Event Review "Once More Unto the Breach"

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Post your review for a "Once More Unto the Breach"
1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 gs, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Let's make those that missed the event jealous over how awesome it was!
  1. Things I liked:
    1. Of course the lava scene, that was so much fun
    2. The evening meal with the dancers
    3. The king's speech before they left to fight DAM
    4. Lots of fun roleplaying, especially with Arianna, Yetta, Sevil, Evo, and Valka
    5. The 3rd patrol where we found the gnoll and the two insta-mods (Arianna in quicksand was hilarious)
  2. Things I didn't like:
    1. I know it can't be controlled, but the sheer amount of groundwater was an issue, especially around the bathrooms. If we could get some tape or something to highlight the walkways next time that would be great.
    2. People breaking character, I was a culprit as well but there was one point where there were three of us around a campfire and we had an out of game conversation for a solid 20 minutes. I was conflicted because I really wanted the heat of the fire, but the lack of rp was pulling me down.
  3. What I would like to see more of
    1. Some more in-town RP would be great, maybe some hooks as well. I noticed that most of my favorite moments came when I was away from the tavern, which as a dwarf didn't feel quite right.
    2. I know it was probably accidently forgotten, but an actual air-horn so everyone gets up in the morning.
  4. Bloody hell Parsen's Breach is a mess, I didn't even get to enjoy a fine ale before the undead were breathing down my neck. I met many fine men, women, and maybe other. Those kin confuse me sometimes. There were great adventures, great perils, and great laughs. I was hurt that the King's men did not think me worthy of joining the hunt for DAM but was honored to be able to guard the Breach in their absence. In fact, we were such a terrifying force that the weakened monsters would not even show their face. Finally, when a dwarf tells you to get back, YOU GET THE *%^$%& BACK.

Alex Festeryga
AKA Bogar Bigbelly
The good:
- The battle with DAM - the long running battle to get there was a great way make it epic! And the kings speech and leadership in that running battle down to face the Duke tied it all together.
- The giant battle(s) - in mine JP was outstanding and the players and JP both did a great job of pacing to allow epic and safety to coexist.
- The weather! Yea it was wet in places, but for May in Calgary, could have been a LOT worse!
- The food! Abbey rocks! And the pie from Cindy and Brett was bonus good!
- The dancers! Way beyond the expected!
- The help with tavern clean up! Thank you Anthony, Shawn and Tammy!

The could be gooder:
- We could have pulled the new players in more. Not used to seeing so many in a group and it made me hesitate to break in on them. Bad me.
- Our RP was a little rusty after a winter of only doing a few hours at a time. Some of it was very well done! But we can break less, self police better and make that even better.
- I could have read the rules better before spending gobbies. Doh!

- Something light to start on Friday, until more are in game and new players get a chance to get set. Then throw the kitchen sink at us!

Not Mobius!
The whole Breach battles for it life against the forces of Chaos. And now rumors swirl around that he, like Frederic before him, has touched that Chaos! Even worse, the tale went on to add that the Fatespinner, when advised of the fact, took no action! Can it be true? If true, will my oaths require me to serve under a Magistrate that has touched Chaos? Can I remain a member of an Earth Circle that has no concern with such an event? Or must I remove myself from both and serve only King and Breach?
1. Post your favorite moments
-Passing out in front of Az'Caine (honestly, the insta-mods were pretty amazing.)
-Hugging Zanthia
-Giving a flower to the king, even though Kaja got very nervous about it
-The dancers! They did beautifully.
-Running from Faeries into Goblins.
-Dying from a trap. I found it pretty hilarious, especially since before game, some of us were talking about how brutal the trap rules were and how we were all going to be extra careful.
-So many new faces! And so many new faces who dove headlong into the rp. There were many great moments meeting new (and very recent) players and interacting with them that actually challenged me to step up my rp.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
-That there was some misunderstanding about the DAM fight. No one is really at fault, it was just unfortunate. Many of us who stayed didn't realize there was an open invitation for us to go as, in game, we had been told to stay back and been given specific roles. When the invitation was opened, in the light of what we had been told, it sounded more like a 'who did we miss' than a 'does anyone want to come with instead of staying here?'
-The rp rustiness. I think it might be a good time for us to re-examine those suggestions for in-game terms for out of game things, that can really help stave off the slipping out of character.

