Awesome Job!

I just got home after a long drive and cleared up all the gunk and I am STILL psyched about this event! I had a blast, the NPCs Awesome job, the PCs you guys make this fun.

I'll post some favorites later but wanted to thank all of you for making it worth the 8 hr drive.

Hi All.
That was one fantastic event.
I had a ton of fun i just wish i didn't have to leave early.
But i still had a lot of fun.
Good to see you all again, and good to see so many new players.
Just wanted to chip in a hearty me too. (Fantastic job NPC & Staff!!!) Seems the spell of clumsiness on me still hasn't worn off yet - I smushed my finger in the door while unloading, adding insult along with me twisting my ankle in my epic face plant in that pit trap (or whatever the heck it was that got me) and later re-injuring it... :oops:

Despite all that, I'm looking forward to the next event!
Indeed, thank you all (especially our NPCs and Staff) for making this event come true! I had the opportunity to get in-game angry a lot, and that's the sign of other people doing some good roleplaying! (Stupid kobold rights, grumble, grumble...) Here are just some of my favorites, in no particular order:

1. "Will you gaze into the Mirror of Prophecy?"
2. Early morning madness with Tran (Hey Brent, that spelling right?) and Mayor Teacup (it was Teacup, right? As soon as I got home, I couldn't for the life of me if that was his name).
3. Paul in general. You made my event, buddy (and as always, topped it off with Old Man River ;) ).
4. The town meeting. Not because it was enjoyable, but because it was a purely in-game sequence by everyone, and the resulting roleplay was great.
5. Giving the Lantern back. McGregor: "Well, here's the Lantern." Chris' Undead: "Thanks." (Just walks away) Me: Wait, that was it?"
6. Fern after being hit with the Node effect: "Woah! Everything's so different and wrong! Up is down, down is up, right is left, left is right, and Gandian's not racist!" :lol:
7. The Stone Elf (I know his name, but I'm not going to even attempt spelling it without his help) and all that he did.

...And there was definitely more. Once again, thanks all!
That was indeed a phenomenal event! I had a blast! :D
I was so happy to finally attain the goal I'd established after the February fight practice (involving a mod where I was the last one standing, which was amazing) of dealing sixes from behind. I don't think I've ever been as active (or as lethal) as I was in that town fight against the corrupt on Saturday. It was absolutely thrilling!

Here are some of my other favorites:
- Sneaking around that cabin at the site of the obelisk and trying to take down corrupt from behind, by myself. I nearly killed myself doing it, but it felt really cool when I was on the ground and started hearing things like, "She's down!" and, "Move the line forward!" and several attempts to get me back on my feet were made. Talitha finally seemed like a valuable character.
- Competition between myself and some wary NPCs
- Being named the Stone Elf's (whose name I, too, will not attempt to spell) "favorite Gypsy"
- I have to agree with Alexander on this one, as well: Paul in general. Fighting and RPing with him was a lot of fun! I learned a lot, too.
- Using one of McGregor's funky, curved short swords for a good chunk of the event (I love that sword, Ryan!)
- Gorka's watercoloring :)

And then, of course, there's:
- Hiding 20-some copper all over Gandian while he was under the effects of the "Mirror of Prophecy" and the rest of the craziness that was going on around that time.

Overall, this was probably my favorite event of the six I've been to so far.
Great game, everyone!
I just want to say, thank you NPCs. The combat was always intense and even when I was resurrected I was having a blast. Seriously Dave, if you need a plot hook, I'm there for you. ;)

PCs, the corrupt mod was so much fun. We really held together and made it through thanks to EVERYONE.

Best moments for me:
-Telling Page that I'm having a blast and her not believing me.
-Getting kidnapped by spiders and, on the OOG walk to the mode, telling the rest of Harbors Far that, "They'll find out."
-Sparing matches in-front of the tavern.
-Setting up a bandit ambush, and being ambushed ourselves by undead.
I thought it was a lot of fun. There was some cool RP happening, that's for sure.

Favorite Moments:
-Having the tree things carry my dying body over to the undead tree only to turn around and toss my body back towards the party later
-Getting lifed (Thank you Ainye!)
-Fern Woods mackin' on Alyce
-Negotiating with Gabriel, I didn't even think I'd need to
-Feeling more effective than usual in the battle against the corrupt
-Seeing the kobold situation resolved- thank the sky!
-Breakfast, breakfast is quite possibly my fav meal at larp. You have no idea how good it tastes!
-Just -barely- managing to waylay the escaped bandit in time and getting to use the Biata to read minds afterward
-Learning a butt-ton of new skills. I is happeh. ^_^

BIG thank you to all of the npc's and new players! Keep up the good work guys!
Talitha Vashti said:
And then, of course, there's:
- Hiding 20-some copper all over Gandian while he was under the effects of the "Mirror of Prophecy" and the rest of the craziness that was going on around that time.
Hey, for the record, I was waylayed (and by a friend, none the less), not having prophecies. I reserve the use of my arcane divination magic for other people, not use it all upon myself. ;)

(Hey Paul/Dave, since the effect is automatic unless they're immune to it, when the mirror takes effect, can I say its verbal as an Arcane effect rather than Magic, considering a Magic effect would be blocked/reflected by a Spell Shield/Reflect Magic?)
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Talitha Vashti said:
And then, of course, there's:
- Hiding 20-some copper all over Gandian while he was under the effects of the "Mirror of Prophecy" and the rest of the craziness that was going on around that time.
Hey, for the record, I was waylayed (and by a friend, none the less), not having prophecies. I reserve the use of my arcane divination magic for other people, not use it all upon myself. ;)

(Hey Paul/Dave, since the effect is automatic unless they're immune to it, when the mirror takes effect, can I say its verbal as an Arcane effect rather than Magic, considering a Magic effect would be blocked/reflected by a Spell Shield/Reflect Magic?)

