Coin (or "What? No loot?")

One shots. But anyway...

I've got a couple ideas for ya Dave I'll try and type em up and shoot em off later this afternoon.
Back to the Bank Idea. As for the hold getting robbed, I think that the answer to that is duplication of information. I would favor a local copy and an internet copy being updated together. As for the large sums of coin being with drawn I see a few scenarios where that happens. First, on a small scale I see this as a non issue because the goal is to have more coin than treasure policy for the event. In the case of hundreds to thousands of coins I think a more modern approach to banking would be better. ( While I want to be able to roll the guy who just withdrew 1000 gold) If there was a marker system a player could "transfer" gold to the selling party. OR the transactions could be done at the bank. However, I think the largest sums of coins will be spent on large items purchased from the plot team, like houses, boats, and auctioned items, in this event the plot team can just deduct the proper amount.

And that's about 2 cents worth
Sarah said:
Egor said:
I don't know about everyone else but I would much rather have cool items than coin. I can see that plot is trying to do that with the recent magic item auctions. I know I stockpile my coin because I want a really nice sword or a suit of arcane armor or some other badass item. I bet you could collect mounds of coin if you had Gemino auction off even just a basic Magic Sword or peices of Arcane armor. I bet people would even buy wacky items like Arcane armor on boxers, Or a broken bottle that grants life spells, or maybe pink fluffy stuffed bunny rabbit that grants death spells, or maybe a sword that can only be used by people under six foot. Stuff like that would be interesting to see.

The problem is, unless they're LCO items, the scrolls and components to make those items comes out of the treasure policy... which means less stuff going out for ritual casters.

If they were just assigned various point values and the treasure policy was reworked to just a be a net point total for the weekend, you could easily and regularly do this kind of thing. (1cp = 1pt)

However, as it stands, putting out pre-made magic items doesn't necessarily generate the cash you think it should. People would rather hunt up the scrolls and reagents to custom build magic items.

Just so it's out there. I know of at least one player that would be willing to spend 35 gold for a 2 year duration 1/day Cure Critical Wounds LCO magic item. Just putting the information out there.
Datajax said:
Back to the Bank Idea. As for the hold getting robbed, I think that the answer to that is duplication of information. I would favor a local copy and an internet copy being updated together. As for the large sums of coin being with drawn I see a few scenarios where that happens. First, on a small scale I see this as a non issue because the goal is to have more coin than treasure policy for the event. In the case of hundreds to thousands of coins I think a more modern approach to banking would be better. ( While I want to be able to roll the guy who just withdrew 1000 gold) If there was a marker system a player could "transfer" gold to the selling party. OR the transactions could be done at the bank. However, I think the largest sums of coins will be spent on large items purchased from the plot team, like houses, boats, and auctioned items, in this event the plot team can just deduct the proper amount.

And that's about 2 cents worth

What you describe is essentially the process that was taken to get to paper "bank note" currency.
Dave said:
I am not nay-saying them out of hand. JP is right about the flexibility of the treasure policy. Magic items can either be dfone as rituals and components or as production, but honestly? The players would probably be surprised just how much production goes into one, good, magic item. It can eat through it VERY fast and then one or two people get the loot.

Right... like I said, there are several people out there that I can think of off the top of my head (myself included) who'd rather save up the coin and get the scrolls and reagents and tailor make their own item over saving up the coin to buy something already made. You can usually milk more coin out of parts versus the completed item that way.
That's about the only flexibility that isn't allowed: take the points allotted, turn it into a magic item, then deconstruct the magic item into components and scrolls. And that would certainly be worth looking into.
jpariury said:
That's about the only flexibility that isn't allowed: take the points allotted, turn it into a magic item, then deconstruct the magic item into components and scrolls. And that would certainly be worth looking into.

Hawt. I think you just managed to articulate what I've been thinking or trying to convey. Thanks.
Dave said:
and how much would you pay for a PA2 t-shirt only usable by stone elves? ;)

Bah.. PA2? In Andar? That's throwing away good money if you ask me. About that Red and Yellow Shirt, I read about... you see... I know this dwarf... he left me his gold... something about cure crits... I'm sure I could come up with an excuse as to why I didn't get him what he wanted and got this Red and Yellow Shirt instead.
Actally, OOC cant we just offer to do OOC coin exchange. No loss no cost.
aka tell people to bring all their copper and silver to game, and exchange for gold at logistics. Most people are saving money IG to get X, but many many many people have way to much silver and copper just becouse it isnt safe to bring to game (for chance of being stolen) theydont bring it.

