Big West 2019 - Favorite Moments

Very cool! Thanks for sharing the process.
Also yes that’s who marked me.

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there are other things but until we have had our event next weekend I will leave them off. I know some of that lot are reading this thread to figure things out.

God damnit Derrick I need to know!!
I play Pfeil, the elven archer with a crossbow in brown & purple.
1. Thursday night book squad. The group of us lore-inclined folks ("Nerds!") sitting down and figuring out what we could about what was going on.
2. The Tin Foil Hat. Krieger wearing the tin foil hat under his crown. Plue wearing the hat for the final big battle. And then the tin foil hat being critical to multiple different things; including Krieger having to run and fetch it from one location to put it to use in another.
3. Some cool RP of item identification in the celestial circle.
4. House Phoenix tea time.
5. Interactions with Sir Eli. I was squired at the end of the last event, and told to report to Sir Eli while visiting Stradyn. I just loved the sylvanborn knight in "command", and all the RP around that. And discussions of knighthood and the nature of some knights.
6. Interactions with Opelion were very good. I was super impressed with the voice acting in the early interaction where he went through like 8 different personalities with distinctly different voices. Getting to listen in on his betrayal of the PCs he'd made a deal with while he was making the deal with Hraestyr. I enjoyed the entire Opelion arc.
7. Learning about the Iron Lady's mark being on the heart, and having this "Oh, now I understand" moment and putting together the entire arc.
8. Meeting so many people I wanted to play with more.