I'll give you more specifics on this later, but for someone to be considered the 'Bearer' of the mirror is going to take longer then 3 seconds (I let it slide because it was funny) but unless something kills you and loots you, they are not immediately considered the bearer just for touching it.
So I posted while 1/2 dead so here are some actual favs from the event in no order:

- All the new players and NPCs, this brings much needed energy to the game.

-Seeing certain people who were brant new last year, totally step up to lead, fight, and generally grow as RPers, characters, was the biggest reward. Talitha kicked butt in that mod and it was awesome to see her pull the same dirty tricks I did and get away with them.... its why I mustered the calvalry to go get her she's an butt kicking kidney punching death machine and we need her. :)

-Fern's possey.... when did I get a possey? Its awesome :D Gandian, Drezz, Yorkie.. you guys are the bees knees.

-Singing old man river... again... to Gandians acclaim. I gotta learn new songs.

-The late night RP sillyness, stealing Trans boots and hammer, electing mayor teacup, feeding the Sarr's addictions, messing with copper allergies, and gazing into the mirror of prophecies.... :P That was too awesome and was good bonding experience for the characters involved.

-Continuing my streak as sheriff... another case solved!

-The RP between Harbors Far and McGregor/Gandian... I hated being caught in between IG but OOG the RP was worth the pain in the behind. You guys are great keep it up.

-Thanks to Plot for letting us grow a town and for letting Fern explore his persona trhough Mesa.

-Lastly an apology to Dave and the plot team. I was really bummed out when we got to the first obelisk because I thought the mod was over....I even mentioned to an npc that I was looking forward to a challenge... and he pretended that was it.... then the mod turns around and lasts another 2 hours...and I loved it. I got beat up, I did some beating, and I felt like we really were in danger.

Good stuff


PS- Being mentioned in 3 peoples favorites is awesome. :D
Make that 4 Paul. This event was awesome, it was a lot different than previous events I'd been to and that made for an interesting time. Some of my favorites were:

-The NPC's who played the bandit's and slavers trying to talk us into thinking they were good or in the right, that was fantastic RPing on there part nice work.

- the Banter like conversations between Fern and the Stone Elf, that got me every time.

- Mayor teacup pretty much has to make the list, but the Dwarves "Second Beard" also needs to be mentioned.

- Not being a newbie and all of a sudden realizing I was yelling orders during a huge fight, not sure if it did much good but it helped me see the larger battle not just my own fights.

Over all an amazing event, I got home and realized I was already making plans for next month even though I was practically falling asleep.
As always I had a blast, loved seeing all the new people, and as a warning, don't think the influx of new people will slow any time soon.

My favorites

- Late night shenanigans between teacup, trent, kaiya and fern, made my night even if i was too exhausted from not sleeping to participate.

-the small undead mod that us from harbors far took on, struggled but made it through. there was some very interesting mechanics with that battle and I enjoyed it, even if it was terribly frustrating.

-The huge long corrupt battle, was chaotic and crazy, but still organized and we succeeded.

-The town meeting, I personally love RPing conflict discussion and politics like that, what fIun is a game where everyone has the same opinion? It is stressful for some but I believe discussions and meetings like that really bring a life to the game beyond just hunting down evil monsters and destroying them. And I think all who were involved are able to separate in game disagreements from out of game ones =P

-The singing entertainers that needed a meal. They were amazing.

-The water color paintings, especially the kobold one =P

-Getting to know so many new people, and also getting to know some people even better then before, making new friends and discussing new plots.

-The dueling, and feeling like I am a competitive fighter compared to some of the more experienced and skilled fighters.

-The event breaking the attendance record like I predicted (oh and I predict next event will break this ones)

-There are some many other things, but this is enough for now =P
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Talitha Vashti said:
And then, of course, there's:
- Hiding 20-some copper all over Gandian while he was under the effects of the "Mirror of Prophecy" and the rest of the craziness that was going on around that time.
Hey, for the record, I was waylayed (and by a friend, none the less), not having prophecies. I reserve the use of my arcane divination magic for other people, not use it all upon myself. ;)
Oh, my mistake. I thought Fern had managed to get you to look into the window again. Whatever the case, Gandian was konked out and made a good prank target. :D
Even though I have only four events to choose from this is by FAR MY FAVORITE event! :D !!!