3. What you would like to see more of
Insta mods! I just really like them.
And I'll second the more balanced weekend as far as difficulty. Friday night was brutal, but I didn't really need to use much the rest of the weekend.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

The bottle that the sweet-natured ratkin, Nazrat, picked up seemed to burst with a fragrant and absolutely stunning purple liquid. Kaja uttered a small gasp. The charming celestial caster, Evo, quickly jumped forward to drink of it, and though the valiant others with them stepped back, the young woman couldn't resist. It fell as liquid jewels, pooling on the ground briefly before seeping into the earth. She cupped her hands, catching some of the drink to sip of it.

She was filled with a vibrancy she had only ever experienced with the aid of earth magic. It was as if air passed into her lungs easier, as if blood flowed more readily, muscles flexed with greater ease. She sighed contently and turned to beam at her companions who had been wary. "Isssh waaass vuuraahy guuud waaine."
I very much enjoyed the lava field as well, lots of good fun, and some cool stuff to dicker over dividing up in the tavern after. Honestly, the post battle splitting of treasure was just as fun as the fights.
Receiving mitt fulls of scrolls from the magistrate to defend myself and others, and even make a little money on. Was nice to be able to participate usefully in more than one scene, even as a brand new Scholar character.

Going through/over the fence to get to our encounter. I wish there was an easier to access place for that, or a more stable crossing setup.

I like the sounds of the insta mods. Never found one, but they sound intriguing. Seeing more would be cool. Even maybe some around town: Tavern/market/circle encounters, etc.

Inadvertently healing the giant at the beginning of the battle, then later frying him with a nice fire scroll, and then being chased down and brutalized in retribution (as it should be). It made me feel like the damage I did was truly significant. Though I probably should have fled the area entirely at that point. :)

1. Post your favorite moments
-Gnolls stirring **** up by letting the horses loose in the middle of the night, horses in /my/ tavern? It's more likely than you think
-The general immersiveness of the game itself. As a new player I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but when you're willing to be in character the game and the people playing it respond so wonderfully! Thanks for the RP everyone! (especially to the wilderkin who were very patient with Valka's obsession with petting their ears :p she likes your ears)
-Top in game comment: (from Bogar regarding the belly dancers lack of facial hair) "They're practically naked!"

2. Post your less favorite moments
-The lack of communication regarding not enough NPCs showing up, I know it would have been a bit immersion breaking for the moment but it would perhaps have smoothed things with people not having enough to do/the group of us who stayed back not understanding the only action for the next little while would be out against the vampires.
-So damn boggy. Nobody's fault, but my feet are still itchy. :X

3. What you would like to see more of
-Fireworks! :D
-Mischievous NPCs, they're not out to kill you, just to provoke a reaction.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Of course she was going to lose. Everything screamed imminent defeat, ragged breath in her lungs, copper tasting and coming nowhere near fast enough, head spinning, vision blurring. No wonder the crows had not shown themselves to her today, distant memories of their now mocking calls drowned out coherent thought.

"COME BACK AND FINISH IT YOU BLOODY COWARD!" The shout tore itself from her throat flecked with blood and spittle.

There would be no victory but at least she would not leave this as it was, bastard hobling defiling her pride with his smug mercy and this unfinished fight. A flurry of steps and the flash of the blade brought her around as she staggered out of the way ... too late of course.
1. Post your favorite moments

Everything. There was so much more going this time then last months tavern (obviously)and it was a great first time weekend event for me being on the pc side. Giant slaying twice was AWESOME especially the frost giant part of back story for nick and I and getting to sink our teeth into it so quickly or hunting the assassin with kroxis and raidra (hope I spelt them right) at 1:30-2am was so fun. Abe you are seriously one sneaky mofo im so glad I have decent night eyes.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

Um? Uuuuuuuummmmmmm?.....
Scraping my knee?lol

3. What you would like to see more of

Insta mods! Delt with 3 I believe. 2 with a pay off for other players that originally found em (no complaints here was some good RP) and 1 that just created RP and a little chaos :) Their quite fun even for just getting a little something to do here and there.
But also as stated maybe a bit more gold...who knows maybe I just didnt see the sneaky hands :p

