Event Review: Time Waits for No One

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It's that time again, give us your review of May's event Time Waits for No One.

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. Post your favorite moments
My favorite moment was the dragon battle. Seeing everyone walk down towards the opening through the fog made it feel very epic.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Least favorite... the rain, but nothing to be done about that.

3. What you would like to see more of
More grand encounters like the dragon battle. Maybe more SFX
Favorite moments, seeing everyone again, meeting some very new friends. Telling stories on the fly in the earth circle, and getting all emo. Meeting Rosa, having fun, and over all, too much to list here. Another epic event. Congrats cast and crew.

I don't really have an unfavorable moment. The snow was expected, it was may Long. My only regret was that we had to leave early.

It was well balanced this round, or at least it felt like it. There was always something to do, which is what I enjoy the most. Going on an epic adventure, or bonding with your fellow cousins, or time to expand my story, or the random drop in snow battle.
1. Post your favorite moments
My favorite moments from the weekend was pretty much the whole weekend, I was go go go all the time but that is great
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The weather was the least favorite part of my weekend but you cant fix that. I had a really really good time this weekend
3. What you would like to see more of
I would like to see more of the sneaky type mods it was a lot of fun to go on one
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Covering our faces and raising our cloaks to hide who we are and taking nothing with us that would point to the breach or those involved. We make our way onto the outer walls of the estate, Garridan and Siegart worked their way along them to the inner sanctum of Alvin Jackhass's estate followed closely by Ariana and I. They see the guards leading to his room and throw gas globes at them to knock them out, we slowly make our way up leaving no trace of us being there, sneaking up to Alvin Jackhass's room, picking the lock and seeing his sleeping form in his bed. Sarryn snuck into the room and signaled to Ariana, Garridan and Siegart, that this was who we needed, we then fed him a intoxicate potion then waved to Ariana she nodded in reply and crept up to his head grabbing ahold of it she lent down and whispered that "Illandra sends her regards" moments before snapping his neck. We then took his body to the stables and seeing that it did not dissipate we knew he would not return.
1. Fave moments: So many Fave moments. A great event put on by our plot and npc's. I believe that my fave moment was playing Chess though in the ruins.

2. Least Fave Moments: Nothing can be done about the weather.

3. What I would like to see more of: Cant think of anything I would like to see more of as it was my first major event on the Pc side of things.

Hamish " So I hear you are interested in Joining the Home Guard"
" No I am more concerned with joining the Hammers"
" Well you know you could join the Home Guard and obtain to the rank of Footman and finish your interests in the Hammer Outfitters.
Such a thing would bring all of us closer Dwarves and the Home Guard."
" Allow me time for thought on the matter"

Ben Jackson
1. Post your favorite moments
The pomp and circumstance of the Kings funeral.
The way so many played their race change SO well!
The fact that some thought the Sheriff was more fun as a High Elf than as a Biata. Huh?
The we had scolloped potatoes on a cold an rainy day!
That we had chicken on another!
Casting several Rituals that did not go "horribly wrong"!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Me loosing my Irish temper briefly. My apologies to anyone that created issue for. Not excuse, not acceptable.

3. What you would like to see more of
Speak in our game voices when we are speaking of the game. Those with accents seem to be more conscious of that than those of us without.
If you go on a mod/lair/encounter there are three things that can go right: you can have fun, you can get out alive, and you can get some loot. If you get two out of three be happy and don't grouse about the third. Gear up and get ready for the next!
Play the game, don't play the rules!
Groups like the Brotherhood and House Remington! Having PC groups take the lead and some of the load off of NPCs and Plot is past due and well done by those involved!

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Facing the black feathered Biata, my mind is a whirl of memories. So many stones from so many other have already passed through my hands. So many had been demanded by other for their own purposes, Duke Mortis the worst of those. My eyes, clouded by those memories, miss the fact that this is more than a Biata of even this Highest Blood. As he stands even taller, and his voice grows even deeper with his third and final demand for the stone, my comrades save me once again. Their frantic whispers finally reach my ears and I realize who stands before us. It is the Black Griffon who is the mentor of She Who Hold the Sword. Quickly falling to a knee and extending the stone above my lowered head I await his judgement. Will he take the stone, or take my life for my impertinence...
1. Post your favorite moments

