
I always find it's easier to convince Dramthin to sleep inside a cabin and/or ward on night two of a weekend because John is sore and tired. ;)

So he's at least half Sally.

That and I'm getting pretty good at the doe-eyes.
AllianceCHI said:
which equals sleeping in your car to you John :P
i only sleep in my car, these days, with you or Matt O.O

no, Saturday morning, i bedded down off the path in my sleeping bag. i was all bundled up, sword in one hand, packet in t'other, waiting to get rolled. 'snot my fault y'all don't know my good hiding places

Dea, it's not as much the "doe-eyes" as the "I have Confines and since I'm sleeping right there you'll be in LOS all night" eyes what convince him :D

John, I don't mem confines.

Though I can recall Elysia threatening to mem sleeps if Dramthin didn't stay where she could keep an eyeball on him in TC.

But I appreciate the tip. ;D
So we know what she is meming next time, lol, nice john, nice
[no effect] "dude, ¡fighter! 30suit, ¿hello?!" "oh, you're right - [Dragon's BreathDragon's BreathDragon's BreathDragon's BreathDragon's Breath]" "crap" "That's what I thought"
lol mem sleeps to stop an elf? you'd need a lot most likely... ;)
Who says that it would be just Elysia? I might load a few paralysis gasses into Dram for good measure. Got to have a girl's back. :D
He can still run while laughing his butt off. I recommend a death elixir :) stops Elfs cold! don't it?

laugh and paralyze...oh the pain!
AllianceCHI said:
He can still run while laughing his butt off. I recommend a death elixir :) stops Elfs cold! don't it?


¡ooch! dat one's gotta hoit! the Gatorade of DOOOOOM!
it was really a "Gator"-ade wasn't it? HAHA! *fake laugh*....ok that was bad