
i play a gypsy and i could play a human if i had the cazungas to do so...but i'm too chicken..plus i JUST got to PC for the very first time and i want to play this gypsy for a while before i make my other character.
Gypsies playing humans only confuses certain people.
And as long as you always answer, "I am a freaky mess!"

You're set.
I don't not think that words means what you think it means.
A Kheritana clone... I'm sorry hon. Your gypsy is doomed. DOOMED. You can hang her up beside Kheri when you're ready. They can lament together.
Have you married anyone yet?

Wait and see how that turns out first...
No, she's not YET married. She needs permission from her papa first and coincidentally, finding her papa is one of the many goals she hopes to achieve.
that sounds convoluted.
Tieran would have to care about other people first.

Unless your old man has treasure ;-)

Maybe he'll bring undead!