arcane armor 4 sale

Do you have a base price you're looking for?

What item is it currently cast upon? I am extremely interested in de item depending on de answer.


What school is it? I'm guessing that it's celestial, cause it's stone. I'm no expert in magics though.

~ Vry

A stone is a measure of the size and strength of a suit of armor commonly used by adventurers. One stone is about equal to one dagger blow. Therefore a 20 stone suit of armor should, in theory, offer protection to about 20 dagger blows before it requires refitting. It goes the same for Arcane Armor, so the amount of stones has nothing to do with the aspect of the item. It is good to ask tho, as the aspect will affect if you want it or not.

Amaranthus Landcharmer
Keep in mind that the longer the delay, the less the item becomes worth.
Some of us have a lich breathing down our necks. And a dragon. Actually, it might be a dracolich, which would really just consolidate all of my problems, if true. In either case, there's not very much literal breathing going on.

What I mean is that the item is worth something to me for the next few weeks, then potentially almost nothing, depending on whether or not myself, a Destroy Magic scroll, and a particular possibly-scaly lich's bottle all happen to be in the same place at the same time at the end of those weeks. Some of us are adventurers first, merchants second.
~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi
Sorcerer of the Split Sky
Your point is taken, however you have yet to even make an offer for me to look at, let alone accept or decline.

And for the record, some of us are soldiers first before adventurer and merchant..., As a soldier we have our own share of enemies 'breathing down our necks" as well as the necks of people sworn to protect, so as a soldier first, soldiers duties come before contiplating offers and "haggling". If the item lose's value because selling it is not my immediate concern or priority then i care not.

Good luck with your lich or hordes of dragons, Sorry for the confusion you think me a merchant.

-Lieutenant Ithica Polynikes
-Legion E

I didn't know that. I just figured there were 20 stones on it or something, which made no sense. Thank you for clearing that up.

~ Vry
This man would EASILY be the most frightening merchant I have ever seen.

One Shield; Meaningless Without ALL Others,
Ithica said:
Your point is taken, however you have yet to even make an offer for me to look at, let alone accept or decline.
I think you are mistaken or misinformed, perhaps you should scold your courier. I sent you an inquiry less then 24 hours after your initial missive, about the form of payment you desired and a price I was willing to start negotiating at. It is entirely possible that I made the first offer. Your lack of response to my questions prompted me to bring my further business with you here, where you were responding. I have sent my original message again.
No sir it is you who are mistaken....This is not an auction, or a negotiating, bidding, or haggling transaction.

I stated "I am fetching offers"

"I'll buy it.
Do you want coin, items, or magic?
I have less of the latter, but more of the first two."

Is not an "offer". So i will repeat myself one more time, you have yet to make an offer. All letters with anything remotely close to "what do you want for it", or " whats the highest bid" have been immediately thrown away. Feel fortunate i took an extra moment to look at your second letter long enough to quote your opening words and point out why you are not getting very far with me.

Now you have called me a scavenger, misinformed, claim me to show a lack of response, it would seem if i felt this way about someone i would retract any trade attempts. Cause from my end frankly your words are beginning to bother me.

However since you are having a tough time understanding this (and you are the only one just so you know, as all others have merely followed simple request and sent offers in coin, production, items)....

Again in the most simplest terms possible.

"I do not know the value, so i am gathering offers until they stop rolling in, and will make a decision whenever i feel like it"

-Lt. Ithica
Best of luck with this Ithica, very clear and straightforward explanation, make offers unto the man until he chooses one. :)

May the stars shine on your paths,
-Mage Eldarion
Ithica said:
No sir it is you who are mistaken....This (...a quote..) Is not an "offer".
That is true, that was the inquiry. You no doubt noticed, having such 'clever' editing skills, that the very next sentence in that missive is, in fact, an initial offer of twenty gold, with a clause to reflect your needs, should you not desire coin. I find it best to offer someone something that they want or need, and as such you will notice that I simply asked you what you want, not what you wanted for the item. I have hundreds of gold, but if you do as well, what need have you of more? I could offer you dozens of gas globes, but if you are not an alchemist, what need have you of those? (That of course is just an example, I know that you are not an alchemist, to learn the way of plants you must first have the ability to read.)

You can go about repeating yourself all you like, many people find that verbalizing an idea helps them to learn it, so I understand. You are new to mercantile pursuits, as you have claimed, and it takes a little while to learn the finer points. "Taking offers" implies reading those offers. I know tutors in many lands, if you would like, I will pay for those services and include them in my bid.

My interest in this item is not strongly dependent on the seller. You could be an unresponsive, misinformed, scavenger, and I would still attempt trade (though if you look, you will notice that I did not call you a scavenger, quite the contrary). Regardless, there are many scavengers, goblins, elves, and other sorts that I do business with.
You see, sometimes trade is like a metaphor for battle. One side's offer of coin could prevail over the other side's desire to keep their goods, and something may be exchanged (usually coin for goods). This is how a merchant trades with another merchant.
Sometimes a battle is like a metaphor for trade. One side's spells and blades could prevail over the other side's, and something may be exchanged (usually spells for goods). This is how adventurers trade with things like undead and trolls.
Since you insist that battle you verbally, I am, but you will eventually learn that there are better ways. Unlike an undead or golem, I do not know what is most effective for me to use in this exchange. Two merchants would exchange this information out of shared necessity and respect. I doubt you will ever cross an undead who will proclaim "Ha ha, you must have a magic sword if you wish to best me." I offered you two paths, and you chose the wrong one, but you are learning these things now. I include this lesson, free of charge.

~Kerjal Obcidian Laetshi
I did not think it possible but these words bore me even more then your previous, i got 2 moments into your ramblings and decided to make this easy for you...

Whatever your offer is, consider it not good enough, it is "declined". Do you understand "declined"?

Instead of just making an offer you have to add some sort of ramblings, and words as if you partake in some sort of dream realm battle of wits.

I mean really are you that incompetent that you cannot comply with "make an offer"? Is simplicity not a strong point?

Never the less do to your trading ideas, lectures, ramblings, and 'lessons' you have lost the opportunity to earn this item. Frankly you do not deserve it.

You see for someone claiming to be such an advent teacher and seasonal trader/negotiator. YOU FAIL this day, your efforts have left you without the item you seek. So i guess you actions can be categorized in the section "what not to do when attempting to trade for something.

Next time try to be more tactful, polite, patient, and all around less annoying.

Now I'm sure this situation is not simple enough for you to walk away from and forget about. I'm sure you must continue with some long, mellow dramatic, rebuttal, from the comfort of the dream realm as it gives many people "bravery" and some sense of accomplishment no doupt. But had you the stones to travel through the myst and speak to me face to face I'd gladly give you a "free" lesson in manners.

Again your offer is no good, any offer you make is no good.
