing..lol..)

Birthdays! yay! Happy birthday sis!

Sarr plot...ALOT of it.. :D

Derailing Michelle's mod with the trolls by actually not fighting them..lol..

Alli and Michelle, it was great to get to see and RP with you two again, and can't wait to do it again..once again we parted ways without hugs..so expect extra ones next time! Muahaha!

Everyone else that I got to meet, and got to see again was awesome..hope y'all had as much fun as I did, and I'll catch you all at the next HQ event I can attend! Thank you Logistics for being patient with me as well, it was greatly appreciated :D and thank you for loaning me the polearm!

Take care everyone,

Duke Frost said:
Ezri said:
"Only bad note of the weekend: On my drive home, I managed to get a $166 speeding ticket. -MS"

Ouch. That's a little expensive. How fast were you going?? That's what you get for driving a black Firebird Mike ;)

It's because Burt Reynolds is his hero.

That explains a lot.
I would like to thank both the PCs and NPCs who showed up and played this weekend. I had an absolute blast and it wouldn’t have been possible without you all there.

Here are some of my favorites:

• Getting permission to write and run plot for the dark elves (thanks Michelle). It was a challenge—to write for such a dynamic race and do it well. I would like to thank Brian Bender, Michelle, Sheila Haswell, and Rebecca Watson who patiently let me bounce ideas off of them and incorporate their feedback into the arc. I especially would like to give a big call out and thank you to Rebecca who took my notes and incorporated them into that 68 page Naga Journal, as well as, the “Resident Frankenstein” module.
• Lana “the screamer”. OMG! Does she have a set of lungs on her! I came on site, not sure who could make two very important characters come to life and she stepped up to the plate to be my DE torture victim and my Naga Queen. She did an exceptional job for only having a few minutes to prepare. Thank you to the PCs for the patience as we were… “loading…”.
• Resident Frankenstein module crew: I had the best group of NPCs to take on the Dark Elves (Elissa, Kelsey, Henry, Jesse, and Sharon). Kelsey went head-to-head with the group of them and didn’t flinch. She is my hard core Alliance hero! By far the best fight I have ever witnessed was when Jesse’s racial Frankenstein led his undead minions against the DE team. It was amazing. Everyone was on their top form. I wasn’t sure what way it would go. It was a real pleasure to watch. Not sure if anyone else caught it… but I nearly died laughing when I saw Jesse’s ogre arm start hitting his undead form and him yell, “stop it”.
• All things dark elves: Scott, Dee, Ted, Steve, Justin and Mike – you guys made my ideas come to life. It was awesome seeing how you interacted with the plot and the way you figured things out. I especially loved the philosophical conversation on Sunday regarding “peace.” Thank you for PCing and giving me a great group to write for. I can’t wait for the next DE event.
• Activate Nerds/Geeks: For those of you who saw the 68 page book written in the Naga language and dove into translating it, I applaud you. My nerd/geek’ness loves that type of stuff and I was glad to see that there are others who enjoy the same thing. To Tonya, Perry and Steve who actually can read that language now—you guys are crazy cool!
• Late night silliness at the hotel. It was great to see so many players all staying in the same place. It was almost like sharing a cabin with multiple rooms.

Thanks again to everyone! I look forward to seeing you all in May, this time on the PC side.

I had a very good time this weekend.

Getting in on other race's plot is always alot of fun for me in and out of game. The Dark Elf Mod that the Blythedale cort also went on. The "rooms" were really cool and I really let myself get pulled into it . In there i also Learned alot about backpacking a much more powerful person in game as Walgar tryed to help Findar by throwing spells at him and hurting more then helping. My frist Earth storm went so well that im took 2 the next day. The Spider webs were a really cool looking and the storys told on the walls made that mod one of my top 3 mods ever.

Backpacking backpacking backpacking. Its So much fun pushing fighters into 5 nps and crushing them. The other Pcs putting there full faith in there earth caster makes a med forge kinda cool. At one point in the troll wave battle i was backpacking 4 fighters (The Blythedale cort mostly ). But i still cant wait till my arm is better.

