Favorites from May event

Oh man there was so much...

For one I loved playing Laura the traveling cook, I hoped you all enjoyed the Chicken. It'll be there again some time.
Getting stuck in the healers guild on friday night and going out to find the hobling only to get hit with a cause serious wounds and going down.

Saturday when I got to play the goblins that couldn't fight and watching the epic honor battle between Tab and Jerremy. That was great you two!

Going out as an undead and getting beat up.

The look on every one's face when they realized that the rat scavenger I was playing was pregnant and how they scrambled to get paper together so I could build a nest.

Then comming out again as the crazy lady. I can't believe I fell down the stairs running from Bill..I'm all bursed up, but it was awsome. Sitting around for an hour or so till some one realized what they had to do to help me. You guys are great.

Wave battle in the rain. omg that was so awsome. I donno about you all I was so willing to stay outside. Oh well. Getting my first PC kill with Chirs. Nice!

Playing yet another Crazy Lady.....Blah. The Page did great solving the puzzle...though it seems that he already knew what he had to do....lol

Giving the lowbes some fun down stairs at night. Snakes and Undead WooHoo! lol Hope you guys liked it.

And the last wave battle. You guys rocked the house. I loved hitting you all with the arrows and you being like, WTF? Then going one on one with a few people. You all are so fun to fight.

Had a great time. Though I know I'll probly take a long break from NPC camp only due to the fact that I am SOOOO Sore... I'll be back again soon though!

Well that was certainly the toughest weekend I have played. So in no particular order...

1. Getting my butt kicked all weekend long. I think I was dead or bleeding out more times this weekend then all the other events I have ever played combined. I guess the red belt is a vitural magnet for packets.

2. Having Dame Darlassia tell Baron Ivan he was doing a good job training me. Felt good to know I have been doing well.

3. Clearly the end of the Dominion was one awesome moment for Garathon. For those that know his back story it was quite a but of bittersweet revenge. Was revenge worth the collateral damage? It will plague Garathon for a long time.

4. New Players! When Dave and I saw that rain storm bailing out the new players in the tent was not even a question. Their gratitude was awesome and I was really glad to be able to return the hospitality that I once received at my first event.

5. My first personal fish bowl. Having a character from the Estate report come and give me grief was really cool.

6. Perhaps not a favorite, but a great roleplay moment - accidentally causing Amaranthus's resurrection. What do you do when there are no life spells left and someone is dominated or undead?

7. Lord Khorwyn of the Forrest. If you saw the head band, then you know what I am talking about!

8. Ahhhhhh, "ladies of the night" in the tavern. That was something to behold. No, I am quite certain I do not want to see your naughty bits for 2 copper.

9. Of course the hidden circle and the Duke possibly being a Griffon was quite cool.

10. Nathan taking down the big bad necromancer in the last battle. I was rolling up on that guy to help support and he hit him with a prison. Nice Shot!

11. Smooth Logistics! I hope you all enjoyed that.

I am sure I am forgetting stuff, but it was a Great weekend. See you guys in 3 weeks.

My favorites from this weekend

1. Balls epic fall at the creek
2. Running from the creek to the tavern to get help
3. Just meeting everybody (Although i probably dont remember half of your names)
  • Had a good time with some harassing Ogres as my first RP moment
  • Battling with my back to the tavern and wave after wave of Biata and undead relentlessly punishing us.
  • Standing on the battlefield and the perfectly timed lightning storm just as one of the most epic battles of the weekend commenced
  • Going toe to toe against goblins with a few adventurers of my same ability (Great job again goblins, absolutely hilarious)
  • Watching Flint get traumatized for two copper... I'd pay that bargain any day!
  • Seeing the reaction and excitement from some of the NPCs when my group and I agreed to fight wave after wave 'for thirty minutes' great fight btw!
  • Receiving a completely nonchalant invitation to stay in a brand new person's sleeping quarters after ours was flooded
  • Watching Ariel acquire piles of arrows from all of Fairdale - THANKS EVERYONE!
  • Laughing until I cried listening to Flint's songs and stories
  • Playing texas hold 'em with no money to bet in
  • The pleasant breakfasts with Soren, and my Biata friend
  • Every single time I stood in a shield wall with my brothers in arms
  • Enjoying the incredible hospitality of the Healer's Guild Mistress
  • Talking to a farmer who could speak faster than I could hear, and then spending a good portion of the evening cleaning his basement!
  • And most certainly the absolutely epic conclusion to the Dominion story arch

