Diffrent types of the same race.

haha, ill just npc another year. Then you'll have to continue to endure my presence. I demand build and loots before I go away.
Done and done.

I will have one half-build character and 15 copper for you at the next event.
Alor said:
and if you like Robert Howard's take on barbarians... check out his character (continued in later books by Andrew J Offutt) Wulfhere Haskluifr in Tigers of the Sea... pretty cool Danish reaver who spends most of his time with a Gaelic Irishman (who is, coincidentally, Conan reincarnated)...

The Horseclans books by Robert Adams do a pretty good portrait of the plains-dwelling horse-nomad type of barbarian as well. The Maori, Samoans, or pretty much any of the Polynesian peoples would be your islander barbarians... the inspirations go on and on.
Hi, Im Jay, and I play one of the token NOT Slavic gypsys (interestingly, I actually play the piker sort, ala snatch).
Write your local chapter, get your race packet, because most every chapter is different. Caldaria for example has 4 very different 'flavors' of gypsy, 4 or 5 different flavors of barbar, and more elves then I can shake a 2hB at.
Beyond that its hard to pin down and your local team has the details.
if you go with the pikey gypsies GOOD LUCK with that accent...i swear they're not speaking english....
My friend(whos going to start playing this Ohio event) actually has the accent down perfectly already. It took watching the movie and practicing for a while, but he got it, so I guess I will get it eventually. The problem is they seem to say F' like every other word, and I never swear (to respect other people), Though you are right, you can barley understand what they say half the time.
i hope i get to see you in game with that accent i would just giggle!!! its so fast and if i thought i could ever do anything besides a true vermonter accent and a southern accent and a pakistani accent i would attempt it. this will be my first year playing and i have to get a romani-esque accent down. i went out to dinner with some people from romania and figured i'd study their accent THEY DIDN"T TALK through the whole dinner...jeeprs.....my friend ben is awesome with accents though he's always calling me at work with some other accent pretending to be a customer and sometimes i don't know its him...way cool...i applaud you picking something so hard to play...as for the F bomb being dropped every other word....ehh...say fig?
Agahi said:
The problem is they seem to say F' like every other word, and I never swear (to respect other people)

You could always replace the real-world F with one of the many versions from Sci-Fi. Frell, Frack, Frag....or makeup a new swear word that's unique for you or your IG culture.
Well, it seems like when pikeys say it, it sounds like "foog" or "fook" anyway...still awfully close and makes me feel akward... Maybe one of suggested alternatives will work, I'll try it out. A little soon for all this though, I am awfully enticed by a butterfly or skunk scavy. I wonder if I could justify resist magic with the butterfly 8-)
Agahi said:
Well, it seems like when pikeys say it, it sounds like "foog" or "fook" anyway...still awfully close and makes me feel akward... Maybe one of suggested alternatives will work, I'll try it out. A little soon for all this though, I am awfully enticed by a butterfly or skunk scavy. I wonder if I could justify resist magic with the butterfly 8-)
I think that would fly (lol) seeing as butterflies are intrinsically magical in many fantasy settings and them taking a liking to magical orchards. I could also see Racial Dodge as they are a bother to catch. Just be ready for a low starting Body and maybe a no Fighter clause.
I was thinking rogue, or CE scholar anyway. So those restrictions would be fine as long as double cost for readwrite/read magic wasnt thrown in the mix as well.
Agahi said:
I was thinking rogue, or CE scholar anyway. So those restrictions would be fine as long as double cost for readwrite/read magic wasnt thrown in the mix as well.
Double build for read/write on "caster" scavengers would be cruel, indeed. I could totally see a Butterfly Adept flying around the town and literally stopping to smell the flowers.
Eh, the double price R/W isn't that bad for a scholar. It's still relatively cheap, and character concept is worth a couple build here and there. :mrgreen:
True, Im not saying I wouldnt endure :) Just that id prefer not having it, the character would stay low level forever anyway...or untill my main char dies, or goes npc.
I have 3 scavengers. Templar, Adept and Scholar. The double for R/W and Read Magic is a small price to pay.

And, just for the record, I have 6 active characters (ranging from 7th to 23rd level) and 2 more waiting in the wings (one of which is ANOTHER scavvy). I just can't help but play a cool concept once I think of it.
My gypsy speaks more like Indigo Montoya of Princess Bride fame, so I don't consider her a Slovic-type gypsy. She is more spanish sounding.

Ooooo!!! Another Butterfly Scavvie!! Neat!!
Villig Marcaragnus said:
And Wulfgar would totally kick Conan :D

Didn't Conan become a King by his own hand, give it up when he got bored, and go on to die of old age having fought with sorcerers and demons, wizards and Picts, Gods and armies? I seem to recall Wulfgar was last seen as a thin paste after he dropped a ceiling on his own head.

That said, Conan doesn't seem to fit the Alliance Barbarian trope. I recall Conan being literate, very intelligent and cunning, and a skilled statesman and military commander. Again, if I'm remembering this right he didn't have any artifacts of his youth in Cimmeria, and he wore whatever clothes the people around him wore, and fought with whatever weapons were handy. The costume that springs to mind is a short sleeved tunic, a mail vest, a pair of breeches, boots, and a short sword. He won as many battles by trickery and deception as by main force, and eventually ended up ruling one of the most sophisticated kingdom's in the world at that time and was well regarded as a popular hero.

His 'Barbarism' was in contrast to the decadent morality of the people he encountered. He would help people without the expectation of reward, wasn't particularly afraid of death, and didn't give much concern to law and order or property. I believe he got started as a pirate when he killed a judge for insisting that Conan testify against a friend. Conan knew the friend was guilty, but couldn't understand why he was expected to support the state against his buddy, so he killed the judge, fought his way out of the court, and jumped onto a ship. Likewise, if an adventure went poorly, or if there was no chance of grabbing the loot, he'd happily turn away and forget about it to seek his fortune elsewhere while other characters were tortured by the lost opportunity. His opposition to magic stemmed from the corrupting nature of magic in his world, and the tendency of wizards to try to kill him at every opportunity. His 'barbarian' attitude was essentially that anything he did he did purely for his own reasons, without considering how other people thought of him, which ironically reveals him to be more moral, trustworthy, heroic, and good than supposedly civilized people he meets, many of whom are either helpless due to their reliance on society or venal and corrupted by their power. Conan has integrity that civilized society lacks.
Agahi said:
I know all that stuff about culture. what I was saying is that irish gypsys in snatch dont talk with the same accent, and dont wear the same type of clothes that the rulebook gypsies are required to have...

Re: this, popping in a little late. The Pikeys in 'Snatch' wear entirely modern clothes, so you wouldn't be able to dress like them anyway.

That said, it IS possible to play a Gypsy without looking like a rainbow exploded on you. I personally prefer the brighter shades, but I chose a colour scheme (warm colours, red/orange/yellow with some purple) and have stuck with it through all my character's costuming. Keeps it from looking sloppy. It's also entirely possible to go darker -- my man's Gypsy wears mainly black, but accents it with green, gold and a few flashy sashes. Still obviously a Gypsy, but maybe one a little more suited to proper roguery. Finally, my best friend plays a Pikey-type and she always wears some sort of plaid skirt, then chooses one of the colours from the plaid for a complimentary shirt. Dress it up with a headscarf and some jewelry and voila.

One of my biggest pet peeves is the belief that Gypsies have to look like fashion victims. ;)