Dark elf makeup requirements

Duke Frost said:
Dr_Chill said:
The other option is to just shave your head, then there is no problem :)

I've done that too, but didn't like the look for me, though I've seen it look great on others. I also went with the dark elf mohawk. I heard there were a lot of Mr. T comments behind my back :P

I thought Mr. T was a Night Elf Mohawk not a Dark elf!? Man I love those ads!
Pyro727 said:
Duke Frost said:
Dr_Chill said:
The other option is to just shave your head, then there is no problem :)

I've done that too, but didn't like the look for me, though I've seen it look great on others. I also went with the dark elf mohawk. I heard there were a lot of Mr. T comments behind my back :P

I thought Mr. T was a Night Elf Mohawk not a Dark elf!? Man I love those ads!

I love tha ad too. But I did mine about five years before that. Heh.