Diffrent types of the same race.

The accent, for one. And bright colors can be used without them clashing horribly. My Gypsy NPC wears black pants and gold and green jacket. The only "clashing" part is the 6 or 7 brightly colored scarves hanging from his belt.
Sorry I was being a bit sarcastic. I think that the method of dress is actually a really bad racial Identifier. I think makeup or facial tatoos(dictated by the local racial pacet) would be a better choice more in keeping with how racial Identifiers work. Maybe even excesive heirloom jewelry or some such but really I think in should be something more destinct to the race than thier manner of dress.

Or we just go with more what do I see calls and not have the racial identifiers be so strict.

I'm just still grumpy about the dwarf fake beard ruleing I've played a dwarf for over ten years with my natural beard and never had anyone seriously question my race. I'll get extensions I like the race still but its kinda a silly argument that Humans could have that too just like it is with gypsies that are not rainbowtastic.

On topic and off rant, Piker gypsy is an awesome idea we need more than the bad romani accents out there (so long as it isn't the horrible scots accent that the first gypsies I encountered used)
FrankManic said:
That said, Conan doesn't seem to fit the Alliance Barbarian trope. I recall Conan being literate, very intelligent and cunning, and a skilled statesman and military commander.

I've known several Alliance Barbarians of this type. I even played one as my first character. Barbarians aren't stupid. The "civilized" races merely look on them in that manner because of their rough exterior and mannerisms. Just like Conan never really got along with most of the "civilized" people he met.
Alor said:
doesn't the rule book just say that gypsies have to have an "exotic" accent"?

Nope. It has to be an 'appropriate' accent. I get away with thick Italian when I can't get my romani down right. Some days, the accent just doesn't come out right for me.

We just had some old-time players come back to the game and it was fun seeing gypsies with the 4th edition 'required facial makeup' in order not to have to speak in an accent - then telling them that they had to.
Oh man I know how you feel. I'm fine as Ivelios until I am within earshot of another gypsy. Slowly my accecent will shift to whatever they are doing.
tieran said:
I'll let you turn him in for half build...

So your next character starts at 8 :-)

Your feeling nice today rounding up?
Not at all.

I was rounding down from 17 from the module he would have gotten xp from :-)

Way to drag up a wicked old comment though Paul :-)
I love our varied gypsies in the NE. One even has pink and purple weapons :)

It's really fun to watch them get intoxicated and descend into drunken arguing, because if you thought you couldn't understand them before, wait til they get a few drinks in them...

(edited for gross spelling errors.)