Closed Chapters Information and the Legacy System


While the summary of the vote should be processed and announced soon I wanted to take a moment and describe the steps the owners have voted in to address the effects of closing chapters.

All chapters that close will now be placed in a 'closed' state until the end of the calendar year 2 years after closing. During this time you are free to use any and all goblin stamps in that chapter for any valid goblin stamp purchase, including monthly blankets, and may continue to house, or create new, characters without change for that time while the chapter is in the 'closed' state.

At the end of the Closed Period, (January 1, 2023 for the Chapters that most recently left) All characters and goblin stamps will be pooled and placed into a single 'Legacy' Chapter. This chapter will also allow you all the goblin stamp and purchasing rights as allowed by current and future rules. Please note that the primary difference between closed chapters and the legacy chapter is the ability to maintain multiple characters for blanketing purposes.

Specific Clarifications.
Characters may be transferred into and out of the Closed and Legacy Chapter without restriction to allow full use of any unused rewards.
This policy includes all chapters closing in 2020, but does not include chapters that closed before that time.
Currently Character transfer requests can be sent to for processing.
Can we transfer characters into closed chapters so that we can use up the gobbies we may have laying around?
Can we transfer characters into closed chapters so that we can use up the gobbies we may have laying around?
Specific Clarifications.
Characters may be transferred into and out of the Closed and Legacy Chapter without restriction to allow full use of any unused rewards.
This policy includes all chapters closing in 2020, but does not include chapters that closed before that time.
Currently Character transfer requests can be sent to for processing.
Looks like yes.
The intent certainly is that you will be able to transfer around freely. The tech side of it is not yet up and running. Just send emails to the afore mentioned email and the Tech Team will take care of you for now
Is there a rule against continuing to play in both Alliance and a closed chapter? With the same character (Obviously xp would be separate, and I assume that items could only exist in one game.). Or keeping some characters for one game and transferring some to the other game?

I live between alliance chapters and closed chapters, and would really like to play in both.
Is there a rule against continuing to play in both Alliance and a closed chapter? With the same character (Obviously xp would be separate, and I assume that items could only exist in one game.). Or keeping some characters for one game and transferring some to the other game?

I live between alliance chapters and closed chapters, and would really like to play in both.

There is no rule preventing this, Fromwhat I understand closed chapters have their own copy of the CMA from the date of the split and there is no rule that says you can only play a character concept in Alliance. As for items, please check with any other games you wish to play for their conversion or duplication process on items as alliance has no control over that feature of their games.

Alliance does not offer a transfer system to non-alliance larp games for any future characters.
Hate to resurrect an old thread but I have yet to see any of my GS go into a legacy pool. When can we expect that as well as the Denver GS transferring to that pool?

What do you think the possibility of converting any of the legacy pool GS to DS at the reverse 5:1 or possibly even a 10:1? Kinda sucks there are those of us who donated and are now not receiving what we paid for. Makes me a bit apprehensive on donations for pay no play with the lack of return on what I’ve paid.
There was a later vote reversing that plan, old chapters will simply stay around so you can continue to use Goblin stamps from them by my understanding.
So what about being able to keep multiple characters under a legacy type chapter? That's the only way I could ever make even a dent in m donation for the defunct Colorado chapter that obviously isn't going to refund my money. Kinda crappy that this was changed without any conversation with the player base and without any thought for those of us who donated for pay no play to a chapter that won't ever have an event to blanket.

I wouldn't expect a refund from national or anything, but a conversion from an intangible stamp to a different type costs nothing whereas we are out the money we donated.
You can have a character transfered to an inactive chapter and continue to blanket them with existing goblin stamps.

This new method is much more beneficial to the player than the original legacy chapter idea, before all GS would have been transfered to a single legacy chapter pool and you would have only been able to blanket 1 character at a time. Now each inactive chapter will still act as an individual chapter for purposes of blanketing a character. In other words you can blanket multiple characters at the same time across multiple inactive chapters where you have goblin stamps.

If you wish to transfer a character to an inactive chapter you can email to request that.
So what about being able to keep multiple characters under a legacy type chapter? That's the only way I could ever make even a dent in m donation for the defunct Colorado chapter that obviously isn't going to refund my money. Kinda crappy that this was changed without any conversation with the player base and without any thought for those of us who donated for pay no play to a chapter that won't ever have an event to blanket.

I wouldn't expect a refund from national or anything, but a conversion from an intangible stamp to a different type costs nothing whereas we are out the money we donated.
Hi there, Ian - I'm one of the owners of the new Alliance Colorado chapter. In addition to the offer Auric has extended to make sure you get a character transferred to Alliance Denver for legacy stamp usage, I would also like to give you a friendly reminder that at launch, Alliance Colorado awarded all network players with any quantity of ADL GS a number of free Colorado GS - in large part as an effort to lessen the frustration of no longer being able to extensively use Denver GS for anything but blankets... so you should have a number of stamps ready to go at an active chapter still!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord or to