- The race change and the vast amount of roleplay that arose from it.
- The 55 elementals of every type, non stop fight, on the Proctor mod
- When it finally stopped raining and started snowing, it was colder but more bearable, loved that it led up to the staff lighting, kobold and puzzles fight.
- The NPC's - especially during the staff lighting, kobold and puzzles fight as they had way less clothes on than we did and were visibly freezing!!
- The scalloped potatoes! I've said it before and i'll say it again, just delicious! love them, thank you Abbey!
- The funeral was very well done, and at such short notice (at least as far as the players were concerned)
- The Dragon fight was fun, probably too many people there, but IC never having seen a dragon before, it was very cool.
- More smoke in the lair areas and on mods at night - such atmosphere!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

- I think it has already been discussed, but despite a truly valiant effort by Phillipe the staff lighting, kobold and puzzles fight really, really needed more like 4 marshalls, for lighting the staffs, checking and agreeing the solving of the puzzles, and the swirling, ongoing melee throughout the entire encounter. We did all muddle through and I still had a great time on it.

3. What you would like to see more of

- the big fights are great
- the high level of effects on the dragon fight were cool, but I think if they were like that in every fight, we would come not to appreciate the sheer level of planning and execution it takes to produce it, so maybe something akin to the dragon fight only slightly more often?
- smoke in the lairs and mods at night - very cool.
- new players!!

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

I have been told so many times now, by so many, that I used to be a gypsy, but as a clansman I find it hard to believe, yet there, behind the glowing passion for battle and the ferocity so clear in my mind, I do still feel it, not so much what used to be, but an absence, a fine but unbreakable bond has been severed at the source and I can no longer feel my family, they are gone, only a void remains, I would give anything to have it back, perhaps time will reverse this lonely, catastrophic occurrence?
1. Post your favorite moments
There were too many! The waterfall mod for the AS, Yetta and Corny Lovejoy, the death of Carmen Ostrum, the death of Illandra's husband...

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I honestly don't have a less favorite. RP was good, I was constantly on my toes (except for when I was laying in the sun and couldn't move of course...)

3. What you would like to see more of
I always love the insta-mods. I know that there were some who were occasionally bored, so I will contribute some ideas for these if it will help.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Illandra looked at the body once more. She took in the lifeless lull of her head, down to the droop of her sleeves. She was really gone. She slowly took a seat next to Carmen as tears welled in her eyes. Blinking and trying to will them away did nothing - they would not stop forming. She sniffled as she remembered the last words that she had uttered in their embrace - "Thank you. Thank you so much..." - in that moment, Illandra knew that Carmen had known that would be the last time they would see each other alive. Her head drooped with her hands coming up to cover her face. Her eyes closed, and finally she let herself weep.

Chelsea Derowin
What a raucous and triumphant return to the Breach! This was one of my favorite weekend events (minus a death or two) and I'm hoping that I embodied a side of the Tari Nor that perhaps people hadn't seen before.

1. Post your favorite moments
- The fact that I had time to hunt for insta-mods, on my old character I found that I was always running everywhere and wasn't able to take a party and go hunting through the woods. The amount of RP that the insta-mods afforded players this month was incredible and I can't wait to see more!
- Player groups, much like Mike mentioned earlier, these are things that I want to see more of in game. The Brotherhood, House Remington and the new minor house are all examples of awesome ways that players are taking some of the roleplay and story into their own hands!
- The new npc's and players! It was so great to see how many people ended up coming out for the event, I had so many good fights with new people and so many good conversations with others, well done to all of our new npcs, you guys really nailed it
- The amount of imagination that went into all the mods this month, from chasing down a gremlin to stop a rampaging clockwork statue, playing a game of riddles with a Chimera (besides other things ;) ), having to tell my darkest secrets to gain access to a waterfall, to trying to negotiate and failing with a dragon. I was blown away.
- Both funerals were beautiful, Keith completely choked me up with his speech about his friendship with the King and I think that the npc's really gave the entire affair an air of nobility with the regard and ceremony everyone showed.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- The obvious one first, Kaja's death. I don't think anything negatively about it, it was an unfortunate and clean death and I hold no qualms about it whatsoever. But I think Ember and I realize that we need to start playing the game differently. We both permed within six months of each other and I think we're just kind of feeling it. I can definitely say that with one 10% death and one 20% death, we both fear the bag of stones pretty badly.
- Deeeeeeefinitely the weather, haha! But who can really help that?
- The amount of confusion the Waylay skill gave us during the kobold fight, there were some pretty heated discussions going on about what constituted a legal hit and it was just awfully confusing for being in the middle of a melee.