I am LOVING my new character, she is so entertaining to roleplay! I can see my roleplaying skills improving with every event, now just to get down some sort of accent ;)

1) The Ice Elementals module, I loved running around "killing blow" things (though I don't think they needed to be?) and being the defender of the crunchies since I was the strongest of the crunchies! RAWR
3) Allendra accidentally letting the slaver a MWE...whoops
2) McGregor in general, he is a neat character, I never got to know him before this event :D
4) All of the bad influences on Allendra's impressionable/trusting/naive/sheltered character lol
5) Roleplaying the opposite of my last character's POV (Eviana) on Kobolds (this was hard for me, I so love those Kobolds!).
6) Finding a weapon that I am actually ok with and realizing how fun spell casting is!

7) Allendra grossing out Paul's hobling ;) hahaha
8) Meeting someone who plays a Stone Elf, that is neat, I didn't think I would get to meet one for maybe another couple months if I got lucky...they seem like a hard race to play ;)
9) Walking a ridiculous ways away to go to bed at night haha
10) I agree with Talitha, I loved Gorka's watercoloring, and her roleplaying was impressive!
11) Seeing more and more new people with each event - I thought I'd be "the newbie" for months, but on my fourth event I already am feeling settled in :)
My favorites, in random order, of course:

1) The final completion of one of Tazoulti's oldest plot objectives - solving the mystery of his long lost friend Auedis (AKA that Stone Elf :lol: ).

2) RPing with McGregor about all the guardian stuff, particularly the long discussions about my vouching for Auedis' good character.

3) Crow taunting the spiders in the spider cave & having Fern bawl me out concerning his being considered a guardian & what the heck my role was & such. (That mod was really fun btw!)

4) The town meeting! Particularly the part where Alyce started grumbling about not knowing who her representative was and watching nearly the whole town give her "the look" (that was Great!) and the parts regarding the Harbors Far conflicts concerning Gandian & the bounty and all the politics surrounding Hopes Reach.

5) Fern's vertigo. Turning around & spotting Fern on the ground "air walking", then propping him up and arguing with him about where the battle front was while he was leaning on me. And of course, the humorous moment when the pirate hatted Biata(?) recommended we just face plant Fern, and Fern yelling back "I HATE you!".

6) Having to move and restart one individuals armor refit something like four or five times because we were drawn into the battle. "Do you think it's safe to try again?!?"

7) While chatting with some fighters in front of tavern and having one of the NPC's walk up attempting to taunt us into fighting with him and me snapping back loudly "Why don't you go annoy somebody else?" whereupon he skulked away in fear. :mrgreen:

8) Watching one of the young lady NPC's taunt the PC's with a little dance on the path towards the tavern and then seeing the Sarr do a little waggle moments later in response. :lol:

9) Fighting Jamina and having to take her down while she was berserked, then later having to repeat the same thing with Auedis while he was berserked...

10) During the battle with the corrupt having a healer run up and ask "Are you injured?" and me responding "Of Course I am! No, No, don't waste that on me, I've got plenty of armor - I'll call one of you over if I really need it, Okay?"

11) Purposely taking damage to my back in order to protect the recipient and finish up the refits.

12) Killing some of the crunchies that broke through the lines while only using my sword in the "defensive down" position.

13) Trying hard to keep a straight face in Tazoulti's "dour dwarf mode" while listening in on the Auedis and McGregor banter/debates. :D
Hey all---

As one of the NPC's of the event I just want to thank you all for a phenomenal first experience!! This was such a great experience and I can speak on behalf of my younger brother and friend that we all will be joining in the future.

I just want to thank you all again for going with it when we sometimes got too much adrenaline as some of the crunchies and for a while fought as "uber-undead" or over-active spiders (thanks Paul :D ) and at times a little faster and smarter than normal golems.

Thank you all also for your interaction in the RP wether it was McGregor (sorry if I misspelled) allowing an arm wrestle for our food, or if it was everyone who participated in our completely structured but heavily ad-libbed slaver run!!

I learned so much on this weekend and met some awesome people and am really bummed that we had to leave early.
I hope to join you all as a PC in the very near future and would appreciate any help and clarification on some character development.

(For all who saw I was the one who dueled Fern multiple times before the town meeting)
if you even need help with character, just let me know! send me a message.

--James the Inconceivable
NPC's were fantastic. Monster camp was awesome and I appreciate everything so much.

-Town meeting RP. Good dialogue. :shock:
-water color kobold propaganda
-late night silly time in the tavern saturday night. i think the best quote was "you sure got a pretty beard"
-the undead mod. whatever that thing made out of corpses was had a buttload of hit points (and apparently it could fit a lot of hit points in its butt)
-taking down the big bad guy for the first and second time. :!:
-the guacamole mmmm. :o
-teacup... istill refuse to look you in the eye when i shake your hand
-no arguments among people in harbors far :D holy balls that was nice :D :D :D you were a thousand times right paige... smaller numbers are far more manageable
- never getting to use a disarm?? (its not repped right.... take that back (4 times)) why you gotta hate on the disarm lol
-getting to fight in the front
-almost dying on the big obelisk mod
-ALL of the NPC's so cool!!!

not favs
-mosquitoes... i had over 100 bites a leg.... gd socks!! probably stay in the second cabin next time.