The Frist mod of the event with me and Tom. That NPc is my hero, im so sorry that i dont know your name. But he did a great job. The IG feeling of meeting something so powerful head on with just two Vansir and killing it befor it could get to walgar's tribe. It was the frist Great thing Walgar has done since getting his new name. Tom was the the perfect Warchife the whole time, talking to Walgar befor the battle, and not missing a beat in using the item to stop the beast from rifting away. And the cool Rp after the beast fell. I Really liked How our fine plot crew tied my med forge into that plot was really cool. Thank you all very much. :)

The healers guild was so much fun, The sturn looks on the faces that have known Walgar since he frist came off the reclame. There worries clearly writen on there faces. Walgar stood in the middle of at least 8 members of the guild and was asked alot of hard questions. And many times Walgar simple way of seeing things just was not cutting it for them.
Agen Thank you for all the great Rp guys :)

Blythedale cort, I love you guys. The Rp in the Black stag was great. Storys about where we are from and why we are what we are now. Getting to tell another story form the Vansir race pack was fun. Westwind story's about his name and what he was doing befor coming back to the gathers gave me a sence of a very real and deep world that we have all made in this game.

Ivan/Eric you are a great player, it must take alot to play that kinda of Pc and never break for one sec. Not useing the item Walgar just gave Ivan because he would have forgot that he had it. Then getting picked on for about a hour non stop and make it fun for everyone.

Tim Gailey

ill post alot more later
Most of my favorite moments are not for surface dweller consumption. However, here are the ones that can be shared.

Ilana as the naga queen. Great job roleplaying.


A berserk packet whizzing so close to my ear that I heard it.

Tedd's Robin to my Batman and his crazy, headlong rushes.

Mike Zapp and his roller coaster ride of going from "great job" to "why the hell did you do that" and back again...and again...and again.

Justin's roleplaying and sheer presence as our dark elf mage.

Steve Crowe as our ever faithful Marrek and resident naga translator.

Dee for her kick *** fighting, on the spot healing and just making all things dark elf look good.

Charging into the naga cave and riposting an arrow eviscerate back at the archer and killing him, while calling resists and cloaks and spell shields and trying to fight.

"I'm not doing this to save you, I'm doing this to show off."

All the hard core NPCs.

Hanging with our perma-marshall, Jesse Hennesy.

Seeing Kelsey at the front of every battle swinging and casting away.

Mocking the entire surface world.

Teaching the earth elementals not to get between a dark elf and his bed.

All the NPCs and plot crew were awesome.

Farmer Find'rth and the big, orange tractor. Nuff said.

Watching Marrek undergo the vision ritual. Who'd have thunk Jessica Brown could scare a big bad dark elf that much.

The torture chamber mod, the undead experiment camp and the naga queen mod all rocked hardcore.

Worst Moments:

Rushing into the cave the first time and no one following and thus feeling like the big, bad NPC of the weekend and taking about 30 packets.

Having to take away the scholar's fun because the book they were translating contained dark elf secrets. I am so sorry OOG for that guys, but it had to be done IG. Hopefully the wine and gold at least made it up to you a little bit.

Okay, now that I'm more coherent for an actual favs list, here's some awesome sauce from the dark side:

- Thank you for making my opener to the Alliance season rock. I've never NPC'd HQ before, but after PCing an event and loving it, I figured I would enjoy NPCing just as much -- and I have a bunch of people to thank for it. Mike, Henry, Bill, Jesse, Brian -- thanks for making NPCing awesome as usual. And Jess, thank you for letting me in to NPC some of this awesome dark elf plot. I really loved it. HQ, I will come and dark side for you any day.

- Sunday crunchies with Bill, Henry, and Brian down by the river. Probably the most enjoyable fight I had all weekend -- and the most amusing too. I look forward to swinging pipe with you guys again.

- Several discussions of getting Sevaria to wear a Duchal tabard. Good luck, guys. You're going to need to spirit link that thing. :D

- Knowing I've reached an NPCing turning point when I realize I'm taking on several competent PCs by myself and saying: "YEAH, LET'S GO!" Also learning that I can cry on cue. First time for everything!

- Sharing war stories in NPC camp during downtime. It was awesome hearing from people I hadn't met before and people who I haven't seen in years.

- Really clean combat all around -- which is always awesome, especially considering the swamp-like conditions. My poor boots.

- Holy crap, new NPCs. Please NPC again. You guys were hardcore and awesome sauce.

- Mike at Monster Desk for tolerating one tiny girl who just wants to go out there and kick some ***.

