
I'll even read over it for you if you want.

And then I'll steal it for ohio.

And then mole people will take over the entire continent.
I'll make just enough changes that I'll be safe.
why would I buy it when I can steal it? ;-)
mine or yours?
then no.
Marcena said:
Personal honor?

Gypsy? Honor? Pfft. No such thing...except for Glorianna, she is beyond reproach.
That's just because she moves so fast as to keep ahead of it.

Its been catching up recently, what with the accident and all.
Due to their complete lack of honor.
Gypsies have an honor code, but that is pretty much where the similarities stop. Glorianna had to give up a lot to pursue the noble honor path from her familia.

While other noble-attempting gypsies exist, their innate racial honor codes often bungle up the process unless they can deprogram themselves.

Stop trying to be rational.

That's for the rules forum.
