Celebrating The Birth


The next market day falls on The Birth, the most important of earth festivals to the Children of Autumn (as you might have guessed from the name). We celebrate the season in which Fortannis first brought the Children forth from Great Forest.

I hope to return to Ardik to celebrate the day of The Birth with each of you, though I have to be in Grayling the night before and Onaway the morning after. Would anyone be interested in participating in a traditional dryade contest while I am in town? Most of the contests relate to herbal skill, with perfumes and incenses or alchemical inventions being the medium of competition, but there is also the much-anticipated Wizards' Match.

Should these festivities not be to the taste of any of my new friends, I will still consider it a joy to celebrate the Birth simply by being in attendance with everyone.

Earth's bounty to you all,

Grianadhmad of Ithir Den Speir Ardic
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Greetings, Grianadhmad!

I don't believe we've met as of yet, but I am called Velnaeus. Introductions aside, I would be honored to celebrate such a momentous occasion alongside your people, and you've certainly piqued my interest with mention of a Wizard's Match. I don't suppose the rules of such a contest are available to be shared in advance?

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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It is a pleasure to meet you, Velnaeus. I certainly hope to acquaint ourselves with each other further during the Birth!

The Wizards' Match is actually a relatively simple contest to explain. It is a tribute to the innate resistance to binding that my people possess. Only binding magic may be thrown in the contest, and the last contender still unbound is declared the winner.
Ah... irony is cruel indeed. I recently lost the ability to cast bindomancy, in pursuit of a mastery of the elements. I will certainly come to watch, if I am able, however!

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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I would love to join you Grin!

I enjoy learning of other races and cultures.

While your contests may seem a bit foreign to me, I believe I have the skill to at least participate in all the mentioned events.
Should perfume/incense/alchemy etc be prepared in advance? Or is it an on the spot kind of thing?

Is there something I can bring or contribute to your celebration?

Lady Ahlana,

Different groves have different rules for contests of the Birth. Since to my knowledge I am the only Child of Autumn settled in Ardik, I am open to suggestion as to what would be easiest - bringing a concoction pre-made for judging, or making it on-site against other participants.

I myself have no skill in Alchemy yet, but perhaps I would be able to learn something from you during the festival?

Nothing special is needed to be brought to celebrate the Birth, though I will probably bring grain crackers and fruit treats as I did last market day. Anything to celebrate the earth's bounty would be appropriate.
I believe it would be far easier to prepare things in advance... however it would be much more entertaining to do it on the spot. A table full of shared ingredients. No recipes to speak of... Sounds like a marvelous time. But one requiring much prep on the hosts side.

Given our locale and whatnot, I would say prepare in advance this year.