All this has really made me look forward to coming back to PC at some point. But for now, it's back to Caldaria for some butt kicking. :D

P.S.: Toddo, can you PM me your email address?
I didn't spend a whole lot of time outside of NPC camp this weekend - but I had such an awesome time. I was going to PC this season but I guess I just wanted to get back to my "roots." Hanging out in NPC camp and laughing and having a good time. So my favorite moments:

Two moments of silence for a lost hero. The first solidified my desire to play the game and go out and give people a good time, the second gave me time to consider the weekend and feel like I had. Take the time to make a new friend. Yeah, I did that. *nods*

Old friends, new friends, hugs and snuggles. Seriously, I may finally be getting over this "personal space" thing. Maybe. Having so many friends who give such great hugs helps.

As has been said by just about all the NPCs involved - CRUNCH time down by the river. And the screaming MWE.. damn, girl. I just kept walking, you were so into it I didn't want to mess up the RP.. hehe.

The goblin fight - those goblins were sooo funny! Seriously, I drag a bunch of low level folks out into a field to recapture my lost "hair loom!" and the goblins nearly trounced us. So much fun, such a great fight, I was trying so hard not to laugh! "goblin lighting!!!" Knuckleheads! : )

Kuh's... NEO-Kuh's.. eating dinner with the Kuh's.. and feeling like an honorary Kuh. Thank you. : )

Singing and guitar playing in NPC camp. Oh, and dancing, and goofing off. So many talented people. So much more talented than I. But, meh! I've only been playing a year. I'll catch up some day. : )

The snippet of Kelsey's gypsy role - I only got to see a moment but damn, you got it goin' on with that RP madness.

All the amazing costuming - I am afraid to leave anyone out.. Ted, Scott, Dee, Justin, Amelia, Dan, Missy, Sarr-Dan, Girl-Sarr-who-I-don't-know, Fuzzy, Saria(?), Ivan (awesome shirt, man), Michelle's NPCs, Sharon, just wow.. so much good costuming all around.

I really want to thank everyone that I got to see this weekend. I hope to see most of you next weekend in Caldaria!

Henry the Mad
Yo, my legs still hurt, my face still burns and the cuts on my arms and legs just finished scabbing over, but this event was one of the best I've been to in the past two years.

Hanging out in NPC camp was beyond fun, it was sublime. Meeting new people and getting to know friends even better was the name of the game. I never before realized that knowing a few chords on a guitar and having a bad impersonation of Walken can lead to such a good time.

Michelle, Brian, Mike S., Jess B., Henry and everyone else in NPC gave it their all and reminded me why I love this game so much.

Getting a chance to help run things in NPC camp made me feel useful and responsible. The late saturday night Tweed Vest Society mod still makes me laugh, and its later sequal on saturday was even better. I play a farmer who is chased off of his farm by werewolves runs into the tavern asking for adventurers to help him rescue his dog from bandits. Apparently, I ran into the tavern only minutes after Ragnar boasted that no farmer would be outside at 3 in the morning. I get Ragnar, Khaddijah (sorry on spelling), Walgar, and Theromosis to come along. They deal with the Tweed Vest society, a band of thugs based on dressin sharp and stealin house pets.
"Want to see my vest, boy?"
and from a pc, "You guys can swing eviscerate, and you're stealing pets!?"

The next day, the same farmer runs into town because the bandits rezzed and stole his kitty cat. He manages to catch walgar just as he is settling down for a nap. His response..."I...HATE...EVERYTHING!"
They dispatch the bandits again and save the cat. Not bad for an on the spot mod to entertain pcs.

The tour guide and the nobles. We made up so many BS stories to tell some traveling nobles that nearby PCs could only shake their heads in disbeleif. "This very spot is where THE Baron Ivan Drake wrestled a Dominion gryphon to the ground with his bare hands, climbed on top of it, rode it for eight seconds, then was flung into the river where he came up for air holding the largest fish ever caught in Fairdale in his bare hands!" Thanks to Scott Turner for that gem!

Dinner saturday night with a whole group of friends was fun even in the mishap of the journey! We found a pizza place eventually.

The giant spider costume was awesome, even if it was two spelled into oblivion. Props to Ali for it. Masterwork stuff.

The fighting was really clean and the verbals I was hearing were clear and correct.

There's a ton more, but it'll take my addled mind a little rest to recall it all.