I could literally go on all day. I know my fiancee' and I couldn't stop talking about it for our 4 hours going home, and then I spoke even more to Rich today... so much stuff packed into one weekend. Can't wait for the next one.
This was an amazing event for me. I got to run my first ever official Alliance module. Like a boss.

My highlights I will get to when I get a longer moment, but as per my new tradition, the top five PC list:

5. Balls - You run the tavern by yourself at times, provide food, work hard, and take dramatic falls off of logs into rivers.

4. Garathon - A true defender. Taking death spells so you don't have to. Learn to protect faces better.

3. Khorwyn - A true ranger. He thinks outside the box and keeps up a high quality amount of roleplay.

2. Greysmere - He's awesome. FOIG.

1. The number one slot goes to a pair this time. None other than Elric and Ariel. For extreme enthusiasm, energy, and willingness to be heroes. Everytime I turned around on the battlefield, even as a death lord or griffon, they were right there shooting arrows and defending Ashbury. Welcome to Alliance guys.
What an event!

So many favs.

1) Meeting all the new people. I love playing Argus and role playing with all the new adventurers. You all rock and I can't wait to role play again.
2) The hobling in the tavern trying to blow up the duke. I just stepped into the tavern to have several adventurers tell me not to touch the Duke's table because of the bomb.
3) Reading the mind of the person by the creek who was throwing death spells at adventurers. I was with several adventurers and we heard people shouting from the woods. We all thought it was the dominion or trolls. We get to the creek and see that two people were force fed enslavement antidotes. To clear up thing Argus had to read the mind of one of them.
4) Flint Boulderback calling Argus a hero. Awesome. Watching him weep when Duke Frost was saved and party at the tavern.
5) The secret meeting between Argus, Zatarina, and Opheus Borik. Secret Biata conversations.
6) Watching the secret meeting between the nobles.
7) Amarathus. Hard to wrap my brain round that chatacter. Is he truthful? Is he insane?
8) Watching the Romani bellydancer. Flint goes with the dancer only to run from the common room into the tavern and demand a drink to forget what he saw.
9) The shattering of the homestone. Awesome roleplaying of biata mental anguish. I think I'll have fun with this moment in terms with my biata.
10) The girl who had a kobold as a pet.
11) The crazy girl. Trying to help her but as I approached her she ran away.

Awesome stuff for an awesome event.

I forgot one of my favorites, it was the spellcaster's aura target practice plus Flint (i think it was him) jokingly yelling that Nathan had been enslaved/gone crazy and was throwing spells at people.
I forgot one...

When fighting against Tagas Reidic's son in the early Saturday wave battle, the son gets beaten down. My character Argus just happens to be nearby. I and the Ducal Army person (sorry about the misplaced name) grabbed the Dominion general and booked it across the field up the stairs and into the Healer's Guild. We then waited as a few undead stood outside the guild door. Then the rest of the town came in and the prisoner was secured. This was an awesome victory for Argus.
kitsune85 said:
11) The crazy girl. Trying to help her but as I approached her she ran away.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i actualy loved that fish bowl. It was amazingly hard to rp but I think I did it well.... other then falling down the stairs.... then again it added to the crazy lady feel...
kitsune85 said:
I forgot one...

When fighting against Tagas Reidic's son in the early Saturday wave battle, the son gets beaten down. My character Argus just happens to be nearby. I and the Ducal Army person (sorry about the misplaced name) grabbed the Dominion general and booked it across the field up the stairs and into the Healer's Guild. We then waited as a few undead stood outside the guild door. Then the rest of the town came in and the prisoner was secured. This was an awesome victory for Argus.

The name you are looking for is Sophia Dawn, and that is one of my favorites too, Jim.

I have way too many favorites to list them all but I'm going to try!

