Calling All Fighters!

Kadien, I'm a bit late to this conversation but here go my two cents. First off I would be careful using the term Fighter Guild, in these lands guilds are carefully regulated and being a member of them carries great weight it is possible to start a guild but you must register through the proper government channels. My recommendation would just to be careful of the term Guild and perhaps instead call it a club, society, or league. Secondly I would be most willing to teach and train any of you who care to prove yourself worth my time.

-Captain York Winters
To all that attended the first Fighter Guild training,

It heartens me to have seen such a large turnout of adventurers that were interested to hear about battle tactics and strategy. This was only the first in an ongoing effort to bring better coordination to our fighting forces across Gaden.

Truth be told, what heartens me more is the fact that I saw many adventurers taking these words to heart and changing them into actions upon the field of battle. My respect to each of you.

Remember, stay aware and communicate.

I look forward to fighting side by side with each of you in future battles.


Fellow Adventurers,

Over the past few market days, I have been training individuals in battle tactics and strategies. I believe that this had been beneficial to the community as a whole and have seen a more cohesive approach to our fighting.

I would ask you to let me know if you find this training useful. If so, I will take steps to formalize the Fighters Enclave. As many know, the term "fighter" is not meant to be restricted to those with martial skills only. It is meant to encompass all those that would fight in a battle of most any size.

I look forward to your replies.

-- Kadien
Kadien and All,

I for one appreciate your efforts in training and tactics, and can see a difference in our battles flowing a bit better. I strongly encourage everyone to participate, and would even have others that are willing to step up perhaps speak to Kadien about introducing additional tactics that they may have learned as well.

Indeed, seeing and hearing a bit of strategy from each of us will make us more well rounded and cohesive in combat.
Please indicate to Kadien, not only if you find value in his teachings, but also if you have something to bring to our community in this regard.
Through teaching and practise of sharing we all become stronger.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor von Gryphon
I think too that Kadien's teaching is good and helpful. I notice I one of few who use weapon big enough that Ned be used with two hands. If there those who want learn how use two handed weapon or want get better or can make be better then please be herd.


Please keep up the training sessions - I have noticed that they are helping out a lot when we are out on battles (maybe I'll even get out of the kitchen long enough to join in soon :) ). Seriously, I know that this is helping the new adventurers in being better fighters and on how to work together as a team. Even the more experienced fighters are being reminded to be conscious of their surroundings.

Don't let the fact that we lost a third of our forces to the Earth Circle (or half of the Black Wolves) during the battle with the Empire get your spirits down. Without the training sessions I feel that we would have lost even more - maybe even including the battle.

Respectfully, Socora
While not combat tactics related, I would like to go over some things to some of the newer arrivals into The Valley within the last year to go over some very basic battle survivalist techniques. The purpose is to minimize the amount of damage you receive in combat, while putting less strain on your support.

For example: Knowing after you've been given a Life spell that you only have 1 blow until you fall over again, so it's important to refit your armor behind your comrades. Or making sure if you're going to charge against the Greater Lich, that you have a spell shield, or at least the means to block the incoming Cause Mortal Wounds Spell or Death Spell , or a single swing of a chaos infused blade. Knowing your limits and being smart on the field will not only save your life, but those around you.

A friendly reminder from the Earth Guild of Gaden

- Healer Asher,