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

(How about a perspective that only a single other person was privy to, just a little)
Standing in the commons friday night speaking with Krow and few new friends, some calls out "Hail! The king arrives!" Stig looks to Krow "just bow" he says. Stig does but seeing the king for the first time his only thoughts are "Dis is king? Him too fancy looking. Not look like seen much of battle. How he lead vhen not looking like knowing the fight? In Vintersedge the chieftains and yarls, like uncle vas, show many battle scars vith pride, showing vhy dey is ones dat lead ....pfft"
Saturday night, all are gathered in the hall for dinner and soon will be leaving to fight this DAM, A vampire Stig has been hearing of. The king sits pompus like at the head table. The Az'caine *damn celestial* rises and speaks of a sword destiny, Stig has heard little of its tale, which has been put back together and is now presented to the king. The king wields the sword... but nothing strange happens, as rumors suggested, and begins a speach about the coming battle how he will join us how he is like us. Stigs only thoughts are that this well dressed fool will probably be hiding within the back of the forces, spewing misguided order about not letting him get dirty..HA.
Gathered In the commons and seperated into their respective groups,
Fist Shield Sword, the people of the breach yet again get to listen to the King. He speaks of defending home and fighting for home, his is fancy castle back in city. Stig looks up to the sky and thinks of home, that which is now destroyed thanks to the frost giant raids but earlier that day he was able to briefly return there and gain some revenge.
"Stig not having home. Karr Th'ul vas home but now gone. Stig only here to help cousin Krow vith his work. Stig fighting now only cause ask by Hamish and Krow going too"
He snapped from his daze by the Kings next words
"Who here is from parsons breach"
Stig looks around and sees no hands
"You all live here. This IS your home"
Stig begins to think on these words. He looks around and sees his many new friends and thinks that maybe this place could become home home. The King continues his speech rousing the people. When he is finished the words began to sink in for Stig. After a brief meeting with his FIST team mates he runs back to his cabin to retrieve his newly acquired shuld and notices the container of ash him and his cousin use for their face markings "Is time for var. Is time for fear in enemy of home"

(sorry it was quite long)
1. Favorites:
- Wandering around the area having small encounters was quite fun.
- Gnolls stealing horses. It kept things interesting and fun.
- The non-hostile NPCs. Such as the Nobles, and the wandering Duelist. It made the world feel more alive.
- The welcoming environment. I felt very welcome, something that I don't often feel when meeting large numbers of new people.

2. Could be improved:
- I didn't feel like it was clear enough that anyone was allowed to join in the vampire battle. It's possible I just missed something though.
- On a similar note, while I understand that there were not enough NPCs to have encounters while people were away, it would have been nice for something to happen. As had been mentioned before, I feel insta-mods would have really improved things.
- Out of character talk. I was quite guilty of this, I will admit. And will work on fleshing out my character, as that was my biggest issue.
- Easier fights on Friday, Harder fights on Sunday.

3. Perhaps some more:
- Insta-mods/lairs
- Unexpected non-hostile NPCs

Perhaps if Marcus hadn't been robbed, he wouldn't have been forced down to the Breach. It wasn't the most pleasant place, but he'd heard it was frequented by adventurers, and adventurers were a rich lot, who were always looking to purchase goods. Unfortunately he'd have to start from the bottom. Such a pain. Especially in such a dangerous area. Sure, it's a little exciting, but a proper merchant shouldn't be excited by fighting, unless there's a prospect to turn a profit.