1. Flint and Sophie, the two biggest blubbering babies in the whole army, alone and unchecked in Fairdale except for Joaquin's watchful eye to make sure we didn't disgrace the name of soldier.
2. The whole final encounter on Sunday, from the "Oh #$@#" moment when the Dominion forces started to charge and we all charged forward and realized there was a circle of power between us and the Duke, to screaming and cursing at Tab's Reidic Jr. for his lack of honor, to Flint and Sophie hugging a half-naked Duke and bawling like babies. When everything was over and calmed down Sophie went over to the Duke "Your Grace, just this once I'll forgive you for the impropriety", Frost: "Would you like me to put my shirt on?", Sophie: "When you come that close to Obliteration you are allowed to walk around without a shirt on."
3. Flint's dwarven drinking song. I really wish we could have recorded that somehow because it was hilarious with a good melody and perfect rhyme.
4. Dragging V. Reidic, unconscious off the field of battle and back to the healer's guild with Tab's group of Dominion not far behind. Thank the Earth for permanent investiture!!!! Seeing Flint hanging with the Dominion outside the circle, having a heart attack, thinking he'd been created undead and then realizing he was charmed and would be fine. :D
5. All the roleplay around the decision to destroy the homestone and...
6. Joaquin pulling Sophie together after all the roleplay about the decision to destroy the homestone, so she would be fit for their mission.
7. Big Toe and getting to join the Council of Crazy with my non-crazy character. lol
8. Trying to keep the peace with biata tempers flaring. Normally Sophie tries to stay out of biata business as any wise human should do but that was pretty much impossible this event.
9. Receiving the Duke's shield on behalf of Vex Squad. It was a triumphant end to an emotional rollercoaster of a weekend.
10. New Recruits!!! Muahahahah!
11. The Battle of Starkenstein (sp?). I don't even know where to begin. Playing musical tables. Crazy door fights. For a fight in the basement I thought it went pretty well. Realizing that everyone in the city had permanently died in an instant was extremely intense. Roleplaying with Shya and Zatarina afterwards. Ashrik comforting Sophie with cold, hard, elvish, anti-necromancer logic.
12. Rolling with the Ash Forest against wave after wave of Trolls only to find.... a kick *** skeleton phys rep that was all that was left of the person we were supposed to rescue.
13. Cheesecake, better than "sex without consequences".
14. Chris' kobold hanging from the rafters.
15. Patrick's charlatan healer guy with his dragon bone. Actually being able to keep a straight face with all the bone jokes flying. Flint trying on his hat and then shouting at the NPC with no hands that he owed us a purify.

I could go on and on and on, but I think that's enough. In case you couldn't tell, I had a blast this weekend. Thank you plot, staff, NPCs and PCs. I'm very glad I was there for this event.

Couple of things I forgot.

-Rescuing Sir Bryce!!!
-Awakening Joaquin before he killed us all and not realizing it until just before I threw the spell, thinking the whole time "Joaquin is charmed. He would hate that. I have to awaken h- Oh $%@#"
-All things Aishling(sp?). I loved your costume. I loved that you brought Flint to me a few seconds before he needed a life spell and there weren't any left. I loved the way you booked it with the truesilver. Yay for more mwelopes!
-The truesilver relay race, and then realizing I had one in my pouch the whole time, not feeling too badly about it because the truesilver relay race was so much cooler than "Sophie pulls a truesilver out of her pouch".
This weekend was awesome! So many favorites but here are a few.
1. Getting dressed down by Izer for too much teen angst. (pot calling the kettle black?)
2. Balls doing a reverse Winnie the Pooh under a tree and promptly falling into the creek.
3. Putting Ronin in the stocks and then hearing Amaranthus, "ToNoah, what are you doing?" and both looking up like little kids caught doing something they shouldn't "Nothing".
4. All things Amaranthus. You rock my world but I better never have to do a resurrection story for you again!
5. Ariel and Elric! Sooooo cute! Sooooo awesome! Thanks for bringing my shield back in one piece.

