Event review "Festival of Crows"

Post your review for a "Festival of Crows""
1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 gs, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Let's make those that missed the event jealous over how awesome it was!
1. Being faced with a true decision of character, I was leading a group that I trusted to find a powerful spirit. Upon arriving, several Orcs were there, and momentarily I thought we would be in some danger, but we chose to use diplomacy. Eventually through the intense conversation from my team we were granted access to a puzzle and then to a Guardian. Speaking a choice that was so potentially devistating, Mobeus threw himself on his knees before any of his trusted allies could. The affects of that choice linger now, both in body, and in the actions of his allies.

2. As lunch approached, a call for the Archers and the Mages (in 5 minutes) was spoken. All the Mages gathered in the bowl like we were instructed to, but were left alone for quite a while as the Archer tournament went on. I realize the need to cascade events, but if that decision was overturned, could someone be sent/told to get the group waiting? I am sure we would have liked to see the Archery Tournament, or alternative eat something. :)

3. I think this game was well rounded, but I heard the suggestion of Ritual Matches.. and that intrigues me greatly. I have a suggestion or two for some additional competitions that might even some of our skill sets a bit but I will send that out in an email.

4. Waking in agony, my spirit ripped asunder, trying to be made whole by Master Quinn. My seemingly short life flashed before my eyes and the gravity of my choices weighed heavily on my mind. The home I was raised in, the Goblins that destroyed it, the wandering, the great Valenhold ship I was crew member to before it's destruction, the arrival in Calenhelm, the meeting of one "lucky" king, a beautiful masquerade, the death of a noble, the campaign of Parson's, the years as Magistrate, Kara, Duke Mortis, Faeries, Elementals, Hydras, Lizardmen, Al'zoon, Dragons... so much passed through my head. As my pieces stitched back in a deft display by the magnanimous Master Quinn, working with a puzzle with missing pieces, I was once again mostly whole. I looked down upon my left limb as a very stark reminder of the decisions we make, no longer bound in flesh but only bone. My first thoughts were of vanity, I felt now I would be seen as a monster and people would attempt to end me at every turn, my acts however noble lost in that simple perception. Then I realized in time, this curse, was almost a badge of honour, it proves that even a simple human from a home long destroyed has the strength of will to help save the world without sacrificing it's people however humble, because of course we need to have a world worth saving.
1. I loves the entertainment! Not just our own team but the npc team as well as the other players'. It was awesome to watch everyone's reactions and the rp from it was amazing. I also enjoyed the champion battle. Seeing everyone's skills was intense. I was always on the edge of my seat.

2. The colours ceremony... I (as Kumari) was so nervous that it took the fun out of it. I was very glad when it was over. The only other thing was my resurrection. It was already discussed, but as a reminder, I would have liked some to rather than just sitting there. I was actually hoping no one would show up so I could have the rp.

3. More in tent camping. It really does feel like cheating on the other cite. I would also like more sneaky night time mods. There's nothing better than walking through the woods at night on a stealth mission. It brings out the predator nature of the sarr and kin races.

4. She stood in awe of the dark elf before her. He had done so well in the champion battles... it was just... wow. And now he stood before her, a teacher.

"Attack me." The command was simple, though it left Kumari stunned a moment. Should she swing to hurt or pull her blows? She didn't want to dishonor him by doing so...

"O-okay." She would not hold back, she would try her damnedest.

She attacked slowly at first, then let loose. He blocked everything, despite her greatest effort.

He stopped her then and had her change her form. She couldn't help but hang off his every word. She was in awe. Then he had her attack again.

This time she struck on the third hit and he stopped her.

"That was much better."

She gasped at him, her eyes gone wide. A sense of true pride filled her and she shook her so slightly. Never before had she felt so alive.

Elizabeth Campbell
1) my favorite moment was when Agrio turned his back on Third in the middle of the Champion final. Additionally, knife dueling Agrio at the start of the Champions event was aaaaawesome.
To sum up...
"Stig is Morrigan!"