Caleb Bethune
Aka Marcus Quinn
1. Post your favorite moments
- Being invisible to the undead during the whole DAM thing
- Being recruited to disarm traps in Winter's Edge, only to find that the Frost Giant there hadn't set any
- Killing a gnoll with a rat to the gonads after barely avoiding being killed by the same (I swear I don't do it on purpose, that's just where they keep ending up)
- Just happening to pick up 4 of the 5 reagents I needed for the shiny new ritual I wanted cast on my blade, all in one weekend

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- The undead seeing the footprints I wasn't even leaving behind and figuring out where I was
- Getting KOed by having the body I'm carrying attacked...thus dropping said body way back where I picked it up from (Endow-carrying is weird)
- Finding out bodies cannot, in fact, be used as meat shields

3. What you would like to see more of
- NPCs that actually make it to the event
- It (PLOT knows what I'm talking about)

4. Gives[sic] us a moment from the perspective of your character
Nazrat quietly made his way past cabin 9. There was a gnoll engaged in combat with one of the local fighters, maybe ten feet away, but it had not noticed him yet. This was good, he generally liked it when he went unnoticed. A couple of the other citizens of the Breach were standing nearby, but from their words and actions, it seemed they did not intend to join the battle, merely spectate. Well...that meant the gnoll would stay facing that same direction, so that was fine. Carefully stepping up behind, Nazrat raises his blade and glances past the gnoll, to the fighter on the other side. He really did seem to be doing okay for himself...but as he showed no sign of wanting Nazrat to stop, or, honestly, even of noticing the Ratkin, Nazrat finished the deed. He drove the pommel of his sword into the gnoll's spine, knocking the beast out. It was the second time he'd done this in about ten minutes, with the same fighter keeping the gnoll busy. As the gnoll dropped, the fighter looked up at Nazrat.
"I should kill you for that."
Some people just don't appreciate the value of a good blind-spot strike...
The good:
  • As a new player, I felt welcome, included, and was often invited to step in and step up.
  • The newbie mod at the beginning was very helpful, especially as a place where we could make mistakes and not, you know, die.
  • LOOT! And adventures. And loot. Loot.
  • Did I mention how awesome the PCs are? They are. And the NPCs busted their asses all weekend -- it was incredible. And PLOT, well, you don't need any ego boosting. ;)
  • The amount of organization and teamwork, from the players and from Plot, was impressive and heartwarming.
The bad:
  • Friday night was hide-indoors-and try-not-to-die night. I had zero motivation leave my cabin and socialize at the fire, because 70 SLAY!
  • If I had been informed earlier that there weren't enough NPCs to go around, I would have saved myself the trouble and just stayed in town, instead of being out on a fruitless walkabout every time adventure came to the Breach.
  • On kind of the same point, the mini-mod I did participate in ended up being a two-hour setback because there was no Marshal in the Breach at all.
The more:
  • More mini-mods! Keep a backlog ready in case of another NPC drought. Super fun and handy.
  • More announcements! Whether it be WANTED posters, town criers, out-of-game asides, or mysterious messages, an informed player is a motivated player.
The story:
Evo approaches Magus Mobius at the head of the army. "Are you sure I'm supposed to be in the vanguard? This the first I've heard of this Duke. He sounds... dangerous."

The Magister raises his eyebrows. "You know why you must come, yes? The Sanctum needs you."

"Certainly, milord." Evo takes his place among the file of Swords, muttering, "I'm going to die tonight." As His Majesty leads the army forth, Evo straightens his shoulders, tightens his grip on his trusty staff. There is some hope of dusk lasting long enough to read scrolls.
Daen (Evo, apprentice troublemaker and spell-slinger)
1. Post your favorite moments
-RP, I loved getting to know the new players that I did talk to, it's great to meet you all and I can't wait to play with you again
-Plot, you guys completely outdid yourselves again, I am astounded and flabbergasted as to how intricate, well thought out and enjoyable all the storylines are in our LARP
-The giant fights were really well done, thank you JP for that, as well thank you Cory and Abby for being 'giant corpse pillows' I'm sure having a dead or dying giant fall on you probably isn't your first choice of a Saturday night.
-The northerners, my god the northerners, soon we shall blot out the sun >:)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
-Time to keep beating the dead horse, but I felt really bad coming back from the super amaz-o vampire fight to find out that the Breach had been sitting on their haunches for two hours. I realize the complications that arose, I know I would have volunteered to run around as a goblin chasing the new guys, but I can understand not wanting to break PC experience. I think Ember had a great idea that if that unfortunate situation happens again that perhaps having insta-mods around would at least drum up some RP.

