Count me in. I feel that this would be not only open to farmers and the people who work first and adventure later, but also a spot for adventurers to all come together to train and learn how to fight together, possibly even for the different Adventuring groups of Hope's Reach to learn to fight together.
Rather than trying to coordinate all groups as one, the individual groups could learn to fight as individual squads along side one another.
I am especially interested especially with all of McGregor's talk of *cough*free* beer.
Put me down for a few barrels.
Offerring my blade and honor-
Ur'ok Kal
Rather than trying to coordinate all groups as one, the individual groups could learn to fight as individual squads along side one another.
I am especially interested especially with all of McGregor's talk of *cough*free* beer.

Offerring my blade and honor-
Ur'ok Kal