2) something needs to be done with scoring in events like the 3v3. If a team gets a by because there's an odd number of teams competing, and otherwise had the same win loss record as other teams, it doesn't seem right that they be arbitrarily cut out of contention because of a lack of competition while the other teams with the same record fight on. I'd rather see, personally, one or two teams fight a little more in tie breaker matches than have a team simply dropped out of contention while having a record equal to that of those who fight on to the end.

3) More knife fighting. Talk of Spanish tether-duels had been floated about, and I approve completely. No monkeys with knives. None. Zero. This means you, plot.
More cinematic fights. Loved Mar vs Magnus!

Swiet stares across the Champion square at the dark elf champion as the Gamesmaster speaks. The words seem muffled, faded into the back scatter of sound left in the wake of his own blood thundering in his ears; he knows what is being said, knows the rules of engagement and verses of violence that will follow commencement. Only two things will matter.
"Blood and honour." Swiet whisper-growls the hallowed words out into the center of the small arena, and Agrios' reply echoes the cold, deadly sentiment.
Agrios and Swiet are as different as they are the same: black leather, Swiet the taller while Agrios, uncharacteristically of his race, the broader of shoulder and deeper of chest. Swiet's scaled leather helm marks him a Veteranarii of the dark elven ludii, and Agrios' minimalist garb and stoic demeanour mark him a true champion of the realm, without need to declare status within his own lands.
The word cuts through Swiet's amped fugue like a razor, and the world pinholes to now, right now as past and future become irrelevant and reality creaks like an overstressed bough.
Swiet straightens as Agrios takes a step forward, and his shield is cast to the ground with a sharp jerk of his wrist. His long blade goes to the side, ringing across grassy dirt. Swiet booms from deep in his chest as he reaches back to draw and discard his short blade as well.

" Agrios! I am Swiet Dibbs, lowborn of Calanhelm! I have come here to learn from the best! On your honour..."

Swiet draws his fighting daggers, and as he speaks his next the slash of a shark's grin spreads his features.

"... teach me something!"

He pulls the mask down over his rough features, and Agrios pauses only to cast a questioning look to his Imperatrix. The ebony skinned empress nods to him, radiating an unearthly beauty and poise as she allows her champion this small piece of theatrics.

Agrios scoops his warstaff backward, out of bounds, and gravely draws an identical pair of knives from a breast sheath.

Swiet's chest expands in exultation, his limbs going loose as he curls forward like a sprinter at his block. His breath is an ivory heat in his throat, something old and primal and hungry that snarls deep in the forgotten pit of animal prehistory. His blades sway like pendulums at his sides, clocking the build of a molten internal impetus that can only

They come together in a study of appropriate speed, forward motion perched in perfection upon balance, and they pace into a slow circle as they gauge distance.

Then the flaying begins.

Swiet strikes first, longer reach paying dividends as he scores a furrow into Agrios' armour, but the elf repays him across the forearm way out. They circle and jab, blades flickering and darting like murderous hummingbirds, and though it is Swiet that draws first blood Agrios strikes with greater skill, biting deeper with each cut. It is mere seconds before a long sanguine loop sprays from Swiet's chest.

Steel flashes in the dying light, and there is no clear superior until a low slash comes faster than Swiet can sway off, and he gives a cry as he drops a knee. His leathers soak from navel to dirt instantly, and the human fighter watches Agrios with a blood simple thirst.

"Get up." Agrios rumbles.

I accept this defeat.
I feel alive.

Swiet's reply is a red, wet snarl:
"Now, you must teach me humility."

Agrios slides behind him without word, and when the dagger plunges down into the pit of Swiet's throat, he feels no pain.