3. What you would like to see more of
- I think I speak for all of us northerners when I say, "MORE FROST GIANTS" loved fighting them, loved killing them even more
- More RP interaction, I realize that a lot of us were excited to be back, but it was was hard to get immersed this event simply cuz we were all out of character so much and so often

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

1. Exiting the portal I am greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of my homelands, I have returned to the northern ice fields of Winter's Edge to begin what I have been waiting for for weeks now. I turn to my cousin, "Now Stig, try and control yourself when you see this frost giant, we know how dangerous they can be and I don't want our crusade to end before it's began." He nods to me earnestly, though I can tell my words are not even being heard as he's squinting into the distance, trying to see any sign of our prey ahead of us.

Then we hear it.

It's faint at first but unmistakable, the sounds of battle not too far in the distance. Our quarry seems to be locked in battle with someone, most likely one of our people. My cousin, unable to control the fire in his blood takes off at a sprint, eager to sate his thirst on giants blood. I take off at a jog behind him, hoping to catch up to him before he's too seriously wounded, my cousin can be so hard headed and single minded sometimes.

I round the corner, concerned for my cousins well being I search for him with my eyes, which instantly fall upon the creature. My own blood begins to boil, I can feel my own blood lust beginning to become unbearable. Staring at the blue skinned freak, images of my family flash through my head, each one a realization of someone I love who I will never see again. Someone I love who was taken from from. Someone I love who THEY took from me..... someone I love who HE TOOK FROM ME...

"YOU TOOK MY FAMILY FROM ME" I scream at the top of my lungs, the power in my hand growing bright as I rush the creature, though I'm not even half its height. Lost in my own rage I stand with my cousin against this creature, and against the world, my own personal crusade finally begun as I relentlessly beat the creature.


I'm not going to lie to you, due to my rage I have very little memory of that fight, what I do know is that thanks to our fellow breachers Stig and I live to fight again. I also know that I have that bastards lifeless head sitting in my cabin waiting for me to make it a trophy.

OOG: I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this memory or the memory of how Crow broke his nose on the warded wall of the Arcane Sanctums circle of power, but if you want to hear that story you're just going to have to ask him I guess ;)
The good:
- The battle with DAM, more specifically though the long running battle to get to DAM at the end was the best, it felt truly epic. And as Mike said, having the King there to lead with his speeches and leadership in that whole series of battles tied it all together.
- The food and the dancers – thank you Chris for organizing the dancers, they were great!
- New players!! It was so nice to have a bunch of new players out…you guys did great and I want you all to come back!

The could be improved:
- As others have touched on, our RP and staying in character skills were a bit rusty, it could have been better, but I suppose it also could have been a lot worse. LOL I think this next weekend event will see a big improvement as we all get back into practice :)
- A little better communication all around, PC's should ask more questions and NPCs could deliver information differently. A combination of both of these, a more clear explanation from NPCs and PCs asking more questions may have helped get the information across that ALL PC's were in fact welcome to participate in the DAM fight and that there wasn't a reason (like goblins attacking the town) for anyone to stay behind. Let's do better next time!

- Something light to start on Friday, until more are in game and new players get a chance to get set. Then throw the kitchen sink at us!

A view from Morrigan:

Artillary to the front! The King yells. I rush forward behind the shield wall, I will be the last artillery soon I know as Mobeus is out of spells just getting to this end battle with DAM and Mar is almost out of arrows as well. But I have lots left, I loaded up every quiver I had for this fight.

Battle rages all around me, the blood pounding in my ears, sweat rolling down my face, lungs burning. I just keep firing arrows into the undead and evil all around me.

Another of those black blobs, whatever they are, has entered the battle zone on my right. I see it out of the corner of my eye as I drop the vampire in front of me with a well-placed arrow. The King too I see next to me, moving forward to engage that black blob, I move to face the blob with him.

I get a few arrows in when I see the thing lash out at the King and entangle him and then I see the blob move in quickly with his sword and place it on the King’s neck, it’s going to kill him!

Summoning the extra power from an endow potion, I reach out to grab the King and rip him free of the entangling mess holding him. Shoving the King behind me I step closer to the blob and drawing my bow as quickly as possible shoot it with a dozen arrows, dropping it to the ground in a large puddle. “Not this King, not this day” I think quickly to myself before notching another arrow and moving towards my next target.
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