Now that will not solve the gold issue, but to be honest if we had 10-100 times the volume in coin, it might be easyer to just order gold.
I inherently have an issue with that anyway. It's one thing if we are having a game location elsewhere (such as when we had it at the merchant quarter instead of the adventurer's quarter where everyone's permanent residence is) or if you're character is based in another chapter (like OR or Chicago), but I've always felt if you're having an event at a location where your character primarily is located at most times, all your gear should be there too. Coin, extra formal scrolls, loads of potions, etc. Of course it could get stolen, blown up, made off with, whatever, so? I feel we should encourage players to establish their character someplace specific, and any time a game is held there they should have their home set up, including loot pile. If you're a transient, then that means at all times. The first three years of Solomon's adventures everything I owned was in a green felt carry-all sack slung over one shoulder. EVERYTHING.
Anyway, that's what I'd rather see. Rant over.
Some of this looks like it's been glossed over, so here are some quick bullet points to make sure we're all on the same page:

  • We need more coin. Before we implement any sort of solution to slow the seeping loss of coin, we need to at least have some to start with. We don't have that much, so we do have to order some now.
  • A coin order lasts for years. It's not a problem that comes up every few events, or even annually. The last order was done before Dave was the owner.
  • It is my intention to have people swap out little coin for big coin and big coin for gems at logistics (see first post). That will, in theory, drum up a lot of 'horded' coin.
  • Plot has the option to put out not just coin, but production items, gems, and other items of value (but not scrolls and components, which are calculated independently) so long as they total up to about the amount that the Treasure Policy dictates. It can be of any of those forms, there are not requirements that some be one thing and some another. The Plot team does, however, want to encourage PC productionists to ply their trade, and so they try to strike a balance between production goods and coin that they put out.
  • A Banking system has been tried, but we're still at the point we are now. (The 'Hold' failed.) There are some other ideas of things that players can put their money into being thrown around, though they are more along the lines of property and asset tags. We'll let you know when something is for sure.

All that said, yes, we need coin, please trade some of yours in if you've got a bunch. We need to buy some anyways, but the extra will help take the edge off. Ideally, more things will happen IG to reduce the amount of coin in-game (auctions, property, gold-eating "rust"-monsters, etc.) but they will occur as plot dictates and be "in-game."
Thanks for the help and the suggestions.
(but not scrolls and components, which are calculated independently)

That's one of my points. Because they're calculated independently, Plot doesn't have the option to put out more. Scroll and reagents are always big sellers and will always bring money back to the chapter. If a way could be found (either by circumvention or permanent TP change) then I think you'd, in general, see more of the hoarded coin coming back in.
I am willing to trade up my small coin for larger coin, to a degree (I still want to keep some small coin around the house). I will not trade in gold for gems because I do not believe gems to be a useful form of currency at this time.

My house is one of those holding onto our cash (for the most part). We are waiting for some specific things to come along, but are not willing to pay what we believe are exorbitant costs for those items. If plot would like to know more they can contact me for specifics.
There's been a long standing problem with gems and not having enough evaluate sheets at games, not being able to turn them back into coin, and having to keep track of multiple evaluate sheets from different eras.
It has gotten much, much better over the last year or two, but there is still quite a bit of player bias remaining from some of these past problems. If we could get rid of the old gems once and for all, and ensure that there were plenty of evaluate sheets to be had in logistics, then I think that most of this would go away and they'd be more viable loot.
The only big problem that will still remain is the lack of transferability. It's not that they lose value by taking them to another chapter, it's that other chapters use a different evaluate sheet, and players there will have no way of ensuring or re-couping their value. I know that Oregon is using the same Evaluate sheet as Seattle, so for most players, this is no longer an issue, but it occasionally still comes up, and that's beyond anyone's control.
My biggest problem with gems is that the tags don't stick. I have probably lost 200-300 gold over the last 5 years due to the tags of my gems falling off. It makes them alost completely worthless.
We could engrave the numbers into them... it would make them non-reusable, but would solve the numbers falling off issue.