There is no pain in The Circle;

Merely Blood, and Honour.
The good:
-TROLLBALL! I want to get good at it, so much fun.
-The variety of merchants we had, made the place feel so alive with Yetta, Clover and Kumari as well as Wally each with equally awesome things to legally plunder our purses and leave us happy!
-Seeing all of the camaraderie between the teams and the wonderful sportsmanship all around!
-The roleplaying from everyone! Special mentions of awesome for characters that I specifically interacted with go to Eriana, Vaegar(spelling?), Swiet Dibbs, the Grand Duchess, Kumari, Lily and Thistle.
-Holy ****, the entertainment!

The meh:
-That trollball field. Owww, my ankle is still complaining.
-The head start some of the other teams got on the scavenger hunt when we were stuck with doing organized play events right away.
-I missed the Satyr Lord *pouts* Valka would have loved to pet him.

-NPCs that stick around the whole weekend. Makes the world feel much more filled and real!
-Experiences from the cultures of different races, the flesh-weaving and all of the different reactions to it were so interesting. The dark elf obsession with honour also had a profound effect on my character because of some of her recent happenings.

A moment from the perspective of Valka:

Thistle's face lights up with a mischievous smile gracing her cheerful face, as Valka approaches the dryad visiting with a circle of friends. "I have a bad idea!", leaves in her hair shift around and quiver delightedly. "Do you think I should do it?"

A raised eyebrow and confused smile come to the barbarian's face as she enters the circle and throws herself down amiably.

"Well, should I, what do you think?"

"Yes!", the exclamation rises to Valka's lips before she even spends half of a second to think, "you should go for it!"

"Just remember that you said I could!", Thisle grins backs at her.

Valka chuckles it off, "yeah, yeah, of course". The others in the circle smile and the conversation continues, friends greeting long missed friends, jokes and stories, insults and excitement for the festival soon to start all whirling together in the picture of a perfect start to the day. Smiling up into the sun, some movement in the distance catches the eye of the northwoman.

There, rustling through the trees, quickly and cheerfully, away from Valka's team camp goes Thistle, the banner of the Ascended Beasts bobbing merrily in her hands. Surprised, amused and a bit annoyed the tribeswoman jumps up and calls out in a clear voice, "Thistle, Thistle, Thistle. No!"

She stands up and walks toward the dryad smiling, and Thistle beams back, "I told you it was a bad idea", the smile widens, "and you told me I could!".

The northerner laughs and shakes her head retrieving the banner she had worked so hard on, "I suppose I did, yes. I suppose I did". The laughter of her friends and acquaintances joins the sounds of merriment, commerce and nature, a perfect start to the day indeed.

Shirleen McD/Valgarda Rotasdottir
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1. Post your favorite moments:
The 3vs3 fights were great, along with the troll ball.
I enjoyed the whole event (being my first Festival of Crows).
The entertainment was sooooooo good, totally expected Rovinder to get obliterated or have a dragons breath thrown at him, but the dominate was much better.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix):
My knees hurting from falling on the Troll ball field which is my own fault for taking hard dives on it in shorts but maybe somewhere softer next time? (not sure if that's possible)

3. What you would like to see more of:
I would love to see more of the 3v3 style fights (Crowborn, we will fight you next time and I can't wait).

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character:
Stig and Boris are lined up beside me ready for the three on three fight, we had prepared for this fight I had bought my bag of throwing daggers. I nod to Boris and look over to Team Cacophony consisting of Magnus, Eriana and Kumari. Grinning as the marshal calls for the start of the fight, I put my spear in my shield hand and reach into my bag to grasp a throwing dagger; I had made 20 just for this moment. Boris and I start to throw them simultaneously which puts the other team off balance and as I near the end of my bag of daggers I hear from the crowd "aren't you done throwing yet, how many more do you have." I grin as I know I have 4 left and keep throwing them to the cheering of the crowd. After I had emptied my bag of throwing daggers their team seems to have regained their footing. Eriana charges at me and we have a quick little fight before we knock her down and then we turn on Magnus and chase him down. After seeing the three of us on him he asks for mercy. We ask the Judge "Do we grant them mercy?" they say "Yes" and we gladly give it to him. They had fought well we just surprised them. We shake hands with each other and cheer, as of that moment the Duchesses Dukes had Won the three on three fight.