Well, there are so many more but that is enough. Thanks to all the NPCs (especially whoever put my shield over me in the rain) and plot for the great weekend.
Oh yeah! All things Ren. I had soooo much fun roleplaying with you all weekend. I hope to have many more interactions with you.
I have to start this with a really big thank you to Ali, Mish, and Toddo, Mike Stabley, Justin C, and everyone else who took the time to make sure I was doing ok and kept me moving forward this event. Going into this weekend I was having the worst week of my life. I almost didn't come, and I was feeling worse then I have in a very very long time. You guys realy saved my day. I can't thank you enough for that. Now for favorites:

Getting to make it to the final event of this plot line.

Getting grilled by the nobility. It was a cool sceene, even if it was bad for Amar. I was nearly certain I was going to be executed.

All the various awesome PC interaction I had this weekend. From the Morfang issue to the genocide plan. Special thanks to chazz (Joquin), amelia (Ren), Engler (Telok),Justin C, (flint) and Toddo (Broomis) for amazingly awesome rp.

To'Noah's gift and the resulting question. Holy f-ing crap that box is awesome. Hand painted lid with a pair of gryphons flying together, with "AL" on the side and "Landcharmer" on the inside of the lid. Plus it was FULL OF TRUFFLES, chocolate covered cheries, and three bar chocolates. I am at a loss for how cool it is.

Getting to almost rescue the troll hunter team by my self. The bind worked but the caster got me.....then the bind droped. Deciding to follow a min behind them from the other path was a good plan. Next time I need to not be tapped.

Joking around with Toddo saturday morning. You really had to be there. "Finish your incants"

Debating the plan with Ivan, Broomis, Ren, and Telok. Realising I was never going to be able to convince them to not go thru with it, so I had best make sure they know what they were getting into.

Both final battles. The crafty plan to oblit Frost.

After the bit about the Homestone, and the knowledge that in its broken state is slowly drives anyone psychic crazy with anger and fustration, the people who put two and two together and aproched Amaranthus to appologize for not understanding what it must have been like to live there for years.

Getting resed by a pc cuz they didnt realise I was a zombie, not charmed. Create undead + prison = auto res unles you get dispelled. Actualy getting an in game appology from Garathon and Ivan. I should have taken more when they asked me what I wanted. All I took was speeking officialy on my behalf when the Morfang bit comes up next. I honastly didn't blame him, cuz I went into that fight not expecting to walk away.

I know there is more but I am terrible about these things.

Thank you again to the various HQ plot members who let me get so involved with this plot. Who let me do crazy things, and put up with my constant questions about "what do i know". Thank you Henry Hart for writing this line, thank you Ali, Mish, Tom, and Toddo for running with it and letting me come along for the ride. I really got to be a hero, a villian, and everything in between for this one, and it was awesome. I only hope that I can get so involved in whatever comes next as to continue to be a pain in your ***.
Top 10 favorites in order

1- Dame Keegan thanking me for lifeing and cure morting of the Duke.

2- All of the private meetings concerning destroying of the Dominion stone, and the pure emotional strain of it.

3- Sending for rope the moment I saw the circle go up around the Duke. Then suddenly realizing I am inside the new circle, then at the same moment seeing I am the only healer even remotely on the Duke’s side of the circle. Then looking at Balls to the right Baron Ivan to my left and no one for 20 feet in any other direction except for one fiercely brave elf [Henry]. Balls and I turned to each other at the same time to say “It was a good life knowing you” then to face our foe. Within seconds {for real} the elf distracted the Gryphons to look at him as the circle went down. As he did between their legs I hit the Duke with a life, awaken, cure mort, and Balls another mort while dodging deaths as they turn to look at us. As Ivan and the elf engage the enemy, so the death spells stop only to find Balls had taken them all to save me. Then the woosh of we are alive!

4- Long private discussions with Balls.

5- Conversations with Nathan Westwing private and not

6- The private meeting with nobles on Sunday morning discussing the situation and the so called claim to the throne. I will never forget their faces when told.

7- The excitement and happiness of the saving soldiers [mod] and the proud parent feeling as I saw my guild open arms and heart to new citizens.

