1. Post your favorite moments
It's good to be back.

I have a lot of fav things, so I'll try to summarize:
- Clover's baking. Oh my stars, I spent so much.
- The overall amount of inter-character business being exchanged. The majority of the coin I made this weekend was from other characters, all the coin I spent went to other characters.
- Kaja's funeral. It was an event full of laughter and that made me so very happy. Thank you to everyone who was involved <3
- All the intrigue that's cropping up.
- Player run things! I love NPCs and I love plot, but I think it's absolutely fabulous that there's more and more interpersonal and player controlled rp happening.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- So much oog slipping into IG. I'm just as guilty. I think it was a mix of it being the first weekend back and the whole race change, while it provided a lot of rp in one sense, it interrupted the usual flow of getting into and staying in character. I don't blame the race change, though, just something for us to keep in mind, myself very much included.
- I like what Mike said about Play the Game, not the Rules. Rules are there for a reason and are definitely to be maintained, but when rule lawyering interferes with the spirit and flow of the game it can be a real downer.
- My own fault. I completely thought to bring weather appropriate bottoms, but forgot about tops. I was -freezing- all weekend. Shauna cuddles by the fire helped a lot though <3
-Kaja's death was my own stupid fault and there's a lot of hindsight being 20/20 and all. I'm not mad, just disappointed as it happened right after some great things happened to her. Oh well, die and learn.
3. What you would like to see more of
-Instamods!! They're one of my absolute fav things in game. I think I'll start writing some too, now that I'm feeling more confident about the game.
-RP, I'm loving what's coming out from plot and characters and I'm greedy and want more.
- An economy. It's building. Yay!
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
The flash of earrings hanging in the trees had caught her eye. And just as the Tari Nor tried them on, she heard a branch crack and a low laugh. Her gaze lifted and found two gnolls approaching. Damn. She was right behind the Brotherhood's cabin. She was so close to safety. Perhaps it was this that lit her confidence. Surely someone would hear the blows being exchanged. Surely she could handle two gnolls. She was a member of the Iron Brotherhood, apprentice to the Northman Crow, she had faced so many things before and come out more or less alive. She had been hunting a lich, for stars' sake. Kaja Rosewood, daughter of Aevry Rosewood, half-sister to Tyl of the Tari Nor, she was too proud to back down.
"We don't need to fight. I know some of your kind." She spoke softly, as was her wont, and with an honest hope that the gnolls would listen. She had, after all, rescued a litter of pups a few months back.
The two gnolls merely grinned at her. Surely her companions weren't that far behind. They knew she had gone ahead, hoping to rest in town. The fountain whose golden ladle she had drunk from, resulting in a lengthy vomitting of blood, had left her feeling weak. The Tari Nor lifted her staff and squared off with the gnolls, eyes narrowing. And then the fight began. She did well, blocking many an attack. Landing a number of blows herself. But in the end, she was a scholar, a girl with a magically enchanted necklace and a soft body. She fell, blood leaking from a multitude of wounds, her arcane armour having fallen.
The gnolls moved on, leaving the young woman to lay in the wet of rain-muddied ground and blood. Her gaze was skyward, and a faint smile tugged at her cooling lips. The leaves were so beautiful against that blue expanse. Birds sang, and idly she wondered if they were speaking to their mates. And she heard familiar voices, distant yet, but approaching slowly, jovially. Even as her sight darkened, even as she lost connection to the physical world, she believed her friends would come, she felt a surge of love for the beauty of these wilds. And she thought, fleetingly, of home.