A few scenarios for comparison for all of us who play dryads 
(1) Dryad National Race Packet, "Physiology," par. 3
(2) Ibid, "Society and Relations," par. 7
(3) Ibid, "Lore," par. 3
(4) Ibid, "Physiology", par. 2

- I have a lot of fun with this first one - people inevitably make comments about how Grin is "a walking tree" and I like to sigh dramatically and roll my eyes and explain that we aren't actually trees, we too are flesh-and-blood sentients that merely bear organic plant cuticles and appendages in addition to our standard hair and skin⁽¹⁾. Do you ever come across this?
- I like to call other adventurers by however they were first introduced me because dryads are bewildered by someone needing several names to describe themselves⁽²⁾, leading to consistently and uncontrollably calling someone "Lady Ahlana" even when she asks me to stop calling her "Lady," or how I received a missive from an elf that introduced himself as "Pyke of the Brotherhood" so rest assured when I meet him the first time, I'll be using that entire nomenclature.
Does anyone do this differently, like including racial identifiers the way the examples in the race packet do?
- Someone asked me at the last market day how dryads reproduced, and I totally BS'd it.
Basically said something about how dryads, like plants, have both the parts to pollinate and the parts to be pollinated, so two dryads do their thing ("I won't go into detail because it's not something we discuss in public") and the pollinated dryad produces a large seed, which sleeps through the winter and sprouts (hatches) in the spring. Was then asked, "Then why do you celebrate The Birth in autumn?" and answered "Because that's when Fortannis brought our entire race forth"⁽³⁾.
Is there an official line on this? Or, has anyone come up with another way to explain/BS it?
- Related to the above, although it hasn't come up at all in the roleplay yet, I will be playing Grin as agender and pan. How do others portray gender and sexuality? (Watch graphicity please of course.)
- I play Barkskins as being somewhat prejudiced against Spores. Or, to be more accurate, I play myself as being somewhat prejudiced against Spores. Anyone else play differences between the four subtypes?
- I didn't change my costume to reflect leaves changing to fall colours⁽⁴⁾ this year, but I'm planning to do so next year and have some costume pieces picked out to indicate the change. My question is, does anybody else who plays a Barkskin or Thorn act differently as the seasons change? I haven't decided whether to go that route or not so I'm looking for some opinions.
(1) Dryad National Race Packet, "Physiology," par. 3
(2) Ibid, "Society and Relations," par. 7
(3) Ibid, "Lore," par. 3
(4) Ibid, "Physiology", par. 2