8- Discussing biata things with biata, relaying who I really am/really feel to those as well

9- Venting to sophie only to have others over hear and then suddenly be bombarded with a ton more racial oh no’s

10- Being depressed! I forgot my pills only to get back just in time to save lives. I went through 1\2 of my pyramid in minutes. It made my day. And peoples faces while eating my cheese cake.

My what the heck list

1- Being awakened by a excessively large wolfspider on my butt in my covers and it not being Mike. Believe me I was awake then!!!!!!

2- forgot my pills

3- waterfalls {plural}on sat in the guild from he rain losing most of the food

4- we forgot to serve the home made potato salad

5- leaving and forgetting stuff in the cooler in the guild what an ICK I will have to clean up

6- I have a BAD cold going into a biata weekend

7- Sunday morning while going to the john, seeing for sale garb in wads around logistics

8- Going to battle, my foot sinking so much I almost lost my high strap shoe. Not only mud but water felt it had to come from nowhere and gush in too.

9- Starting to pack up only to have weird dizzy spells

10- going out to dinner having a “drink” for pain then some weird [out of body there not there happening] reaction from painkiller drugs vs drink. I’ve had weird from drugs but flu med mixed in too. never again. I like felt undead.
I want to start this out by saying how incredibly epic feeling the conclusion to this plotline felt. I have not felt this way about an event since the climax to the future plotline where we were trapped behind an invisible barrier and forced to watch Duke Frost fight Glantri. While trapped Mike Stabley and I tried to break down the barrier because we refused to let His Grace fight the battle on his own, though there was nothing we could really do. He was playing his Barbarian Ragnar, and me my Dwarf Braveroar. I think it was sort of fateful he was playing his second barbarian and me my second dwarf for the end of this plotline. It was amazing, HQ, thank you so much for the awesome experience and wonderful memories.

Now, on to the faves:

-Becca with a smile on her face and having a great time all weekend. She and I shared some really deep RP moments nobody got to see. One such moment was when she had just had a discussion regarding the fate of the severed Homestone in Starkenstein. She approached me glazed over eyes and asked me what I thought. I told her that whatever she decided, even if it my fate (Flint's) that I would trust in her.

-Tab Merkel coming out and entertaining us. Tab puts his blood and sweat in to Alliance and it shows. He has a strong dedication to the low level game. His first concern is whether or not people are having fun and he always tries to adapt to the players' decisions to help make everything seem as reall as it can. Thank you Tab!

-Sharing some really great roleplay at Dinner on Saturday. His Grace asks me to sing a Dwarven drinking song. I was happy to oblige...I was even happier that my impromtu tune didn't suck hehe.

-Shya and Big Toe! I love when Tanya comes out to play. She can be super goofy and super intense as her character. I have loved playing the game with her for years and I'm glad she's still coming out and being the Aunty healer to our goonish fighters hehe. I really loved being taken in to the basement and rping with her and Sym and Sophie at the table site.

-Aishling, Emily's new MWE character, was really fun to play with. She and I talked about what our chracters intreractions might be like before the event, but they were far better than I could have imagined. She looked gorgeous with really unique costuming. We got to rp about our characters backgrounds and it was really fun. Way to go Em!

-Bjorn, Mike S's new Barbar. He had a really badass costume, and even more badass attitude. The little touches like the runes imprinted on the armor and seeing runic stones were so cool. His two hander was effing sweet too, kudos Justin D. for the construction on that beast! Mike was so happy all weekend long about that sword and its apparent sentient blood thirst. So cool, I'm glad you had a great time Mike, I had a great time playing with you again!

-NEW BLOOD! Thanks to all the new guys who came out to NPC. You guys did great! Please come out again! Thanks to all the new players who PC'd this event. You were all very impressive and your costumes looked great!!! Sean, I am very happy your character expressed interest in the Vex Squad, you are a really cool guy and I'm looking forward to rolling with you!!!

-Rolling with the Ash Forest! They are some of my favorite people to share Alliance with. I had a couple things I wanted out of the event going in, and one of them was going on basement mods with these folks. I got my wish twice.

-Rorii gets the regen, and one on the way for Darlassia, yessssss!