3. What you would like to see more of
- Honestly everything. The RP was amazing, the player interactions were great, the insta-mods were the best I've seen as well as the mods, the proctor events and the big storyline events. I wanted more ingame conversations and I know I wasn't doing very well staying in game, I think it's because it's our first weekend back and we always go more and more ingame as the months go on.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Finally making one joke too many for Tiberius' taste, he advances on the Tari Nor.

"Now Tiberius, you know I was joking right?" Siegart exclaims, though his shield raises instinctively.

Tiberius' only response is to engulf his hand in magical energies, his anger and frustration at the hand of the Tari Nor over the weekend having finally snapped him. "I summon a force to disarm your shield!" He cries angrily, the power in his hand barely missing it's target as Siegart slips out of the way.

"Oh come now Tiberius, I was only implying that you were a virgin because your only pick-up line would be to ask someone for sex in a dead-pan voice!" Siegart desperately tried to exclaim, a laugh gas globe slipping into his open sword arm.

Another spell loosed on the horned man hits him squarely in the chest, Tiberius' frustration grows as the mans spell shield absorbs the spell; though before he can loose another a gas globe shatters on his armor, it's milky substance dissipating as the stone-elf's poison shield evaporates it.

"We can talk about this rationally if you wish Tiberius... you're my lawyer for spirit's sake!"

Another gas globe quietly falls into the mans hand, his words meant as a distraction rather then a plea. At this point Siegart thought that this battle couldn't be won by words. With a swift flick he sent another Laughing Gas Globe loose towards Tiberius, who was already halfway through an incant of his own.

"I command you to Sleep!" The pale skinned man exclaimed, once again his spell found it's target and as Siegart fell to the floor, quickly losing consciousness all he could say to Tiberius was, "You sunova...." before hitting the pavement face first, already snoring.

Tiberius wasn't sure if it was the way the man fell, what he'd said or that funny aroma in his nose but for some reason he simply couldn't stop giggling about the whole situation...

1. Post your favorite moments
I really enjoyed getting to play as my PC in a full weekend event finally. I got to go on many wonderful missions with new friends. The amount of RP that happened this weekend was amazing.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I'm having a really hard time thinking of a moment I didn't enjoy. I did enjoy the weather for the most part. I only didn't like the weather when it was snowing and I forgot my gloves in my cabin.
3. What you would like to see more of
Once again more riddles and puzzles. I also would love there to be more insta-mods that cause people to roleplay. Like the Tick one that caused an interesting situation between all of us Sar and Wilderkin.
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Aezir had finally made it across the dark path joining his adventure group and came to face a Chimera. Not knowing what to do he figured it was best to stand and let the others take care of the talking. The Chimera greeted the adventurers "Hello Adventurers, and hello beautiful" She said looking towards the back of the group. Morrigan Turned around and said "Illandra you seem to have a fan."
The Chimera responded with "Not her the other one" Realizing the Chimera was talking about him he didn't know what to say so Aezir just smiled and nodded to her.
After the others solved the riddle of the Chimera and getting from what Aezir thinks was a key to help find the Nesting Egg. Morrigan asked " Is there anything we can do for you before we leave" To which the Chimera responded "No but if your Lion friend would like to stay behind for a bit...."
Aezir felling very embarrassed but not wanting to be rude turned to his group and said "Give me 10 or so minutes"
-Section Redacted for being NSFW-
But after an Endow, some protectives, maybe a scratch or two, Aezir feeling very happy left the cave with the rest of his team.
1. Post your favorite moments
I'd say the King's funeral was great. Going out with a group of folks looking for insta-mods and finding a lair was fun as well. Working together with my group for getting the staff and managing to survive with no deaths despite how challenging of encounter it was during the chess game part.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Having rain and snow on saturday sucked but it happens. I wasn't to thrilled to find out that we had to pay in game coin during meals. Wish that would have been brought during announcements. Furthermore a new player was forced to volunteer cause they didn't have enough coin. I think if we are to pay in game coin for meals at least provide new players enough coin if they are to purchase the meal plan. I also wasn't happen with the "capture the flag" mod. We were rushed out and the mod wasn't set up. The npcs and us pc's decided to do it any anyways as Philippe did as best job as he could given that he needed another 3 marshals for that encounter