Sarryn Remmington (Anthony Percival)
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1. Post your favorite moments
a) the reactions i got to my fight with magnus heck all my fights really.
b) the archery competition coming down to a one on one shoot out
c) the new players where awesome (all you regulars and npcs where awesome too ;) heck everyone)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
the only suggestion i have for future festivals lies in how teams are called for stuff in the field. working on our scavenger list in camp the altered beasts could not hear our name being shouted at all. perhaps a runner next time?

3. What you would like to see more of
just about everything really i loved that even though we where competing against each other all of us where still laughing and joking together. I liked the feel of a friendly competition
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
((written to the best of my knowledge since honestly between the adrenaline and my own exhaustion my memories are abit fuzzy))

the clash of steel rings in my ears as magnus turns my focused blow back at me reacting on instinct i barely manage to turn it back before he swats it aside and advances once more. as our battle continues it becomes starkly clear that i could never cut through his armor before his blade cuts me open the last avenue left to me a gamble relying on his defensive abilities being as strained as my own. stepping in i focus as much of my energy as i can summon into my blade and unleash my attack a technique meant to rend armor and flesh in one devastating blow feeling is own blade bite into my flesh as i do. as the red mist clears from my eyes i see magnus fall my own strength leaving me as i fall to my knees moving over i wave away the first aiders and remove a potion from my pouch to bring magnus back from the brink i'd pushed him to the least i could do for the kin that i had so often fought along side.
1. Post your favorite moments
The interaction of the new players and the once a year attendees! They jumped in with both feet and added a lot to an already great group!
All the teams did a great jobs of being individual and different but still interacting with others. Nice job!
I liked all the events. Even the running and the Troll Ball. Go figure!
The look on faces when I cast "Flame Breath"<evil grin>

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Coordination of the events gets better each year but is still something we can work on. Avoiding conflicts and empty spaces is only slightly harder than creating cold fusion.
Finding my orc repeatedly webbed. Curse you Mobius! <grin>

3. What you would like to see more of
Some open events. Might not have to be part of the formal festival, but would give folks a change to jump in.
A few more orcs Sunday morning would have intended things nicely.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Get moving...
Wait for the tag....
Knees up!
Pump arms!
Ignore sound of footsteps!
Hold onto at least some of the lead that was built up on the first two legs...
Where is my teammate!?!
There she is!
Don't miss the tag!
Breath in, breath out, repeat...
1. Post your favorite moments
Moebius sacrificing himself rather than doom an entire tribe of peaceful orcs to death, after a long RP conversation with all of them. The camraderie among the teams, even between competing teams as we shared scavenger hunt items and hints. The orc attack sunday morning. Opening our prize money from the Duchess and collectively going "holy CRAP." Hiring Kai, promising her a bonus for good performance, and having her earn it within minutes of the opening of the festival.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I think the trollball field we had was too small for the number of people we had. I know that the number of players on the field was reduced, but with the field the way it was there was almost no way to outmaneuver the other team to get a goal. most goals I saw were the result of attrition - people were picking up the ball, lunging forward, and falling, only to get up and do it again.
It's entirely my own fault, but I honestly did not enjoy my part in the champion's battle. I know that I am not particularly skilled at keeping my emotions separate from Third's, and the scorn from Dan's dark elf was unpleasant. I still, both in and out of game, do not really understand why he was so disdainful. Did he think I shouldn't have used a shield? not used offensive abilities? I don't know. Had I thought about it some more, I would have taken a different approach, simply steadily advancing and pounding every major offensive skill I had into him until one got through. No talking, no back and forth, just step forward and slay, step forward and disarm, step forward and stun limb.

3. What you would like to see more of
I.....honestly don't know. I had a great time, and everything was so uniformly good that I can't think of any one moment to say "more of THAT!"