-Conversations with Baron Ivan and Quallin. Whether or not Eric wants to admit it, Ivan is an incredibly deep and interesting character. I really like his presence at game and it's always fun to talk with him as any character. Henry plays Quallin incredibly well. His elf has a sharp wit and a sharper sword...I love it.

-Joaquin reminding me of some things my soldier should always remember, especially what makes the green grass grow.

-Truesilver relay race to save the Duke from Obliteration. My fat Dwarf linesman was not equipped for that physical challenge. Luckily Amaranthus and Aishling were nearby to get the component to where it needed to be.

-Vex Squad receives the Duke's personal strengthened shield when the dust settles. What an awesome honor!

-All things Ali! She is such a wonderful person to play the game with and spend time with. I am very impressed by the way she plays all her characters, and I loved all my interactions with Dame Keegan, she's a riot. Thank you Ali for all the hard work you've put in to HQ as AHoP, and thanks Toddo for picking up the reins!

-Thank you NPCs for all the *** busting you did all weekend. Angel as a first time NPC did some really good work roleplaying all the things she did. Chris and James and I scrapped it up many times this weekend, every time was really good. Very challenging and clean fighting. Thanks very much everybody!

-My apparently accidental genius comedic timing. Apparently His Grace was explaining to the table of nobles that he would rather see me with a tankard in my hand in the tavern rather than an axe on the front lines. Just as he said that, I was spotted reaching forward for a tankard on the table in front of me. LOL.

-Andrea, Colleen, and Renee as their beautiful trio of MWEs whom I adore very much. They add so much to the atmosphere of our game. Thanks so much for coming out guys I love seeing you!

-Patrick as the bogus healer Ozmo for letting me try on his super sweet hat. You may have played a dirty swindler, but damn, what a hat!

-Having a private room to crash in.

-Hanging out with Sparticous again. Dennis is an awesome guy and always fun to play with! Glad you got the days to come out and hang with us bro!

-Watching Matt W. enjoy his re-write to fighter! He is hands down one of the best (if not the best) fighter in the Alliance. I'm glad you were having fun man!

-Dave B. saves my *** from running clear accross the entire site while feared. That brought back some fond memories on when those kind of things happened on a regular basis. Gilwing is a really cool character who has a lot of history and depth, and I am glad you and the guys are coming out again Dave!

-Being able to enjoy the delicious treats that were available this weekend. When I play my Orc I use tusks that adhere to my teeth, so I can never indulge! I have taken care of that problem, now, though lol.

-Amaranthus is Flint's brother from a Biata mother. He and I have shared some really cool moments in game, and he continues to impress me his roleplaying ability and the amount of heart he puts in to his characters. Awesome bro.

-Enjoying the company of Duke Broomis again!

-Enjoying the music of Alushtas and Natalia. Those two are both a joy to spend time with at game, and they make beautiful music together hehe.

-Everything that happened in the final wave battle, it was truly amazing, and I thank you again HQ staff and NPCs for making that vision a reality.

I have more but I will just go on and on. Last night I wrote these up the first time only to be crushed when the internet ate what I wrote lol (ALWAYS COPY AND PASTE). It took me a while to work up the motivation to rewrite everything because of how emotionally charged the event left me. Thanks so much to everyone who came out to play and have a good time. Though the weather was unfavorable for some of the event, I felt we made the best out of it, and it made for a really enjoyable time. Watching people have conversations, play games, and instruments always adds to the in game atmosphere. Rain promoted that, so...thanks rain. Hehe.

Much love,

Justin Coggin
Top Favorites in no particular order.

1. Casting my first Formal Ritual by myself. I have never held onto anything so tight before. My eyes didnt move even with everyone fighting around me.
2. Assisting in a Formal Ritual with Shya. She has lots to teach, good to always Learn.
3. Helping out in the Healers Guild all weekend.
4. Running to the Healers guild to get the yellow string to create teh second COP to save the Duke. I couldnt breathe afterwards.
5. Healers Guild Mod when we were all basicly tapped for spells.
6. Larien getting to meet and interact with a Squirrel Wyldkin. (Squirrels for the win!!!)
7. Being in Closed door meetings, starting to leave, being told I could stay.
8. All things Tab and Flint
9. Seeing alot of good friends again.
10. All things Scott K, Dee K, and Fairplay

