Best Roleplayer (June 8-10)

I had some really great one on one interactions with people this game as Banradi continues to grow and figure out his place within the adventurers.

My favorite single interaction however has to go to Collette, as we sat on the ground out of sight and talked quietly in the corner to avoid the eyes and ears of potential dark elf spies. That moment felt super intimate and stands out as one of my favorites this weekend.
I have to nominate TC as Naomi. A combination of protectiveness and earnestness when she was trying to help Count Ko, an excellent moment of savagery during the crypt mod when she broke the mummy's neck and started bashing his skull in over and over with her bare claws, and also when she took some dedicated time to teach poor Ilarion exactly why he wasn't doing well in swordcraft. All in character, all well-rounded and reasonable.
Ilarion, hands down. Our group was looking for mushrooms and came upon his tent. With some marshal-style notes on the outside, we were sure it was some plot thing. As we entered, a naked arm came out wildly swinging "2 Normal". After we murdered the "NPC" we opened the door to find Ilarion. A Cure Light Wounds later, we gave a hasty apology and left him to sleep.

Ilarion, hands down. Our group was looking for mushrooms and came upon his tent. With some marshal-style notes on the outside, we were sure it was some plot thing. As we entered, a naked arm came out wildly swinging "2 Normal". After we murdered the "NPC" we opened the door to find Ilarion. A Cure Light Wounds later, we gave a hasty apology and left him to sleep.

Coincidentally I could use this same story in the Highlight of Your Event thread.
Ilarion, hands down. Our group was looking for mushrooms and came upon his tent. With some marshal-style notes on the outside, we were sure it was some plot thing. As we entered, a naked arm came out wildly swinging "2 Normal". After we murdered the "NPC" we opened the door to find Ilarion. A Cure Light Wounds later, we gave a hasty apology and left him to sleep.

I heard about this later. I thought it was amazing. That said, just for everyone's reference, only marshals get to read the notes attached to any cabins or sleeping areas. Not giving grief in any way here, just a pointer. Thanks to everyone playing it so cool this is a truly great story.
Cynn would have to be my favorite. When we were walking that very long track through the mountains to salve a puzzle and move a continent, I had lashed out at a remark Mathis said to me an Cynn. Cynn was like “Your my spirit animal” I laughed and said that she probably shouldn’t like or encourage me terrible behavior but I was quite proud. Dragon Hoard was 2nd place, very funny pair.
My vote is for Joe/JT. Spent a lot of time with him this weekend and got to know him better than a merchant of things.
Lilith wins this one for me.
She got into the roll play with me somuch she was in tears a couple times this weekend.

From the pride discussing our bonds to having them trust me to literally kill them, Lilith was by my side not wavering, To our intimate moment during my ritual when she cried as I talked about our friendship and her being a member of the pride, to her holding back tears as we fought against the other PCS telling her to ignore the "fear Joseph" when we couldn't understand why no one was taking his threats seriously. Her love was rifted away as Joseph told us he was on the planet e of chaos. She refused to merely just ignore it with no explanation. Her fighting back tears saying "I'll be okay for Ardos" was amazing.
Even her getting emotional as I softly guided her through her first resurrection touched my heart strings.
She's ******* amazing and I love every moment I roll play with her.
Lilith wins this one for me.
She got into the roll play with me somuch she was in tears a couple times this weekend.

From the pride discussing our bonds to having them trust me to literally kill them, Lilith was by my side not wavering, To our intimate moment during my ritual when she cried as I talked about our friendship and her being a member of the pride, to her holding back tears as we fought against the other PCS telling her to ignore the "fear Joseph" when we couldn't understand why no one was taking his threats seriously. Her love was rifted away as Joseph told us he was on the planet e of chaos. She refused to merely just ignore it with no explanation. Her fighting back tears saying "I'll be okay for Ardos" was amazing.
Even her getting emotional as I softly guided her through her first resurrection touched my heart strings.
She's ******* amazing and I love every moment I roll play with her.

You have revealed me as a giant crybaby!

Collette's ritual was so fantastic and well thought out so you get my vote... You had to monologue for like 10 minutes straight while we died around you and it was beautiful.
The Tailwaggers plus !
You all had such great experiences with one another we can't pick just one. Just as we're excited about your interactions with our NPCs it is great to see peoples' PCs creating special moments.