
oh yeah seeing the barbarian woman with wings on her head and a leather bikini and loin cloth was a way cool part of the event. I was thinking "i should SO take a pic i've never seen that before except on conan the barbarian!"
Duke Frost said:
Seeing Ator once again. He makes a two handed sword look like a toothpick and makes me feel petite! Telling old Ator stories is always fun, as I know the ones he doesn't want people to hear from when he was a 16 year old barbarian kid.

Even I had forgotten "Eight Gold Howlbear" and some of the other embarrassing moments that had occurred more than a decade ago. It was fun to temporarily revert to less-than-serious (okay, downright goofy) Ator on Sunday afternoon before the final battle due to Drak's influence. They always did make a pretty amusing team.

The "oh yeah! THAT box of disease!" moment on Saturday night was pretty funny, too.

Duke Frost said:
Squid heads! Drak hates those guys. For some reasson they instantly turn me into a death spell storm.

Sorry about that. On the way home I admitted to Garett that the Cerebral Devourers had sort of been my creation. He was not pleased with me.
Shane said:
Duke Frost said:
Squid heads! Drak hates those guys. For some reasson they instantly turn me into a death spell storm.

Sorry about that. On the way home I admitted to Garett that the Cerebral Devourers had sort of been my creation. He was not pleased with me.

Don't be sorry. Scott loves them. It's Drak that hates them, and that's okay too.

"Why not Zoidberg?"
Not a whole lot of fave's as I could only be there for from 12-9 on saturday:

1: Having a chance to darkside it, it has been a while and something I wish I had more time to do.
2: Sean handing me a card and a mask and the look on his face when I said "Really?, your sure about this?"
3: Raaksa and his amazing ability to save the day.
4: Dan walking into NPC camp and saying well I got something.... it wasn't a potato.... but it was something.

Great job and great positive energy coming out of NPC camp.
Wow, it's tuesday and I'm still on a high from the event.

First off, seeing people again, some of whom I have not seen for three years. It's great to have nh back.

Friday night, seeing the fortress. Wow, that was just perfect. Prob one of the best "oh wow" moments of nero/alliance (can't beat the Cerebral Devourers first arrival, but close)

Having my writeup make complete sense by 3 am on sat night and being the one when we arrived that had the map and a slight clue about the Twiceborn thing.

All things Darius. He really went up in Sun's eyes this event.

Skylar: "What are you going to do? None of you can even touch it." Sun: "hi" while waving void in the air

On the same note, running back to town with void and suddenly it hitting me as we're half way back, I am holding void. Then it hitting me that not only am I holding void, but it's just Sun and Darius and realizing how bad of a situation it was.

Blight. So so good. Going up to everyone telling them it was nice to know them and that I was going to die in a week is def amusing. Also seeing how people that Sun barely knew saying how they wouldn't let her die and would try and find a cure.

Actually casting rituals and not being in Ohio to do it. Keeping up my flaw to casting ratio, but still only getting the good flaws. "See, I'm a really good ritualist. I gave you something extra for free." Yippie for actually using my 8 levels of build.


Wik teaching Az alchemy. Hilarious.

Can't wait for the next event!

My favorites from this weekend (in the order that they come to mind):