Maybe more later.
Tetsu said:
I want to start this out by saying how incredibly epic feeling the conclusion to this plotline felt. I have not felt this way about an event since the climax to the future plotline where we were trapped behind an invisible barrier and forced to watch Duke Frost fight Glantri. While trapped Mike Stabley and I tried to break down the barrier because we refused to let His Grace fight the battle on his own, though there was nothing we could really do. He was playing his Barbarian Ragnar, and me my Dwarf Braveroar. I think it was sort of fateful he was playing his second barbarian and me my second dwarf for the end of this plotline. It was amazing, HQ, thank you so much for the awesome experience and wonderful memories.

I still remember that battle. I'd rank the final Dominion battle just below that one.

I also have to give kudos to Stabley for hsi new Barbar. As I said at closing ceremonies, my first event was ten years ago this month and Stabley's first Barbar, Ragnar, was who by Barbar, Draugr, hung out with, slong with Shane as Ator. Now Bjorn is here. Stabley didn't know that Telokh had been living with the Bear tribe, so having Bjorn be from there was a complete coincidence. Fighting alongside him felt like Draugr and Ragnar all over again and put a nice bookend on my first ten years of NERO/Alliance.

More faves:
--- 2 hours of roleplay with Ren and Amaranthus, discussing the ramifications of Genocide. Toddo added to the second (or third?) hour as Duke Broomis. Interestingly enough, the two Stone Elves fell on different sides of the issue.

--- Figuring out that Tab and Rob A. were leading us into a trap and warning others in the group (Flint, Sophie, etc) only to be distracted by one of the flowers people were collecting and letting my guard down. Felt like crap for that part, but the encounter was great.

--- Same encounter when someone had to go into Tab's head to verify his story of why they di what they did. Being able to assure Amaranthus that Telokh could, quite likely, disarm any mental traps that might be there and that fethcing Zat or Shya wouldn't be necessary. Argus eventually did the mind read though.

--- Blythe-den (or is is it Nord-dale? LOL) mod for one of the missions for the Dame Regent, followed be semi-serious discussion of whether the two Baronies should combine permanently due to the numbers of each that normally show up at gatherings.

--- Stone Elf Battle Rage! The emotions emanating from the homestone in the final battle allowed Telokh to let loose Vansir style. Battle rage isn't unknown in Stone Elves, just extremely rare.

--- The table that rifted us to Starkenstein was awesome. In the past NJ has had what has jokingly been referred to as Power Rangers plot and Pokemon plot. Now we can add HQ's Stargate plot to that list. Loved it.

--- Ren finally finding out that Telokh has a child with a Vansir womon he "met" while his was race-changed to a Vansir tow years ago. Her concern for his, and the child's, mental well-being was awesome roleplay.

--- NPCing as the Thessi Ambassador only to be snubbed by the nobles by not being allowed into their little meeting on Friday night. Ah, well. I got to pick the brains of Zatarina and Argus in the Healers' Guild and listen in on a private conversation Zat had with To'Noah (sp?). I got out the info I needed to get out, just not in the way I originally meant to. Three cheers for pulling that out of my ***. LOL

--- I loved Maria's Squirrel-kin. She almost broke my Stone Elf demeanor with one of her lines. She was trying to get me to give her Telokh's drinking horn when someone tried to give her advice on how best to go about it. Her respons: "Don't mess with my mojo, man." That line, in her squirrely voice, almost had me laugh out loud. Awesome.

--- All things Flint and Sophia. 'Nuff said!

--- Awesome newbies! I know I got your names at check-in but they escapr me at the moment. One may even be joining Vex squad as a new recruit. I think he'll fit in nicely!

--- All things Patrick. I had forgotten his penchant for pre-battle exposition...then Reidic's son started talking. It mad me racall all the speeches he gave as Duke Aramis before we took on the enemies of Ashbury. Another fine bookend moment for my first 10 years of NERO/Alliance. I could watch Patrick roleplay all day, every day or, better yet, interact with him as any character whatsoever.