Chicago July event

Me as well. I should have a ride but hey, knowing about any potential back-ups would be nice.
yeah... i don't think i can go this time. things might change, but i don't know yet
I want to NPC and damn it, I WILL make it this time! *Determination*
I am considering is a long drive, but dang I had a lot of fun at this last event! :D
I want to try and make it if i can. lets organize rides.
I can take some folks, please make sure to list when you would be able to leave on Friday, we usually have some folks leaving around 11-noon and others leaving after 6ish due to work shifts. (I'd prefer to take a load earlier in the day.
As always, I'd love to go, but I'll need a ride there from someone (preferably starting earlier in the day, if possible).
Assuming that I get work off, I can actually leave whenever on Friday, assuming I'm also able to get down to the cities and have a place to stay Thursday night.
Lol, maybe I should just auction off seats in my car for gas money :D .

I've already promised to wait to hear back from a couple of folks, I'll keep ya'll posted.
Hey guys, prereg has now begun for Chicago's July event! Check out the OOG Chicago forums for details!
So I guess I am still a little confused...anything I do in Chicago does not transfer over to Minnesota? Cause I don't see myself going to Chicago too often...especially with becoming a real adult soon here (you know, with a real job and all...)
When you goto Chicago and PC with your SoMN character (they can travel of course) it of course counts, if you NPC in Chicago you can add that blanket to you SoMN character, or an alternate character in Chicago or SoMN.

So people like to maintain two characters in two chapters to monthly blanket both so they have an 'Alt' or a back up character should their primary die.
denise_eviana said:
...especially with becoming a real adult soon here (you know, with a real job and all...)

I'm still waiting to become a "real adult" as well, and I do have a real job, heh.
I can go, so I'll be down Thursday...probably. I may need to ask someone to pick me up Thursday, but since I'm not PCing I'll have $30 gas money.
Ok, so far we have the fallowing people that want to head down there:

Andrew R. Cameron
Tristin Williams
Kittey_Rin - don't know your real name
denise_eviana - don't know your real name
Alexander S. Thompson

I know David has a car and was offering rides for some help on the gas, who else would be driving. If this is everyone, then one more vehicle should do it.
Also, David and who ever else can drive, just let us know how much your needing for gas and I know I at least am more then willing to help out.
Never know.