Event Post-Mortem

Alrighty, people; post your favorite bits of the event. Dont be shy now.
Johnathan Lancaster said:
Alrighty, people; post your favorite bits of the event. Dont be shy now.

Where are yours?


The scene I ran with you, despite the giant spider that almost ate Bond's head.

The scene I ran with Damian in the Earth Guild.

A certain counter proposal to the Earth Guild Master's prices for guided ressurections. ;)

Playing a right bastard and actually having the PCs get to the good buried deep within him.

Blyn's fight with his drunken wife.

Blyn getting rogued.

The Battle at the Keep.
All of the Hunter Scenes with Matt

The slave auction (including the sale of a PC)

Kelly's perfect kidnappings

Watching some awesome, character defining decisions being made

The scene between Thorn, Kauss, Johnathan, and Tharval in the Tavern (AWESOME!)

Building the keep, then having it stormed (Rezzing 4 times in the same battle!)

I had a good time, and would like to thank the PC's and NPC's for contributing to what is defineitely up there on my good events list.
The "key" plot. Yay for logic puzzles!

Storming the keep.

Circle rezzing bad guys.

Waking up friday night cause I hear the door open, having the ward hopper rift in, look at him as he looks at me, then having him rift out. If I hadn't been half asleep, that would have been a total WTF moment. As it was, it led to us gaining a kick butt ally.

Foraging. ;)
"Chatting" with Seans mwe (Olen?)..finding out that Perrin's described as "silent but deadly" (got a chuckle outta that one )

Barbar fight. Many spells dodged (Nate..dude...get a better throwing arm:p)

*Excellent* scenes that were defnining moments for some characters...

Purchasing a slave (?!)

And finally, the look on Shikars face at *one particular moment*....(and you know what I mean, Dan)
I was going to post my favorites originally, but I was way too dead to think of them. So, now that I am a bit more refreshed, here I go:

- Reiterating the scene between Thorn, Tharval, Kauss, and Johnathan. A real tense situation that I have gained alot of experience out of.

- Sunday night's big decision on my part. Nothing made me feel more involved and emersed than a major moral desicion.

- Taking an inventory of what the adventurers did during the weekend in terms of factions assaulted.

- Being able to get back into game after taking a little time out of game after my big fall. Many thanks to Spoone.

- The scene between Jim and I. Despite destractions, I felt that the mood and momentum kept well enough.

- The intro of Sean's new character. Props to Sean and Jim for getting coordinated to make it happen. I just feel bad for Sean that he ended up spending so much time in Swan Cabin.

- RP'ing with Becca as the Queen of Nightmares.

- The slave auction where Thorn was bidding on all of the slaves, and the constant PC approaching and handing him more money to keep up the momentum.

Overall, props to everyone involved. This event was high quality.
here are mine:

tring to stay out of the hand of

Kellys kiddnapping of Sean

the fight at the keep....

thank you all for a great game.......
Keep ???

Whats all this talk about a keep????????? :ranger:
We stormed a keep and took out the evil overlord. You know, standard adventurer stuff.

I want to add beelining reagents to my favs list. The look on people's faces when I shoved them out of the way as I headed straight for one was highly amusing.
Favorite stuff? Two words:
Phaaaase Puppay! And one more: HIIIIIII!!!
The phase pups were there for three purposes, to be cute, kind of annoying, and mostly to heal the PCs in the heat of battle. Unfortunately, I never saw any monsters while I played a phase pup, so I didn't get to live up to that third purpose. One of them did get her belly rubbed, though.

Austin and I got to play Mistress Ariela's bouncers, Maximus and Rodimus. I loved parading around looking burly, hunky, and about as sharp as a hammer.

Pretending (in game) to fall deeply in love with a total stranger when she brushed my face with a feather she was trying to pass off as magical. "Oh, well hello! That felt rather nice! I am Eric Boneti. To who do I owe the pleasure?" After a brief flirtatious conversation, she snaps her fingers, and I say "Well it was nice to meet you," and go back to reading Dark Tower.

In the barbarian fight, I finally got a res where there were no spell casters looking at me, and I thought 'time to kick some ***!' Within ten seconds, I had landed both my 50-slays perfectly, and they did nothing.
"Preparetodiefiftyslay!" "Magic armor." "Preparetodiefiftyslay!" "Dodge." "****!!!" It was still a lot of fun!

Actually sleeping, and taking showers. Luxury!
Let's see. . . this event was really enjoyable for me, I felt more confident about being a plot member, knew some more obscure rules than I did in June, and I think more people accepted me as a member of plot, and helped me out when I didn't know something obvious.

Favorite things:

Having a good ratio of PCs to NPCs made it so easy to have constant or near constant characters that PCs could usually find (The Earth Guild guy, Kelly's innkeeper)

Learning that alchemy is fun! My hobling alchemist who was all about getting her stuff back, always had her mind on alchemy and got offered dinner six times (in and out of game) Bravo to those of you who feed plot. Especially Kelly.

