1. Post your favorite moments
Oh, so many to list! The colors, meeting the baby foxkin, tricking Evo and getting his list, being rewarded for being sneaky, handing in like 5 things for the scavenger hunt in the first 5 minutes, singing a love song to Kumari and watching her get all blushy when I called her sugar spots, getting applause (and paid!) for singing songs by the fire, seeing Thistle silence Vagar and then watching him hide in the bushes during the mage fight, watching the third quarter hand-off for the race, seeing team Cacophany's dance, the kiss, and the ensuing dominate by Az'caine

Helping with the trapped room, seeing Mar win the archery contest, and cheering for Third in the champions battle. Also pleased with myself for waylaying and robbing
that person after the rest of my party had walked away. I am not sure it was a favorite, per say, but watching the dark elf entertainment was also quite...
2. Post your less favorite moments
The moment I heard from Evo that he had been talked into attending the mage's fight, only to miss it entirely because he never heard it heralded. I'm also a little sad I didn't find or missed the chance to join any/all of the mods, including the water mods by the river.
3. What you would like to see more of
Not much, since I hear there were lots of mods and I just wasn't in the right place at the right time. I guess heralds or criers letting folks know what is happening and where? I'd also love to see a few non-vying events that the teamless could join in: archery and the riddles being first off the top of my head.
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Kai moves towards the line of folks picking up their lists, knowing that even a quick glace could be the head-start that she needs. Scanning the list over a brother-hood shoulder she gasps, "I have a bunch of these, be right back" and takes off running. Back to her encampment she races, only to be paces behind her camp-mate Evo. She realizes that he may be helping a team that is currently on the field for trollball, and her mind starts to race.
Can I get his list away from him? Maybe if I can put him to sleep in the tent? But how do I convince him to get into the tent? As they near the camp site she grows more frantic, and draws his attention. "So, who are you helping?" she calls out to him. Turning, the list is clutched to his side and he matter-of-factly replies "the ascended beasts." "Oh, uh, cool. I'm helping the Duchess' team." Evo looks down to read his list again, and Kai seizes her chance. She readies a sleep gas globe and hits him square in the chest. As he slumps to the ground she mummers, "I'm so sorry, Evo." She grabs the list from his limp hands, tucking it in her belt before hauling his body to prop him against a nearby tree. He looks so peaceful, sleeping there. Still looking at Evo, her paw fishes into her special pouch for an amnesia elixir, but something feels
wrong. She looks down and sees the tips of her fingers wigging out a hole in the bottom of her pouch. "Oh,
shhhhit!" She looks around, and realizes she has already wasted too much time, since he's going to come after her anyways. She runs the rest of the way to her encampment, loads up on items for the hunt, and races back to the pavilion by the trollball field.