Earthweavers' Enclave in Calenhelm

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Zanthia is quiet for a moment while she sits and collects her thoughts.

"Thank-you for your offer, your Grace. Even now we prepare to return to Parson's Breach. We shall see how things stand when we arrive, but I do not believe all is lost yet."

"I do not wish to be rude, but I must depart for the Conclave-Penta shortly. Thank-you for coming."
Victoria rises, "Certainly, I do not wish to delay you, I only wished to convey to you that support will be available from the Palace as it is needed, just send word to me. You have but to ask. May your journey prove to be successful and we shall all be praying for the safe return of The King and all those who head out to fight this evil."

With that Victoria heads to the door, opening it and stepping through, closing it quietly behind her. With a nod to her guards she heads towards the stairs, passing by a Gypsy she believes she recognizes from Parson's Breach, but she doesn't stop to talk to him. She will return to her solarium and await word from Laurent, he should have received her note by now.
Zanthia is preparing to go to the Conclave-Penta when sudden screaming makes her jump. She drops her bag and rushes out the door, suddenly afraid.
Zanthia arrives back at the Enclave very late at night. She immediately give instructions to prepare for the journey back to Parson's Breach in the morning. On her way back to her own room, she checks on Nadja and finds no change. She gathers up the scrolls from the desk to give out once everyone is assembeled, then goes to her own room for some much needed rest before morning.

At dawn, she is awake and almost ready to leave. Breakfast is brought in and she quickly eats. Then, ensuring she has everything she needs for the week-long journey, she heads down to the main enterance where all those from the Breach that sought refuge here wait, eager to leave. She hands a scroll to the elderly woman who again sits behind the desk. It contains insturctions for a Whispering Wind ritual to be sent to the Cirlce in Ral'Endas requesting aid.

Together, they all depart for the long journey.
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