RPing with Jonathan about his moral dilemma, then sending nightmares to watch over Jonathan's cabin. Sweet dreams. . . buahahaha.

Playing six different races in one waking period. Elf, human, barbarian, sarr, hobling, fey. Each character completely different with a whole new outlook on life. It's a lot of mental work.

Walking up to about six feet away from Shikar, right behind him and casting a death spell. The best part about that was how fast he dodged, the look on his face and his relieved shout of "No THANK you!!" as he watched the packet fly past his nose.

My conversation as the bordello babe with the innkeeper about a particular ad posted on the board. And the subsequent snide comment he posted on the board.
Lets see, my favorite moments would have to be the Keep Battle, hopping wards and eating them, trying to explain abstract concepts as an NPC who couldn't speak (not an easy task) and playing a one-armed bandit. Oh, and making Thorn cry. That was fun.

hehehe, three hairy, topless men in a wash room with crystal sitting on the washing machine with a belt in hand.....kinda makes you wonder.

Three confused slavers and a group of wierded out PCs.

Great Moments From the weekend

RP with Sean's character

The scene between Thurvall, Kaz, and Jonathan.

The battle at the keep - The thought, "I'm going to die" ran across Pearl's head, as this strange healer who might be leading us into a trap, Stephanie's dark elf, and Pearl all go into the inner part of Sade's heavily guarded keep.

Pearl playing dumb to the enslaved Gwen as Pearl was trying to stall for time (Gwen was trying to explain different rooms in Sade's place and what it would be like being married to Sade and Pearl kept on looking at her funny and saying she didn't understand Gwen's land speech and Gwen would have to show Pearl these rooms that she was describing).

Thorn successfully rifting into Sade's keep (Pearl had never been more happier to see him) and the ward hopper eating Sade's ward.

"Go Merchant Go!"

And, how could I not love plot taunting Pearl with her finally locating the last known place where her father was (Sade's husband... enslavement? AHH!) and then, oh, close, but no cigar.
My favorite points-

Eating cookies on the step of the Inn watching the barbarian horde beating down on the PCs thinking "Hmm.... I wonder why the gaje didn't want my help" then proceeding to think "okay, since I'm done with my cookies anyways I may as well see what all the commotion is about".

Actually commenting that NO ONE advised me of the situation and/or asked for me to come along to help.

Being asked to help storm the keep.

Being left by myself outside *cough* *cough* when the 1st group rushed into the keep fighting past the wall guards. I sat outside for a few minutes letting the guards roleplay and waste spells trying to take down walls of force and get by the ward hopper. When Brewer (the caster of the gaurds) finally got the wall down, he sighed in relief, took one step towards the door, and then got the "Balryn Smack Down" with five gas globes into his back. I actually felt bad. Nick looked so optimistic about finally getting back into the fight that I left him paralyzed on the doorstep for a minute or two just for torture as I got the rest of his group. :)

In the keep fight, placing a ward up on the hallway to the earth circle to keep the shirtless guards from rampaging through the group. Then waiting for them to drop it, stepping into the doorway as they rushed down it and putting another one up- just to hear about half a dozen people go "Oh ****! Balryn! Your the only one in there!" and replying with "Oh.... I know...." as I grinned at the buff badies with my hand of alchemy.

Having the full intention of burning down my own cabin when I left and having some barbarian beat me to it. That was ironic.

Making some very self-centered and *somewhat* evil offers and deals to various PCs and NPCs alike.

Collecting a boat load of passengers to bring back with me because I like traveling companions.
A couple of my favorite parts happen to create the same effect on the PC's.

-The first night, walking around with the black mask on my face as a group of slavers and scaring the crap out of people. That was fun.

-And playing Sade for the first time on Saturday. I noticed a couple of you either were really ready for a fight, or freaked out of your minds.

Hope you guys all had fun, cuz I did.

"go merchant go" I rather liked that.
Having 4 people dominated to me and defending me at once.

The scene with johnathan/kauss/tharvold/thorn.

I liked when I walked into the entrance to the keep (rocks flying all over) turned a little to my left, and started gassing defenders.

Harlets are always good, if only izlude had been there.

there are other things as well, but these are some of the top.
Evad the tavern keep ruled.

One on one fight between Thorn and the Barbarian.

The keep fight was great.

And just having fun playing with you all.
Okie dokie....

Me getting traps put into my head. Talking to Seth about something very important. HEHEHE!

Being up saturday night at like three playing a ghoul and walking up to the tavern and making Thorn howl and then making Eli and Thorn follow me up the hill (just to torture them) and then fighting them there (of course them killed me)

Casting NECROMANCY (no not really) I never got to...man I am soo bummed....*sigh* mabey next time.

Aeris said:
Being up saturday night at like three playing a ghoul and walking up to the tavern and making Thorn howl and then making Eli and Thorn follow me up the hill (just to torture them) and then fighting them there (of course them killed me)

a bouncing ghoul and 2 shambling PCs... that was so funny!!!