Dragonhold Council


The new Dragonhold Council of Fort Alliance will be meeting before the next gather to go over our agenda. With this in mind, we would like to ask if there is anything that you would like us to add to our agenda.

You can add anything here or personally speak with any member of the Dragon Council.


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Here is a list of the current member of the Dragonhold Council:
Valentine, Askeksa, Saiorse, Fredrick, and Orsoleya
The following notes have been attached to this thread from various folks around Dragonhold


(Note 1)
"The newly founded Farmers Union of Dragonhold demand and audience with the Merchant's Guild of Dragonhold. Prices keep fluctuating between the months, and while our harvests this year have been... bountiful, our profits have largely lowered. There is no demand for the crops we are yielding for the region and we are tired of the lack of profits. The Farmers Union demands that the council take steps to improve our position in the region. If we do not get results, we will walk away from our farms and let the soldiers deal with feeding the people!

Jacob and Lydia Townsend
Representatives of the Dragonhold Farmers Union"


(Note 2)
"To the Dragonhold Council,

The Eastman Lumber Company would like to formerly express our concern in a matter regarding the Wyrmwood. Our lumber mills and employees have been under attack from vines and thorn like creatures for the past 2 months. We cannot fulfill our orders, and the high demand of lumber is increasing. We fear losing our contracts with the region, not to mention disappointing his highness, Prince Malidor. We request the aid of the Company to deal with the infestation of brambles in our region.

Samuel Eastman
Eastman Lumber Company"


(Note 3)
"Council of Dragonhold,

We have watched as you enslaved us, beat us, killed us... and forced your ways onto our culture.
We have seen the horrors of the Empire and the slavers that take us from our caravans.
We anguished when we learned that the Emerald Falcon slayed our captured brothers and sisters at the infamous Litimore Wedding.

And yet, your Prince Malidor showed us mercy and gave us a place to call home in the midst of all the troubles we are facing.
We repaid your kindness by aided your region with stories and friendship; with laughter from the hearts of your children and your families.
We brought a sense of calm during these troubling times.

And yet I have learned of the slaughter of a caravan of my people?

We demand justice for the deaths of the Rateski Family caravan! We demand justice for the crimes you have committed to our people! We demand justice for the loss of our brothers and sisters!

Baron Ghedi”
Myself and others have expressed concern within the hold itself, for the dividing of bounties and loot whilst dealing with threats throughout the area. A reworking is in order for the system in which loot is split up within the town. There are fairly simple ways to make the system much more efficient. Perhaps look to the workings of other shards to make the process faster and simply better.
-The Town Adventurers
((OOG: Can posts be signed anonymously like Preston did? This will determine an element of any reply. ))
I formally invite the Council of Dragonhold to my services as an advisory on matters both public and private. Discretion is guaranteed.

-Brother Faux
((OOG: Can posts be signed anonymously like Preston did? This will determine an element of any reply. ))
((I wasnt really sure but I did it anyways))
Posted in the Tavern and the Town Council Hall, with the signature of the Town Council, is the following:

Prince Malidor came to Dragonhold earlier this month to meet with the Dragonhold Council. The Council publishes the following notes from that meeting.

The Council's job is to protect the Outpost and surrounding lands; A promise to protect the land and people must be made.

The Sheriff's job is to defend and uphold the law above all else. The Sheriff is allowed to recruit two Deputies to enforce the laws. The Sheriff and Deputies are allowed to serve in any guild, because loyalties are meant to lie with the people over guilds.

The Council is meant to act as a court and judges if crimes are committed.

Rather than elect a single battle leader, or Warden, the Prince requests that strategy and defense of the town be cooperatively coordinated through the Council.

The Prince will act as his own Regent and not replace Lord Brightstone.

We are having two sessions. These are the publicized notes from session one. This is to allow the citizenry the clearest understanding of our endeavors. If you have not seen a topic you raised addressed, understand that it is either slated for session two (mid-8th-month) or has been resolved quietly.

Dragonhold Council 419 Extra-gather Session One Notes

Laws & Punishment
  • “Death,” as a punishment, refers to the separation of the spirit from the body
  • “Citizen Races” are defined as those races which are common among adventurers.
  • Punishments are to be enacted by the Council, in a manner that punishment given by the townsfolk does not continue indefinitely.
  • If a group or an embassy journey to another shard, the laws of the shard we travel to must be followed. Extraterritorial laws will not be created.
  • If a charge cannot be agreed upon prior to issuing a Warrant, no punishment should be enacted by anyone.
  • The Sheriff has the right of investigation. He may recruit investigators, but they cannot be anonymous and must be announced to the Council. Anonymous tips may be given.
  • No bounty will be placed by the Company on Sheriff’s Warrants.
  • A grace period will exist for those with Warrants to surrender whensoever that is possible.
  • Outstanding Warrants are always to be publicized (see below).
  • The Sheriff can Arrest people on sight for High Crimes. The two deputies can detain people for High Crimes exclusively in order to bring them immediately to the Sheriff for Arrest.
  • Arrest periods ought to be as short as possible, so regional resources are not wasted on detention.
  • Bonds for (non-High) Crimes may be discussed with the Council in event of a Guilty ruling.
  • In the event of a Death sentence, the level of how public the executions will be and how it is administered will be case by case.
  • Criminals have the right to speak for their crimes at Trial.
  • Contracts for Indentured Servitude may only be held by specific people and not the land, estates, organizations, etc..
  • In the Winter we intend hold a Meeting where all will be invited to speak as long as they wish with the Council on any matter.