Thanks again everyone, and I'll see everybody in May,
Collin/ Laguna
The tour guide and the nobles. We made up so many BS stories to tell some traveling nobles that nearby PCs could only shake their heads in disbeleif. "This very spot is where THE Baron Ivan Drake wrestled a Dominion gryphon to the ground with his bare hands, climbed on top of it, rode it for eight seconds, then was flung into the river where he came up for air holding the largest fish ever caught in Fairdale in his bare hands!" Thanks to Scott Turner for that gem!

Ha ha ha ha! Now THAT is my Baron. I KNEW IT! He is hiding his super powers behind that humble chaste facade. I can't wait to hear that story as Aven.

<<< "This very spot is where THE Baron Ivan Drake wrestled a Dominion gryphon to the ground with his bare hands, climbed on top of it, rode it for eight seconds, then was flung into the river where he came up for air holding the largest fish ever caught in Fairdale in his bare hands!" >>>


I never even heard about these tour guides. This makes me wonder what else I am missing at events.....

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
<<< "This very spot is where THE Baron Ivan Drake wrestled a Dominion gryphon to the ground with his bare hands, climbed on top of it, rode it for eight seconds, then was flung into the river where he came up for air holding the largest fish ever caught in Fairdale in his bare hands!" >>>


I never even heard about these tour guides. This makes me wonder what else I am missing at events.....

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Your crown. : P

Great opener! My head is still spinning from everything that went on. Or maybe it's lack of sleep and make-up related blood poisoning.

UNPAGED! So good! I thought I was doing good preventing page rage, but in the end I just had to give in and killing blow anything on the ground with my bare hands! Muhahahaha!

Roleplay with Symerille/Berilious. Awesome character(s)! Figuring them/him out kept Ren on her toes all weekend. Still haven't accomplished it. Her efforts to convince Symerille not to blow himself up were fruitless. Seeing a stone elf walk into a wave battle with armfuls of explosives... we could see where it was going. Thanks, Symerille, for saving our asses.

Roleplay with Ulthoc, Telokh, and Gwendara. (which will not be discussed here)

Walgar temporarily joining Club Scholar and the IG waves it created. Sorry that you have to semi-page, Tim, but your character does make an interesting healer!

Being called into a corner of the tavern by two very surly-looking dark elves friday night (and staying in one piece). Ren had been helping to translate the Naga document, so I was bracing myself for a storm. I felt like I was in The Sopranos.

All weekend Gloriana told Ren that they "had to talk". I was starting to worry that I had done something wrong. When at last she had me cornered, she very seriously requested a hug from my very confused stone elf character.

The logical mind of Baron Ivan Drake. Sorry for deflating your argument there, Eric. I think Ivan should be race-changed into a stone elf. Hey, at least he wouldn't have to worry about the whole "chastity" thing so much.

Watching people's reactions to the vaccination against lycanthropy.
"What? Is that a needle?!"
"What is THAT?!"
"Hold on, you can have your limbs torn off in battle but you blubber over a little needle prick?"

Diplomacy that didn't get very far with Naga who wanted to enslave Thermosis.
Naga: "We have come for him."
Ren: "Why not ask him if he wishes to go with you? Thermosis?"
(Thermosis gives Naga the finger)
"I believe you have your answer."

I spontaneously combust one, I spontaneously combust two, I spontaneously combust three! Fun with fire elementals!

Nerd power! Helping to translate the Big Book of Naga was awesome, though I didn't do too much of it. The Dark Elf plot was great, and so were the DE players! Kudos, guys. Findr'th riding around on the tractor... priceless.


to the tune of Dennis Moore:

tromping through the night
always a clean fight
Could not be stopped by mud
Though it came up to their knees,
Ezri said:
"Only bad note of the weekend: On my drive home, I managed to get a $166 speeding ticket. -MS"

Ouch. That's a little expensive. How fast were you going?? That's what you get for driving a black Firebird Mike ;)

According to the police officer, 59 in a 35 zone. According to my speedometer, 70 in a 35 zone. I didn't argue.

Ren Suzume said:
Diplomacy that didn't get very far with Naga who wanted to enslave Thermosis.
Naga: "We have come for him."
Ren: "Why not ask him if he wishes to go with you? Thermosis?"
(Thermosis gives Naga the finger)
"I believe you have your answer."

Hah! Nice. Dark Elves FTW!
Sym of Moria said:
AKA- Sym/Berillious the other white meat
It was decided that Stone Elves are indeed THE white meat and that biata are the OTHER white meat. We should have t-shirts made.
Ren Suzume said:
Sym of Moria said:
AKA- Sym/Berillious the other white meat
It was decided that Stone Elves are indeed THE white meat and that biata are the OTHER white meat. We should have t-shirts made.

