Character Build Spreadsheet


I mentioned this spreadsheet that I'd been working on to a few adventurers and NPCs during market day, and they expressed enough interest that I feel comfortable sharing this with everyone. I have the spreadsheet in a view only format on Google Sheets. It automatically calculates skill availability, skill costs, and prerequisites based on race, school, and character class. I've seen other iterations of this in the sub-forums of other chapters, and I can't make any claims about mine being better or worse, but it's available for anyone to utilise.

So here's the link (version 1.x), for starters. [09/07/18 Edit: For Alliance 2.0, see posts below on Character Build Tracker 2.0.]

I recommend that you save your own copy on a computer (especially since it's view-only anyway). I have my own character build in there as an example.

Short instructions:
Once you have selected your race, your primary school, and your character class - put the number of instances of that skill purchase under the "# POSS" column (Column F). Poof done.

Longer instructions:

To get your total Build Points, enter the events you've attended on the "Event Tracker" sheet and watch the math unfold. Your final value will automatically transfer to cell F5 on the "Skills" sheet, so do not mess with it.
Also do not mess with cell E5, as it automatically calculates Build Points you have spent based on your selections in the "# POSS" column (and the Craftsman skills in the top right).

Availability requires that you declare how you acquired the skill in the Acquisition column. Either put "initial" if you started with that skill, or populate with a name and/or date that taught you the skill.
  1. If the row is light green and the "✓" symbol appears in the "AVAIL" column, you have the prerequisites for this skill and could claim it if you have sufficient Build Points.
  2. Once you put a number in "# POSS" on a light green row, the row will turn dark green to indicate that you legitimately possess this skill.
  3. If the row is red and the "✗" symbol appears in the "AVAIL" column, you can't ever legitimately possess that skill due to racial or class limitations.
  4. If the row is uncoloured / white and nothing is in "AVAIL", you don't have the prerequisites for this skill yet.
  5. If the row turns yellow after you populate "# POSS", and the "✋" symbol appears in the "AVAIL" column, you don't have the prerequisites for this skill yet (same as above) and you need to clear out your "# POSS" for accuracy. It could be that you can't possess quite that many (as in the case of Earth and Celestial magics), you haven't been taught that skill in spite of having the Build Points for it, or that you plain old don't qualify for this skill yet.
Additionally the Craftsman table in the top right lets you list your Craftsman skills and how often you've purchased them, and a prefix will appear if you are a Journeyman or Master of that skill. All Craftsman skills costs 2 Build unless you're a Mystic Wood Elf, in which case they only cost 1 Build.

If you are claiming more skills than you have available Build Points for, the "Purchased" and "Build Pts" cells will both turn red and the font turn bold white.

I believe I have correctly programmed your Level and your Body Points to calculate based on your Build Points and your Character Class. Also, another drop down menu is available in cell A1 for people who are using this in other Alliance chapters. It is purely aesthetic and does not affect any other part of the build sheet.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask, but also if you are able to make good use of this let me know that it's working properly so I know I'm not a failure at programming xDD
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Version 1.0 (09/25/17)

Version 1.0.1 (09/28/17)
corrected an issue with yellow rows displaying excessively and red rows not displaying at all

Version 1.1 (10/16/17)
Added skill "Acquisition" column to clarify that just because you have the points and prerequirites for a skill, doesn't mean that you can actually claim it because you haven't been Taught that skill (besides Craftsman and Racial Skills). Assumes non-initial skills. // Set up multiple Craftsman entries.

Version 1.1.1 (10/18/17)
Oh look I can do basic math. Fixed the formula that gives you your base Body Points calculated by Build Points.
Version 1.1.2 (10/23/17)
Moved all Craftsmen to the top right. It no longer appears in the lower list because all Craftsman skills cost 2 Build (1 for MWEs) and are "available" at any time without "needing" to be taught.
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Version 1.2.0 (05/31/18)
About time this was updated!
An additional tab, called "Event Tracker", allows you to enter Events by date (column A), location/name (column C), and number of event days (column D). The sheet will then calculate out what Experience and Build you earned, and keep track of your current level as well. The last (highest) number of Build will then automatically carry over to the Skills sheet, letting you know how many Build Points you have accrued and already used up. It is no longer necessary to manually input your Total Build Points in cell F5 (and doing so will invalidate the Event Tracker sheet).
Please note that there are some minor discrepancies I have not been able to math out yet (based on my own two characters), and because of that, the Event Tracker sheet has an extra column called "XP Off?" (column I). You can manually input 1 or 2 XP points per row to try to equate to Alliance's official database/tracker, if you feel the need to.
Also with this update I attempted to smooth over some of the issues with skills not showing up as "available" even if the prerequisites were actually met.
Version 2.0.0 (09/07/18)

The most important thing is that this version, which is a separate file from the other Tracker, has all of the skill changes, pre-requisite changes, and experience counters for Alliance 2.0 skills. Many of the martial and stealth skills can only be purchased after you have purchased "so much" experience worth of other skills in that category, and this keeps track of it for you... I think. (Neither of my current characters utilise any of those skills, so playtesters are welcome to try it out and tell me if there are any errors.)

Due to background (hidden) data rows, certain cells have shifted. Your Total Build points still automatically come from the Event Tracker tab but it will show up in Skills cell F9, not F5; the Build Points you have actually spent show up in cell E9 not E5, and so on.

Prerequisites have been re-listed on the Skills tab (as alluded to above), and the programming that determines whether you have actually fulfilled the prerequisites has been re-examined. So help me, I hope it's right this time. Additionally, column P now shows the total Build you have spent on that Skill. For example, if an Earth Scholar purchases three instances of Earth Level 4, it will show that 6 Build has been spent on that Skill.

Event Tracker tab has several additional columns: Pre-reg (insert Y if you did), Event Days (auto-calculated) and Gobbies (Goblin Points auto-calculated). Entered values under the Event Description have been limited to "Day Faire", "Weekend Event", "Monthly Blanket", "Event Blanket", or "Pay No Play Pass". The appropriate number of days will be filled in based on the Event Description (2, 1, or 0), and when Blankets are entered the appropriate number of Gobbies will be subtracted from the member's total. Putting "Y" in a Pre-reg row will also add 30 Gobbies to the member's total. If these values need to be changed per Chapter, please let me know. Lastly, the minor XP discrepancies from version 1.2.0 have been corrected by treating the initial 30 XP all characters get as its own event.

For the curious and the analytical, a list of ARB 2.0 spells is on a separate tab (appropriately named
ARB 2.0 Spells.