Dryad Questions


Hello Everyone- I am a very new to LARP (no ex at all) and I was reading over the race packets and had a couple questions (as I'm thinking of trying to create a Dryad after playing NPC's to get the hang of the game)

1) When a New Dryad is entered into a game- is that dryad just newly awakened? OR do/can they be a traveler from another area? This is just a general question.

2) When Dryads sleep- specifically the bark-skin (treelike) Dryads, do they sleep in their tree form so to speak? Or are they under ground like the spore dryads?

3) Because they are good at Herbal lore- do Dryads make good healers? (as I said I'm a total newb and still trying to wade through ALL the threads on the rules forums.)

4) I know Dryads can't use Metal weapons- but can they use a weapon made from Bone/Antler?

Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this Newbies Questions!
Hello Itaeo,

Welcome to Alliance LARP.

1)This is part of the background story you create for this character. This is really fun to do. Unless your chapter has a requirement for dryads to be newly awaken the character could have been awake for a while already.

2)There is no such information available in the national information package or even my chapter one. In the national package there is a mention of a dryad that explains the dryad physiology is a lot like the other races. “They asked if we were plants, or plant-people, and we laughed and told them ‘No friends, we are like you.’” They basically sleep the same way as other races.

If you decide to go with this idea it may be imposible for your to roleplay this so prepare to have to explain why you say you sleep one way but in reality you don't

3) Although many dryads are healers the skill Herbal lore is for alchemy. It is a requirement to learn alchemy and it allows you to identify alchemy.

4) They can use weapons made of bone/antler as long as they weapon is any of the following: Blunt weapons, Staff, Thrown Weapon and/or Bow

National Race packages: http://alliancelarp.com/races/
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Thank you Phil90 for answering my questions! I REALLY appreciate it. (trying to wade through the race packets and rules is a daunting task to say the least Lol)

I do have another question as I mull over creating a PC (I like to have all the details laid out for my groundwork before I let my fancy take me. *wink*)

I know in the Race Packet Dryads are said to have Plant elements mixed into their bodies- as in with their bone, flesh and such, but my Question is this- for the Barkskins, is their hide more bark-like (tough, woody, ect) OR is their skin simply colored like bark? Or is this left up to Each individual player to decide for themselves?

Thanks in advance for answering- I really like how Alliance members are SO willing to answer Newbies questions!
That's up to each player to decide. For example, I play a Barkskin Dryad, and in addition to my makeup, I wear a bark-like mask to represent a patch of tough, tree-like flesh on the face. You can see it in my avatar picture if you look closely (though the picture was taken fairly late on Saturday afternoon and a lot of my accompanying brown/green makeup has unfortunately faded/rubbed off).
I also have a quick dryad question. Does the ability to buy herbal lore at half price negate the need to buy read and write as a prerequisite for that skill?
It does not. You will still need to buy Read and Write as a skill before accessing Herbal Lore.
I do have another question as I mull over creating a PC (I like to have all the details laid out for my groundwork before I let my fancy take me. *wink*)

I know in the Race Packet Dryads are said to have Plant elements mixed into their bodies- as in with their bone, flesh and such, but my Question is this- for the Barkskins, is their hide more bark-like (tough, woody, ect) OR is their skin simply colored like bark? Or is this left up to Each individual player to decide for themselves?

One important thing to note is that being a barkskin doesn't give you natural armor. You still have to wear something for armor if you want points. Otherwise, like was said above, you can rep your skin however you want as long as it makes you happy and it's fun for you to wear and play! One super fun thing to do is look through other chapter's facebook pictures to see how folks choose to look. It's great for inspiration. And I'm sure anyone playing a barkskin would be happy to share pictures too if you want.
My wife (user KialdaLoa here) plays a barkskin and I'm sure she'd love to talk makeup and costuming with you!
Oh I know the skin doesn't add an armor points. this question was STRICTLY for Character building/RP fodder.v but thank you for the clarification Laa!

And Mguarino I'd LOVE to see your wife's costume pictures if she'd share them- this is VERY new to me so I'm floundering a bit. lol
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Howdy!! I looove playing my barkskin dryad! I am hoping my above post works correctly and you see three images of my costume variations!

Honestly, my favorite thing about dryad costume is changing leaf color/flowers for each season. I have thick leaves for summer, flowers for spring, and orange for fall! I braid/pin them in my hair and wrap them around my arms.

Barkskin specifically, I just use a mix of brown and black mehron liquid make up and streak it down my face in a vaguely bark-ish pattern. I apply brown with a make-up wedge, then do darker streaks and blending with my fingers. In hotter seasons when I am not wearing brown long-sleeves undershirts, I will make-up my arms, too. Basically any exposed skin I try to make look like bark with make-up. It doesn't feel exceptionally creative or craftily done, really, but I think it works! :)
PS: While OOG this is clearly just brown-colored skin, I do think it IG represents actual bark. In my mind, barkskins do not have soft, fleshy skin. They literally have rougher, bark-ier (if not true bark) as skin. :)
@ KialdaLoa Thank you SO much for showing me the pictures and giving some great inspiration! Your costume looks AMAZING