The Few, The Proud, The Stone Elves!!!!
When Uthoc came looking for Walgar and rolled me. And the Fight that broke out after. The one leg Butt kicking contest then the mud fight Tom kicked a boot full of mud into my open mouth at one point. It had to be funny to see that happen.

Wow. Ok I think I finally have the time and coherency to write some fav's!

Prior to the squires meeting Gwen hadn't met Shya but had been told a lot about her by Ulthoc. I was a bit intimidated of her at first, but when I went to sit down at the table and Ivan said "Are you joining us for the meeting Gwendara?" and Shya quickly looked to me and said, "OHH! you're Gwendara." All was right in the world. The meeting itself was great, I loved talking with Shya and Darkan afterwards about things that we viewed as concrete and unforgivable wrongs, and where we felt there were grey areas of the code. Talking to Baron Ivan afterwards was also great. Not to mention he asked me if I wished to become a squire... *gulp* Glori will kill me if I join any court other than Norden! She threatened to gypsy curse me to hate any colors other than black an gold to the point that I would take them off and burn them! So...if I join a court it's either a Nordenn Gwendara or a naked Gwendara. LOL

The mod after the meeting where Glorianna chose Darkan (caster), Shya (caster though arguably a fighter when in "battle Shya" mode), Osrick, Walgar (caster), and myself to go help the Dwarven miner. As we're walking up the hill Shya looks at all of us and says "Ok, who's our fighter?" To which Darkan responds, "You." She snorts and I get the sinking feeling that I'm the biggest fighter as a 2H scout. This is confirmed when Shya asks me to hit her shield as hard as I can. Oh goodie, time to front line with a 2h sword! All in all, it turned out well. That curve on my two-hander really helps me block. Alot.

Excellent character roleplay with Tom. Deciding that after our characters' difficult winter (personal reasons FOIG!) we shouldn't deal with "issues" on our own and that we need to share our burdens. Funnily enough, that turned out to have some potentially terrible consequences after Saturday night's session with Ulthoc, Ren, Telokh, and myself.

Realizing that a celestial mark was now in my head that feeds off of pain, anger, and frustration. Then having the dawning realization that d'uh celestial magic causes me pain, which it feeds on becoming more powerful, causing more pain...and thinking oh crap...I've really fooked myself! The look on Ally's face when I went to ask her about this only confirmed my "fooked" diagnosis.

Getting completely smashed out of my mind when Zat decided that me being drunk and incapacitated was the best way to deal with this "mind mark" until I could get help. Fighting was right out! After three shots of blood wine Gwen was sooo not seeing straight. Darkan got to try a VERY little bit and promptly got trashed for 10 seconds and then went comatose for an hour. That'll learn him!

Having Sryiah come into the guild, while being trashed, and both of us deciding that it was a good idea to pick up Darkan's comatose body to take him to "visit" Baron Ivan. I was barely able to stand, let alone carry Darkan. After activating an endow we were both ready to leave the circle for mischief! Zat would have none of that as we pleaded to be recognized out of the circle. After we realized Glorianna, the only other invested member, had left we figured our plan was ruined! Kelsey's biata wandered by the circle at that time and mentioned that Zat could be bribed. Sryiah first offered one gold, then two, then her entire inventory of potions. Apparently...not good enough. :)

Being backpacked my Walgar once or twice, and going caster killing.

Late night hilarity in the Healer's Guild. Of course it was much funnier in person and at the time but I had everyone in tears at a couple points. We decided to run sheets over the guild as a ceiling to help trap in the heat. I said,

"Man, I wish I'd have thought of that last night when I was freezing on the floor. Instead I looked at the heater by my feet, then my bundled body, then the top of the vaulted ceiling to the barn, SOOO far over head. I kept thinking...there's something here I should be piecing together, I know it. Instead it was almost like I could watch the heat escaping to the ceiling, smiling down at me and saying, 'What's the weather like down there in cold, stupid-ville population: one.' "

The spine re-alignment. Thank you TOM!

The RP with Natalia. Our characters are really starting to get a bond. Love it!

The good times, the hard times, and my character's inner turmoil. I love this game and all the people that make it so excellent.

I'm sure there is more; I may post again later.

And as always: THANK YOU NPCS for coming and playing in the mud-bowl with us! Your dedication was fantastic.