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Wandering down out of camp, unarmord and armed only lightly, I hear combat from near the fire. Drawing my dagger, I move quickly through the trees and see orcs attacking the town! Near the edge of what looks like a roiling mess of a fight, I spot an orc with power glowing from his hands, moving quickly and throwing powerful spells. I try to reach him before he sees me, but he notices my approach and turns. "I call forth a Dragon's Breath!" I try to twist away, but I am insufficiently nimble, and an arcane defense bestowed upon me long ago must be expended to negate the spell. He casts another, and this time I am unprotected. I look down at the hole in the center of my shirt and the terrible burn on my chest. Looking back up, I see the orc confidently waiting for me to fall down, and as I grimace at him and raise my weapon, he turns to run. "Prepare to die, fifty slay!" and he crumples to the ground. Then, I stumble as the pain hits me and I call weakly for help, but the fight has moved on and I must stagger, leaning on trees, consciousness fasding in and out, trying desperately to find someone to heal the terrible wound.
1. Post your favorite moments
Oh, so many to list! The colors, meeting the baby foxkin, tricking Evo and getting his list, being rewarded for being sneaky, handing in like 5 things for the scavenger hunt in the first 5 minutes, singing a love song to Kumari and watching her get all blushy when I called her sugar spots, getting applause (and paid!) for singing songs by the fire, seeing Thistle silence Vagar and then watching him hide in the bushes during the mage fight, watching the third quarter hand-off for the race, seeing team Cacophany's dance, the kiss, and the ensuing dominate by Az'caine :D Helping with the trapped room, seeing Mar win the archery contest, and cheering for Third in the champions battle. Also pleased with myself for waylaying and robbing that person after the rest of my party had walked away. I am not sure it was a favorite, per say, but watching the dark elf entertainment was also quite... memorable.

2. Post your less favorite moments
The moment I heard from Evo that he had been talked into attending the mage's fight, only to miss it entirely because he never heard it heralded. I'm also a little sad I didn't find or missed the chance to join any/all of the mods, including the water mods by the river.

3. What you would like to see more of
Not much, since I hear there were lots of mods and I just wasn't in the right place at the right time. I guess heralds or criers letting folks know what is happening and where? I'd also love to see a few non-vying events that the teamless could join in: archery and the riddles being first off the top of my head.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Kai moves towards the line of folks picking up their lists, knowing that even a quick glace could be the head-start that she needs. Scanning the list over a brother-hood shoulder she gasps, "I have a bunch of these, be right back" and takes off running. Back to her encampment she races, only to be paces behind her camp-mate Evo. She realizes that he may be helping a team that is currently on the field for trollball, and her mind starts to race. Can I get his list away from him? Maybe if I can put him to sleep in the tent? But how do I convince him to get into the tent? As they near the camp site she grows more frantic, and draws his attention. "So, who are you helping?" she calls out to him. Turning, the list is clutched to his side and he matter-of-factly replies "the ascended beasts." "Oh, uh, cool. I'm helping the Duchess' team." Evo looks down to read his list again, and Kai seizes her chance. She readies a sleep gas globe and hits him square in the chest. As he slumps to the ground she mummers, "I'm so sorry, Evo." She grabs the list from his limp hands, tucking it in her belt before hauling his body to prop him against a nearby tree. He looks so peaceful, sleeping there. Still looking at Evo, her paw fishes into her special pouch for an amnesia elixir, but something feels wrong. She looks down and sees the tips of her fingers wigging out a hole in the bottom of her pouch. "Oh, shhhhit!" She looks around, and realizes she has already wasted too much time, since he's going to come after her anyways. She runs the rest of the way to her encampment, loads up on items for the hunt, and races back to the pavilion by the trollball field.
1. Post your favorite moments:
Watching the 3on3 fights, and the different tactics (or lack thereof) of the teams involved. The new, and new to me, players. Some good conversation, both in and out of character. A bit of teaching. Almost forgot how much I enjoy that.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix):
Not being in the right mindspace for the game thanks to outside concerns, and therefor flaking or ditching opportunities for play. I apologize for that, but the getting away from it all and the spectating of events I did helped bunches. (You didn't know, but you did help fix. Thanks.)

