1. Post your favorite moments
-RP, I loved getting to know the new players that I did talk to, it's great to meet you all and I can't wait to play with you again
-Plot, you guys completely outdid yourselves again, I am astounded and flabbergasted as to how intricate, well thought out and enjoyable all the storylines are in our LARP
-The giant fights were really well done, thank you JP for that, as well thank you Cory and Abby for being 'giant corpse pillows' I'm sure having a dead or dying giant fall on you probably isn't your first choice of a Saturday night.
-The northerners, my god the northerners, soon we shall blot out the sun >
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
-Time to keep beating the dead horse, but I felt really bad coming back from the super amaz-o vampire fight to find out that the Breach had been sitting on their haunches for two hours. I realize the complications that arose, I know I would have volunteered to run around as a goblin chasing the new guys, but I can understand not wanting to break PC experience. I think Ember had a great idea that if that unfortunate situation happens again that perhaps having insta-mods around would at least drum up some RP.
3. What you would like to see more of
- I think I speak for all of us northerners when I say, "MORE FROST GIANTS" loved fighting them, loved killing them even more
- More RP interaction, I realize that a lot of us were excited to be back, but it was was hard to get immersed this event simply cuz we were all out of character so much and so often
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
1. Exiting the portal I am greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of my homelands, I have returned to the northern ice fields of Winter's Edge to begin what I have been waiting for for weeks now. I turn to my cousin, "Now Stig, try and control yourself when you see this frost giant, we know how dangerous they can be and I don't want our crusade to end before it's began." He nods to me earnestly, though I can tell my words are not even being heard as he's squinting into the distance, trying to see any sign of our prey ahead of us.
Then we hear it.
It's faint at first but unmistakable, the sounds of battle not too far in the distance. Our quarry seems to be locked in battle with someone, most likely one of our people. My cousin, unable to control the fire in his blood takes off at a sprint, eager to sate his thirst on giants blood. I take off at a jog behind him, hoping to catch up to him before he's too seriously wounded, my cousin can be so hard headed and single minded sometimes.
I round the corner, concerned for my cousins well being I search for him with my eyes, which instantly fall upon the creature. My own blood begins to boil, I can feel my own blood lust beginning to become unbearable. Staring at the blue skinned freak, images of my family flash through my head, each one a realization of someone I love who I will never see again. Someone I love who was taken from from. Someone I love who THEY took from me..... someone I love who HE TOOK FROM ME...
"YOU TOOK MY FAMILY FROM ME" I scream at the top of my lungs, the power in my hand growing bright as I rush the creature, though I'm not even half its height. Lost in my own rage I stand with my cousin against this creature, and against the world, my own personal crusade finally begun as I relentlessly beat the creature.
I'm not going to lie to you, due to my rage I have very little memory of that fight, what I do know is that thanks to our fellow breachers Stig and I live to fight again. I also know that I have that bastards lifeless head sitting in my cabin waiting for me to make it a trophy.
OOG: I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this memory or the memory of how Crow broke his nose on the warded wall of the Arcane Sanctums circle of power, but if you want to hear that story you're just going to have to ask him I guess