1. “Have fun storming the castle!” That was the best opening night battle ever. Especially because we had come in when it was too dark to see—I had no clue there would really be a fortress there. And the booming / drumming / stomping sound. Really scary.
2. Before fighting the mind-beasts: “Let’s be reasonable. No one is going to eat your eyes.” Thanks, Squire Koshinara.
3. The undead NPC who was disarmed of a weapon, threw down his claw, realized the error and went for it (forgetting to throw down his weapon), and then was utterly destroyed while bending to grasp the thrown claw. It was a beautiful goof, and reminded me bitter-sweetly of all the foolish goofs I was making this weekend (after almost 5 years of no LARPing). For example, after I was reminded about roleplaying alchemical identifications, I tried smelling a scroll to see what it was. Doh! Now I remember—I was a Doh-nut five years ago, too. I guess I studied up on the wrong sections. Back to the rulebook….
4. Tzidle’s beautiful hair moment (sorry about the spelling).
5. Fevergrey’s torment for Paladar. Incredible roleplaying. We are all scarred.
6. Roleplaying at the table while we talked about backstory, and played cards with Leonard. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how beautifully the new plot was weaving together all the old threads.
7. My first resurrection! If Thrace didn’t hide in the kitchen so much, she’d die more often. (Wait… no that wasn’t a request for personal plot.)
8. Coy and I at the back door KNOWING we, personally, were going to get stomped, literally shaking with fear OOG, before the battle even began. And who should come to the door? Skylar! Great.
9. The Arabella mod. Carly is so regal. It was also the first mod I ever completed.
10. The fire talk about adventuring. Why do we do it?
11. The B Team! What a fabulous idea! And I can’t believe how hard those NPC’s worked—even on Sunday!
12. Ator leading the battle to defend Finn Castle.
13. Drawing up drinks again (ok, mostly water this time) for victorious warriors after the battle. Ah, it felt good to be home!
14. The Justicar. It took what—15 minutes? 10?—and we knew exactly what we could expect from him. Now we just have to keep Keely alive.
15. The site—it is gorgeous!

Thanks to everyone—staff, helpers, NPC’s, PC’s—now I remember why LARPing is addictive.
Let's see where to start.......

First and foremost.... THE NPC's! You guys rocked, always upbeat and ready to take on the world even by closing on Sunday. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Staff.... Kinda Biased here, but I think we have a fantastic group working to make this game a mind bending thrill ride. Great job folks. A great job for a first event. I am so happy to play any part in this that I can.

Tavern Staff.... Those folks worked their butts off and provided some great food, and plenty of colorful character.

Seeing lots of folks that I haven't seen in years.

The Site, that place is amazing, and so spread out. It feels like being in a wilderness area.

Late night discussions in the cabin, and birthday parties!

Playing Goliath, I had a lot of fun putting the costume together, and by people's comments, and the looks on peoples faces, it was worth it. Can't wait to play him more :D

Getting a last minute save on Lillian and Paladar, after getting dropped and thinking I was going to die myself. I think it was Ator who fed me the potion?

RP with Lillian and Paladar, those two ladies always keep life interesting. Lots of intense stuff. Thank you

Roman and Drenten, two great companions. Always there to watch Marcus' Back.

Well, I am still wiped form the event and it is nearly two full days after closing,See you all soon!

Thrace Geffrin said:
8. Coy and I at the back door KNOWING we, personally, were going to get stomped, literally shaking with fear OOG, before the battle even began. And who should come to the door? Skylar! Great.

Oh my, how I must agree more then ever. I couldn’t thank you enough for that moment because I know we were scared OOG more then anything else. "alright, well you men can go up in front, and we'll be in the back…” *men walk away* “uh, guys, I really hope you are coming back!!" and then Skylar came in, oh great! And thank you, and everyone else for helping me out my first weekend! I've been talking about it since. I must agree the moment that I arrived, my favorites began.

A few ones off the top of my head...
-When me and Azureith were trying to set up our tents and then the undead decided to come up and have a little fun with us. Being completely unarmed, and not having any clue to what it was I was supposed to do, I had a nice SPRINT through the woods with a heavy tent, and bags in hand. I then sat at the picnic table while Azureith found a place to camp.

-Not being killed the whole weekend.. Not because I was doing an excellent job, or that I was very good... I didn't die because of the fact that pretty much all of Friday night, and through the day Saturday, I was right near the battle, but didn’t really know what to do, and stood and watched. And by chance, no body attacked me. BUT I never hid :lol: haha I told Azureith that it was the acting cute factor that saved me!

That’s it for now!

