Drink beer!

This is why you go to your local micro brewery. You get authentic non watered down beer in all different flavors, colors and styles.

you know that's water right?


p.s. congrats on scholar
Fynwei said:
Horrible Facts about chemical poisoning: http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html(this is related)

Indeed, this compound is so present that it even covers (though the government does not wish us to know) 90% of the earth and makes up 80% of our very being!

Hrrrrrrm. What ever could it be? Notice on that site they don't have even a skeleton drawing of the compound?

Dihydrogen monoxide is none other than a verbal twisting of the only chemical compound which can exist as named: H2O

Also called water.

And yes indeed it is possible to die from a thimblefull/tablespoon of water. You can in fact drown in such an amount. Drowning does indeed kill my friends.


Whee hoaxes. Puts me in mind of the alcohol ban song "Water's the stuff you mix with the hops to make the horrid drink, so ban it ban it ban it now, shove it down the sink!!!"

This entire post reminds me of that episode of Futurama

"So slerm comes out of a behind! Honey comes out of a bee's behind, milk comes out of a cow's behind! And you all use toothpaste, right?"

"Whose behind does that come out of?"

"You don't wanna know."

Ah, Fry...

And now I leave earth for no raisin!