I am not going to go into word choice, grammar and the like. There are people much better at it than I am. I will speak on general "look" and aesthetics of what was expected and what has been released...
I am overall disappointed by how many pictures are simply recycled from the fist book. I am told many of those pictures are from a Nero era and generally feel that Alliance should be squarely capable of moving on and showcasing its own flair by this point in its continuing development. Not to mention a dis service to all of the dedicated new Alliance players, and equally so the old Nero players. While those pictures can be pretty amazing; they don't really "represent" alliance - they "represent" Nero and this is a prime opportunity to showcase our own pictures and our events.
I saw a post somewhere that the overall format of the book was going to be altered with regards to text/pictures/tables and that the book would be overall "easier" to read. I couldn't really tell the difference in the two book's formats, and don't really think that the 2.0 Beta book has a different layout/formatting at all.
As it concerns pictures.
* There are numerous pictures showcasing the same or similar actions. This repeditive nature of photos is largely unnessecary and could instead be used as page space for different photos which represent a different topic.
* There are numerous pictures "in-line" with a topic which have nothing to do with their "in-line" content. Which creates a "fan service" for those players, which while nice - has nothing to do with the topic being discussed in text. Which is a photo opportunity which could be used for something more accurately relevant to the in-line text. Granted, not every topic will have an available photo. Which is fine, simply don't use a photo in that location. Safe the space in the layout to redistribute that image to another location where the photo can be less tied to the in-line text. Especially for text regarding variations where multiple photos showcases that variation. Such as Wylder Kin, Dark Elves, Formal Ritual.
* Each section has different "flow" to its formatting, and some sections the formatting is different from item to item. This should be brought to a uniform. This is especially true in the Races. They should have their makeup requirement, advantage and drawback follow the same flow and same formatting for each race. Each Race should have a picture which showcases their expected appearance. Wylder Kin & Dark Elf, should have several pictures which showcase their variety.
I agree that the Selunari photo, the Gem looks very small and perhaps out of standard. I also think that likely because of the angle+distance. The player appears a fine choice for the photo - and I would hazard has other photos which more clearly accentuate both the Selunari appearance, and costume requirement.
There was a re-post regarding photo quality/format. Having now seen the beta book - it is a very noticeable problem. I really wish the quality/format was addressed in the request for photo submissions. As a lot of these pictures are good, and it would be a shame not to use them. But overall the book "should" have a professional Quality and some of the picture format/quality detracts from that overall professional book "feel"
On a personal, As a Dark Elf player, I feel a little lack luster with the Dark Elf photo included. I feel like the player's appearance most likely simply not photograph well, and that more than likely they look great in person. But the Angle+lighting blend their makeup and hair to the same color as their skin. if it wasn't for the black "sunken" appearance for the cheeks the character could (from this photo) be just as easily a Stone Elf. As has been impressed upon me by my Racial Martials; there should never be a question as to who your race is and should be able to be determined at a glance, from a distance. To which I take, (a) my marshals could just be more "strict" &/or (b) Light, shadow, & angles which have the possibility to confuse your race, and should be corrected - not included as "the example". An equal possibility is that the photo is simply low resolution, which goes to my initial point that the player likely looks great in person. Additionally as a Race which has 3 specific color make up requirements, there should be a minimum of 3 photos which showcase each of them.