3. What you would like to see more of:
More opportunities for unaligned or new players to jump in if they are inclined. The opportunity to hire (or hire out as) a sellsword would appeal to many I bet. Everyone loves a ringer! :) The bidding wars could be epic.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character:
Darien sits by the still smoldering fire pit, relaxing and enjoying good company after breakfast. Well, the festival is almost over. Everyone will be packing up and heading back to their home nations soon. Too bad, really, it's interesting seeing so "Incoming!!" The cry comes as three figures break from cover, heel and toeing it rapidly past! What in Blazes? Thinks Darien, and then he sees them. ORKS!


This isn't the Breach. His guard was down. HE HAS NOTHING! No staff, no pouches of spell components, scrolls, potions, nothing. He breaks for his camp, as do many others in much the same situation. Halfway to camp he checks over his shoulder. Damn! he has a pursuer. A persistent one too. He sees Evo go down in his patented dive'n'roll, immediately being dismissed by the orc, it's focus now solely on Darien. It catches him as he begins the turn for his tent, striking a single hard blow and peeling away back into the main fray. It is doubtful he even registered the flash of the magic armor ...
1. Post your favorite moments
The Dukes winning the tournament and reciveing the catlyst prize which was our overall goal to help a friend.
My team working in such harmony the whole time was amazing. We pulled together so well it was so much fun.
Getting to meet the new players and getting out on some of the mods was awsome.
The yelling coversatiin between Dibbs and Stig sunday morning across the site was hilarious..you seriously need to come to parsons so we can be the town phones lol.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Forgetting my boots and having to wear water shoes the whole event sucked. My greaves kept digging in to the bridge of my feet and my ankles had no support but hell thats my own fault.

3. What you would like to see more of
I would have liked gone up against all the teams in the 3v3. I get the time restrictions of the event but a real proving of skill against all teams would have been a greater victory. Other then that I had a great time.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
My moment will be post event leading to my characters progression

The festival is over. The Dukes came out victorious. Boris chose and lead the team with great percision.
"Stig thinking call Boris n Sarryn shield brothers now"
He thinks to himself proudly
"No team break vall. Ve stand hard n no crumble to da others*HAHA*
Oh n Third...him fight so vell. Strong n thinking vhat is doing at all time. Creepy dark elf *Bah* Third not blood sport fighter. His training showing dat. He fight vell. Not needing do strange blah blah like elf.
Oh n da race...ve being swift in dat one. Even veagar. He make up distance for vin so easy looking. Not expect ct dat one"

As Stig continues his walk from Valdenhold his thoughts flow back to the talk he had with the Dutchess Victoria as he walked her to her portal back to Calenhelm.
"Dutchess is nice lady. She not act like other fancy pants nobles. Nose not point nose to sky. She talk to Stig like anyone do. N da promise to send aid to Vintersedge n help da people is good. Tribes go back to lands n rebuild villages. No fill up Vinterhelm no more"
He smiles at the thought of Karr Th'ul rebuilding but then thinks back to the raids that happend just 5months ago and the loss of his uncle and mentor.
"Karr Th'ul no ready to rise again...to easy for the beasts of Cadnia to come back n not nuff too defend it yet."

A vain in Stigs forhead starts raise, his breathing becomes alittle heavier as the anger starts to boil.
"Not nuff ov us to take fight too dem. Not nuff to recailm home..."
Stig opens his eyes and calms alittle
"Da Dutchess..da help she send..maybe it can help make north n south friends again n wed have help gainst da giants. Maybe da offer she make fer just Stig could help dat happen?"