3. What you would like to see more of
More insta-mods and unique lair enounters

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
After each fight during the chess game Nakor realized he was running out of spells and wand damage. He decided to start using his staff to block incoming attacks towards Morrigan. They were all working to together to defeat each challenging piece that was brought into battle field.
1. Post your favorite moments
It's good to be back. :) I have a lot of fav things, so I'll try to summarize:
- Clover's baking. Oh my stars, I spent so much.
- The overall amount of inter-character business being exchanged. The majority of the coin I made this weekend was from other characters, all the coin I spent went to other characters.
- Kaja's funeral. It was an event full of laughter and that made me so very happy. Thank you to everyone who was involved <3
- All the intrigue that's cropping up.
- Player run things! I love NPCs and I love plot, but I think it's absolutely fabulous that there's more and more interpersonal and player controlled rp happening.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- So much oog slipping into IG. I'm just as guilty. I think it was a mix of it being the first weekend back and the whole race change, while it provided a lot of rp in one sense, it interrupted the usual flow of getting into and staying in character. I don't blame the race change, though, just something for us to keep in mind, myself very much included.
- I like what Mike said about Play the Game, not the Rules. Rules are there for a reason and are definitely to be maintained, but when rule lawyering interferes with the spirit and flow of the game it can be a real downer.
- My own fault. I completely thought to bring weather appropriate bottoms, but forgot about tops. I was -freezing- all weekend. Shauna cuddles by the fire helped a lot though <3
-Kaja's death was my own stupid fault and there's a lot of hindsight being 20/20 and all. I'm not mad, just disappointed as it happened right after some great things happened to her. Oh well, die and learn.

3. What you would like to see more of
-Instamods!! They're one of my absolute fav things in game. I think I'll start writing some too, now that I'm feeling more confident about the game.
-RP, I'm loving what's coming out from plot and characters and I'm greedy and want more.
- An economy. It's building. Yay!

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
The flash of earrings hanging in the trees had caught her eye. And just as the Tari Nor tried them on, she heard a branch crack and a low laugh. Her gaze lifted and found two gnolls approaching. Damn. She was right behind the Brotherhood's cabin. She was so close to safety. Perhaps it was this that lit her confidence. Surely someone would hear the blows being exchanged. Surely she could handle two gnolls. She was a member of the Iron Brotherhood, apprentice to the Northman Crow, she had faced so many things before and come out more or less alive. She had been hunting a lich, for stars' sake. Kaja Rosewood, daughter of Aevry Rosewood, half-sister to Tyl of the Tari Nor, she was too proud to back down.

"We don't need to fight. I know some of your kind." She spoke softly, as was her wont, and with an honest hope that the gnolls would listen. She had, after all, rescued a litter of pups a few months back.

The two gnolls merely grinned at her. Surely her companions weren't that far behind. They knew she had gone ahead, hoping to rest in town. The fountain whose golden ladle she had drunk from, resulting in a lengthy vomitting of blood, had left her feeling weak. The Tari Nor lifted her staff and squared off with the gnolls, eyes narrowing. And then the fight began. She did well, blocking many an attack. Landing a number of blows herself. But in the end, she was a scholar, a girl with a magically enchanted necklace and a soft body. She fell, blood leaking from a multitude of wounds, her arcane armour having fallen.

The gnolls moved on, leaving the young woman to lay in the wet of rain-muddied ground and blood. Her gaze was skyward, and a faint smile tugged at her cooling lips. The leaves were so beautiful against that blue expanse. Birds sang, and idly she wondered if they were speaking to their mates. And she heard familiar voices, distant yet, but approaching slowly, jovially. Even as her sight darkened, even as she lost connection to the physical world, she believed her friends would come, she felt a surge of love for the beauty of these wilds. And she thought, fleetingly, of home.
1. Post your favorite moments
My first official Larp..( NPC ) it all was fun and amazing, I felt at home instantly. I has a new furmily.
RP.. being one head of the Chimera.. the rogue goat... pst, lioness head.. check out the kitty...and watching the fireworks. 3 heads, 1 body. just saying. *maa maa maa *
Canine / Sar RPing. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. woof. yelp!
Agreed on the scalloped potatoes. Abbey is a hero!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
coming back to monster camp after meeting our Gnollish deaths to learn the lovely lady in the woods met an ultimate demise at our paws. :( we wondered at her not calling for aid. Had I known the back story of the puppies, I would have rolled over to let her scritch my belly!