Party Treasure & Bag Notes
  • Town Bag & "Adventure" Bags will be split separately. This will primarily be accomplished by the Chaptermaster of the Hammer & Scales (Frederick) in the role of Custodian.
  • Town Bag will be collected by all Councilors with big red bags.
  • Councilor Valentine suggests a method many saw in another shard: two splits across a weekend. The responsibility falls to oneself of getting onto a List for each Bag Split. Items are auctioned off to the party first, then to outside sources. Those who split treasure get an extra share. Alchemy, Scrolls, and similar 'creatable' resources will be randomly distributed. Coulior Frederick agrees.
  • Complaints about bag must be delivered to Council Valentine of the Vex Mortis, who will share them with Council.
  • Unclaimed town bag will be divided between the Guilds and Custodian after a suitable grace period of months.
  • Expect a clear Town Bag policy to be posted before out next gather. Meanwhile, feedback on these notes is to be direct to Councilor Valentine
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  • Giilu has been arrested for endangerment and is on bail.
    • Do not harass this suspect.
  • Mori has a Warrant for Endangerment.
    • Grace period active to report to the Sherrif or Council through the end of 8th month.
  • "Brother" Shroo is wanted for Murder and Endangerment.
    • Grace period active to report to the Sherrif or Council through the end of 8th month.
  • Graven is to present himself to the council (not the Sherrif) for censure on the charge of Theft.
    • Grace period active through the end of the 8th month.
  • There is a Treason charge being processed directly by Prince Malidor to be handled at the start of the 9th month.
    • That is all we can say about that.
Askeksa's Summer Addenda

Dragonhold Scribe: Pa!

Dragonhold Sheriff:

Dragonhold Council :
Frederick: they represent the Hammer and Scales
Askeksa: he represents the Roots to the Sky
Bekkur: he represents the White Flame
Saoirse: she represents the Company
Valentine: she represents the Vex Mortis

The Ruins have been re-opened. Report to the Roots to the Sky Guildhall for more information.

Communications exist between the Emerald Hills farmers concern and members of the Dragonhold Council.

Baron Ghedi, our honored guest in Dragonhold, has been replied to regarding his plea for justice.

Graven has presented himself and is on bail. Do not harass this subject.

Other subjects at large and expected to present themselves or communicate no later than the 8th day of the 9th month.

The Dragonhold Council can encourage but will not force the private citizen who owns the Tavern on what to sell. Please also direct your Tavern criticism to Aden Corso or his employees. I have personally seen grapes there the size of a dog this week. Enjoy.

- Councilor Askeksa

((OOG: No such thing as an anonymous post unless Plot makes it so not replying to that.))
The Dragonhold Council has reviewed testimony from the Winter Moot and taken other feedback on the Laws that have been commised by our hand from His Majesty. We have consulted myriad folks from our community and beyond and are pleased to announce that the Laws of Dragonhold have been internally ratified by all five Coucilors and sent to Prince Malidor for approval.

Further details of the of the 8/30 Council Meeting will be available in the coming fortnight and substantial advance notice will be given before these Laws enter effect, if approved by Prince Malidor Ironbeard.

Though this is exciting, as an Adventuring community there are other critical matters upon which attention might/ought fall in this our year of four hundred and twenty.
  • Visit from Prince Malidor on the 12th if Ninthmonth (9/12)
  • Providing safe and prosperous lives for those that dwell here in Fort Alliance & the neighboring Emerald Hills. The beautiful folk customs and daily farm village chores can always use more eyes and hands.
  • Assistance by selfless volunteerism in response to the dread Plagues and undead menace that still grips the Heliosian city of Sonnenspire and it's surroundings.
  • The ongoing preparations of the Orc warchief / Herald of the Mother Thunderfist in Vuka and his effort to dominate that wild and free land.
  • Setting our stance on the complex agenda of factionalized Elder Vampires. Read Ser Perceival of Velden Baronys warning on this board from last Twelfthmonth and expect further postings on this delicate matter.
  • Advancing the Renewal of the Empire of Helios by final defeat of the usurpur Gaius Herod and establishment of the Rightful Heir Alexander Drake though support of Drakist leaders in constitutant Baronies & by acquisition of historical Objects of office that proove the Drake's claims.
  • The swift exploration of the Ten Rooms on The "Dragonhold Ruins" which are unsealed in this calendar year. Treasure and lore lie within.
  • Weathering the magical and geophysical outcomes of the Solan Incident and the removal of the Island of Solus from our world, with eventual eye to its mystical liberation from the forces of Outside darkness to which it has fallen.
  • Preparation of a potential influx of refugees from our sister Shard of Arcarthia.
  • For our newer Adventurers know that becoming a member of one of the five Guilds of Dragonhold is the most effective first step in ensuring your talents are well-used at Gathers, your personal goals advanced by allies, your fortunes grown and your "star" set on the path to ascent.
We welcome any and all inquiries or revelations on these matters or others close to your heart at our letterbox — dragonholdcouncil@gmail.com

Councilor Askeksa Firstforest61109029_846398589063648_1609438363092254720_n.png
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From the Dragonhold Council

IG: The Trial of Solaris for the crime of treason will be held on Saturday October 24th at 1pm following the execution of Samael for Necromancy at Noon.

OOG: Both of these events will be held over discord from Noon to 2pm.