Stig mulls these thoughts over for awhile as he walks. After some some time he sees a sign on the road
*Calenhelm*X distance*
"Hmm. Bout a veek valk..."
Post your review for a "Festival of Crows"

1. Post your favorite moments
Troll ball was lots of fun
Scavenger hunt was sometimes confusing (doh, what can we get for that item???) but excellent – I still don’t know what we got or how, for the last few items……
The explosion that killed one of our team was well set in the wooden hut when we went in for the ring, it was totally unexpected and I realize I had no armour on, and had had my head right inside the hut an instant before the trap went off.
Arianna’s own subsequent personal explosion at Nasrat after he sent her to the hut without a warning about the trap (which I believe wasn’t even there when Nasrat went for his team’s ring…)
The food was delicious – thanks again Abbey! (and whoever cooked the hashbrowns, very tasty)
The real archery competition was cool, and different
The new players were great, even the ones who don’t regularly attend the other events were a laugh (Sweit)
The merchants were cool, I think I most appreciated the candy, even if a certain tiny foxkin did eat a bunch of mine.
The hosts were very well played by the NPC’s – during the colours ceremony, when certain members of our team (cough cough, Arianna, and I) were poking fun at the Dark Elf team for ‘arriving late’ to the event (they did the escort then went away to set up before coming back) The Elves just stood looking ahead, waiting for their turn, one particularly strict one (Brooke!) responded that we should respect our hosts and pay attention, no smiles, nothing, just awesome – I think this made Arianna a bit worse, but it was our turn to go up so we didn’t have a chance to continue..
The final battle of the individual champions was spectacular, with it’s own upsets and issues. – It really had the crowd tense, especially in the final with Third.
The Entertainment portion, All teams were just fantastic, Story, Play and (truly sickening) Ritual.
As I was facing the right way to see it, I don’t think I will ever forget the entire crowds’ simultaneous shiver as the Az’Caine kiss happened, or the universal gasp right after it. I would like to give a special thanks to the, at least 50-60% of people there who began chanting “Dragon’s Breath!!” “Dragon’s Breath!!” right after, and the minority who were calling for “Obliterate!” – don’t think I didn’t hear you too!
I thoroughly enjoyed the construction involved in re-housing Mr. Thistleberry the Brownie and the subsequent, increasingly desperate attempts by Yetta to get hold of my house building reward - a bag of sand.
Drag Bees! OMG Hilarious!
I was super busy the whole event and didn’t do or even see a single instamod, and that’s just fine by me!
Reading the cards for the Satyr Lord and trying to answer his horribly complicated question….
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Falling a couple of times on the severely uneven trollball field, hurting my knee, - nothing that can be fixed unless it can be played on a more even field
Having to stand further back because I don’t have the archery skill is a bit crap, I understand 100% why it’s done, but still, I would prefer everyone to shoot from the same line (then I might have had a better chance, or maybe not, Mr. MAR MINAKOTO!)
3. What you would like to see more of
Drag Bees! Hilarious! – I also think the specific NPC’s on the Drag bees mod were possibly the best to have had out there, they were just awesome, bad clothes, bad makeup and “4 flaming” all round!
Maybe have the merchants do carnival type games, games of skill, guessing games, a copper to a silver for entry and minor (cheap) prizes for the winners?
Has anyone else ever played LARP Jugger ball?, it’s a little more complex than Trollball but could be something to try.. – the need for slightly larger teams on the field could promote a team-up between randomly selected teams competing…
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
I vake up after the events of the previous day, competing , challenging my mind and body, I smile remembering Cacophony’s vin in the entertainment section, as I rise from bed a slight jingling reminds me what I am vearing, and I think to myself, “I WILL WEAR THIS UNTIL THE END OF THE FESTIVAL OF CROWS”, anyway, time vor breakfast, as I leave my tent, I find myself rubbing my chin – vhere did I get beard rash from??? Oh vait….. now I remember.

OOG Chris Gray
IG Rovinder Kitt