3. What you would like to see more of
woo hoo.. a forum to study.. more back story. If I can help marshalls, please train and use me.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Dwarves are furry too.
Baa-aa-aad kitty! :p
1. Post your favorite moments
This weekend mostly rocked. I loved the instamod/lair wanders, the intrigue, the site improvements, seeing all the new people/folks who were not out during the winter. It feels like things are coming together nicely for Darien, insofar as finding interesting and useful rituals, finally seeing light at the end of the money sink tunnel that scholars seem to face, and being on final approach for the 9th circle. Exciting times! Being offered help with reagents for my rituals from many sources, some of which were pleasantly unexpected. Tons of really cool role play all over the place.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Aside from weather, It seemed that more than once we were running out of food before the stragglers could get a plate. Which is fine if you sleep through the breakfast horns, but less cool if you were finishing up an adventure. Also, making brand new players pay IG money for meals is dicey to me. Not even new characters, really, just new players. Even if we just spotted them the first day, so they could see how it works and make some coin to pay in after that. Volunteering is great, being Voluntold is bs. I do realize it is a great way to make money, but it should still be voluntary.

Is there room for storing frozen product somewhere? Cause I can check with work to see if my boss would be cool with me ordering bacon/chicken/beef or that kind of thing wholesale through work. Or I could get it in tue/wed before a weekend fresh for that matter. It would help with costs, and I'm pretty sure he'd be cool with me doing it. If we have had some people volunteering to help with the cooking in the kitchen during the event, but you don't want to use valuable player time on the weekend, maybe a player or two could volunteer to make and bring a batch of soup for lunches? Home made is cheaper than store bought and probably healthier. That would allow players to help and save some costs. :D

3. What you would like to see more of
I really liked the intrigues of the weekend. Was it suicide or murder? The puzzles on our proctor mod were fun and cool to work our way through. I like the big all hands on deck battles, as it really feels as if the whole town is coming together for each other, though I do worry about blowing my way through a day's worth of spells and so perhaps don't contribute as much as I should. (I'm working on it, it's a me thing. I'm also still struggling with a really useful way to organize scrolls, though I have some things in planning)

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Looking at his master, Nakor, who had just thrown up a little blood after drinking from a golden ladle, Darien is shocked by the pale and weakened look of him. "Master Nakor? You look... less well than I would expect, from the amount you were sickened."
Nakor answered in a raw voice "I was not well when I accompanied you on this patrol, but there was little healing to be had..."
"Then why would you come? It makes no sense! Are you Crazy?"
Nakor just gazed at him in answer.
1. Post your favorite moments
the memory game with the proctor, the kobold battle down in the field, and the two ladles instamod were all high points. also sneaking around in the dark Friday night and having Abe's goblin assassin almost step on me as he walked by.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I was occasionally bored, due in no small part to my playing a new character that was relatively unknown, but there were no points I was actually upset with anything but the rain.
3. What you would like to see more of
Mods and lairs where stealth is an option, at least up to a point. Sneaking up in a bunch of sleeping goblins and killing blowing most of them was awesome.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Sitting quietly in the dark, I slowed my breathing, calmed my racing heart, and just sat quietly. I was fairly sure I'd been unobserved when I'd hunkered down next to the cabin, and something would surely be along soon-there! Holding my breath, footsteps and raised voices pounded up the path, and a goblin, clothed all in black and carrying only a dagger, ran by, actually stepping on my cloak, and I strained my ears as I heard it circle the very cabin I was laying beside and climb up on the deck! Peering through the boards of the railing, I watched it for several minutes as it obviously recovered from being pursued. I waited, knowing I couldn't fight it alone, for someone to come by so I could shout a warning. But, all too soon, the assassin moved off, and I breathed a sigh of relief that it had at least not spotted me in return.
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