Oh geez eh! so much happened, so many people to thank.
1.Jami asking me to build a phys rep broken sword,never once letting on that it was for me! I was totaly surprised,good show Jami.
2.The whole Puriel mod,I was in total shock as soon as Orshan showed up,and stayed that way most of the rest of the day.
3.The fort, now I want one!
4.Thrace's last words before her murder "Wynn I know that you will do the nobel thing"
5.Thinking OOG "no one is actualy enough of a fiend to kill a character played by Stephanie"but Dan stepped up to the plate and did it! you rule with an iron boot Dan.
6.The new nobles! great garb,great NPC's
7. Having to humiliate myself in front of everyone about the smuggeling thing,and then having Drak ripp on me about it for the rest of the event.
8.Getting to PC with Mike and Jena, finally--and the great job that they did in the kitchen.
9. The whole Fevergrey mod. Leonard's going around feeding everybody potions (unable to identify them), while we all tried not to laugh.
10. Keely's new eyes. Freaky and beautiful.
11. All the newbies in Samara's crew. It was cool to get to know them.
12. Lillian and Paladar being there for Wynn, when Fevergrey had taken Thrace, and he was badly shaken.
13. Birthday cake and Leonard BunBun!
There's a lot more, but.... maybe later. Love, Ben
i think leonard bun bun was one of the favorite part of everyone's weekend who got to meet him....

if he'd just slow down on the dirty jokes now........
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i think leonard bun bun was one of the favorite part of everyone's weekend who got to meet him....

if he'd just slow down on the dirty jokes now........

I missed dirty jokes? Crap! And I walked around the woods with him for a while too!

More dirty hobling jokes!
Okay so my most UNfavorite part of the weekend was actually being there to PC the entire event and i STILL have no idea what was going on!!!! I mean I know tiny bits and pieces and then I hear something on the in game boards and i'm thinkin WHERE THE H E double hockey sticks was *I* when that went on??????????????? did so much happen that there's just no figuring it out??????? heavens to mergatroid is there a "DEADLANDS FOR DUMMIES" book i can buy???????????
Haha, Sevaria has no idea what the crap she was doing on her mod because she hadn't been paying much attention to the plot. It was so bad.
Koi said:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
is there a "DEADLANDS FOR DUMMIES" book i can buy???????????

I second that idea 8-)

There is in fact such a book....though it has no bindings or pages....and it lives deep in the recessess of Keely's Mind.

Yup, talk to Keely, she knows EVERYTHING!!!

in character i spoke to her briefly however its more of a how to approach the subject...kinda like "okay so keely...what the bajeebus is going on around here?????" heheheheh
Dar Beltaine said:
Koi said:
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
is there a "DEADLANDS FOR DUMMIES" book i can buy???????????

I second that idea 8-)

There is in fact such a book....though it has no bindings or pages....and it leaves deep in the recessess of Keely's Mind.

Yup, talk to Keely, she knows EVERYTHING!!!


I second that... Keely DOES know Everything!
But you have to be where she is in order to hear it... and she is always in danger...
another good point!!!! lets talk to keely about what's going on around here...when wraiths aren't killing her already passed away parents and dragon's blood isn't squirting on her and liches aren't trying to kill her and brain suckers aren't hunting her brains...yeah that sounds like a plan HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH
Thank You NPCs, Staff and Plot for running a great event. I had a blast. I don't care how I have to do it, I'm going to come up to another one this year, because you people are that damn good. I LOVE THE HIGH ORC STUFF THAT IS GOING ON! The Camp-site rocks! The way you guys did everything leading up to the arrival of the Twice-born rocks! The curses, the flipped-race-packets, the new NPCs (Goliath OMG!), the economy, everything rocks!

Some highlights

-Killing two Squid-heads: oh man, oh man that minute of fighting has been replaying in brain. Later on finding an entire module-team wiped out on the road and finding a Squidhead dining on their brains! I just wanted some Trollweed!

-All things Ator, hells yeah!

-Lord Justicar Crowe, good job Metzler, I thought you were gonna spank me on friday night for trying to toll the road. How did that all play out so perfectly? Bowing at light-speed. Trying to prove myself for the rest of the event.

-Orshan, how cool was that?

-Roleplay with Cinder and Amaranthus

-"Squire Paladar, please take your hand off that tree.... you're killing it"

-Wik, I love rolling with this guy

-Sitting next to Drak when the laws were being read "Can we pre-pay?", "Maybe we should just cut our tongues out?"

-Finn Castle Keep, OMG!

-Devon and Dana, love you guys!

Thank You everybody, I really enjoyed myself. It was cool being able to video-tape the last fight. Thanks everybody for being cool and understanding.
-Brian B