Diffrent types of the same race.


Pretty simple question. Do the humanish races in Alliance need to be of one paticular "real world" type, or is it ok to be of another type. Example, would a gypsy need to be the kind from The hunchback of notre dame, or would it be acceptable to be the kind from the movie Snatch? Along those lines, would a barbarian need to be the kind that wulfgar is from forgotten realms, or would it be ok to be the like Conan? I suppose I already know the answer, is whichever represents the given race as written, so the answer I want more, is why one type was chosen, and the rest are not allowed? The reason I ask is, when I first started reading about the Alliance races I really wanted to play a Snatch style gypsy, but I soon learned that they probly wouldnt be allowed.
as far as the gypsy is concerned... you could certainly do the piker accent and probably something of the roleplay of it... as long as it tied into the remainer of the gypsy packet for the chapter you were from...

barbarian probably would not be an issue playing a more conan than FR barbarian, again depending on the chapter.

As far as why one type was picked over another, it's basically the decision of the chapter staff... more specifically the person who write the applicable race packet... in your case you can blame/praise scott (quinn)...
My barbarian is based off of Germanic Tribesman with some Roman influences so, yeah I would say its a little on enterpretation.

And Wulfgar would totally kick Conan :D

Villig Marcaragnus
Barbarian Fighter
Black Jackals
In Ashbury we have the Vansir as our barbarians. Their history is sort of a take on Norse myths but the style of play is open-ended anough that anything could work.

I wrote the original Barbarian packet for NJ and I gave a different real world counterpart for each tribe. Some Norse, some some Mongol, but I ded stick a Conan-type for a pure fantasy feel. I wanted NJ Barbarian players to be able to identify each other's tribes on sight as easily as one could identify a character's race.

It really is chapter specific.
Even Stone Elves have cultural differences. At least in Vandlar, they treat emotions differently.
Find Out In-Game for further information! :mrgreen:
I know all that stuff about culture. what I was saying is that irish gypsys in snatch dont talk with the same accent, and dont wear the same type of clothes that the rulebook gypsies are required to have...just like conan dosent wear fur, or much clothes at all for that matter. I was wondering why the rulebook requirements where chosen from one type and not another.
doesn't the rule book just say that gypsies have to have an "exotic" accent"? - I'd argue that even to an Irishman, the accent affected by the Pikies in that movie would be exotic.

as for Conan... in the movie he did wear furs in some the few scenes where he wasn't only in a leather bikini, particularly the Mongol looking helmet...

I suspect that if someone REALLY wanted to play in a leather bikini and boots only, Conan style, his/her acting uncivilized and distrusting Celestial would meet the RP requirements well enough. In most cases, I question whether this would be desirable however, if for no other reason than having played a few VERY cold events.
point taken on the accent. The flashy clothes and fur would still stand, unless exceptions could be made, and from my old board topic I created, they can not. So I just wondered why one type was chosen over another. Was it random, or was it the original creater of the race's idea on which was more in line with a real representation of that race?
It gets pretty hot in the summer though...even in ohio. I may have to make a leather bikini barbarian alt :)
Agahi said:
I know all that stuff about culture. what I was saying is that irish gypsys in snatch dont talk with the same accent, and dont wear the same type of clothes that the rulebook gypsies are required to have...just like conan dosent wear fur, or much clothes at all for that matter. I was wondering why the rulebook requirements where chosen from one type and not another.

Conan wears clothes when it's cold. He's usually in a warmer environment though in many of the stories. He even wears armor sometimes.

Barbarians can certainly wear less in the way of furs. They don't have to be bundled up like the kid in Christmas Story. Fur bikinis, however, are up to your own discretion.

and if you like Robert Howard's take on barbarians... check out his character (continued in later books by Andrew J Offutt) Wulfhere Haskluifr in Tigers of the Sea... pretty cool Danish reaver who spends most of his time with a Gaelic Irishman (who is, coincidentally, Conan reincarnated)...
Ahhh, but quinny, why not? Heh, im a bit too bashful to wear something like that anyways :P
I agree
Sweet, personal plot. And I havent even started playing my character yet. I knew you guys loved me.
Its not personal plot when the character never gets into the database...

I'll let you turn him in for half build...

So your next character starts at 8 :-)