Field Dressing Training


After Fern's discussion about the use and expensive of potions was brought to my attention, I noticed a lack of Adventurer's in town who are able to bind wounds. Bandages were the most common form of wound-treatment in my Uncle's mercenary band, due to a short supply of alchemists and those with mystic arts.

I personally would be interested in learning to use bandages in the heat of battle to keep my friends and allies alive when our healers are busy. I feel it would be prevalent for all of our back line warriors, if not all of us, to carry a roll of bandages in supplement to the potions we use.

If any healers who get this that would be interested in leading training to the cause could speak up. As well as any others who need training in it. I for one would appreciate knowing I don't have to sit and helplessly watch those I fight side-by side with bleed out on the ground.

Vadis Thenholt
Young adventurer,

Was it truly wise to announce in the dream realms that there is a lack of those who can do field dressings. Regardless, I will assist in teaching a few students the next market day I arrive in town.

Izz'Rak Auvry'urden
There many who do such things, but busy fighting. Perhaps you protest against lack of Gorka's box. My green tribe-sister save many lives by giving potion to those who need. She spend own coin for town. Greedy ones say she need to get rid of box. Now you see lack of healing? Hm..

I do not believe Vadis was in town when Gorka decided to stop doing the healing box.
He is simply asking to learn first aid, which I think is honorable.

-Squire Thorador Boulderfist

As a healer, I will admit applying bandages during an intense combat isn't as practical as a portion. However, in times of little conflict, mending the wounds over using resources is the logical step to take.

The offer has always been extended by us members of the Earth Guild to learn First Aid. We cannot force or demand anyone to learn that skill, so if some choose not to learn it, that is their own choice and I for one won't hold it against anyone.

Though should anyone wish to learn First Aid, Healing arts or any other skill a member of the Earth Guild posses, seek us out. We will teach you, I will teach you, Gorka will teach you, Icey, Jamina the list goes on but it is the adventurers who need to take the initiative in the matter.


I understand your frustration. Gorka is a fantastic healer, and her box helps to save many lives, but we shouldn't overlook the rest of the town who also fights bravely, spends coins from their own pockets and spells from memory. We are a town, a moving unit of comrades who do what we can for the good of many. If you have real frustration about how her box has changed you can speak to me. I was the one who brought up the concern to Gorka. It wasn't just my own voice, but I was the one who spoke it too her. If you feel I am greedy, then I accept that, and will hold nothing against you. I want you to know if you have strife against someone, let that person be me.

Do we need more cure light wounds? I was gonna maybe try to make some more antidotes, and maybe purifies if I can figure them out in time. But if we need more cure light wounds...I should be able to make about um...carry the 3, then take back 5...36 or so per day. I can make more, but the next 18 would cost 2 silvers each, since I get kinda sloppy when I make that much at once.

I've thought about what Fern said and think it may be a good idea to start using awakens in combination with bandages for those who have vital skills, bandage and watch over those who aren't as strong, and give potions to those who absolutely must be on the front line fighting and throwing magic. Set up a triage system basicly to try and conserve potions.

I not know this Earth Guild so I not trust this Earth Guild. I know Gorka, I trust Gorka. Asher need explain more 'bout box now to town. Will it still be of use? Can people still donate to it? Who decides where potion go? I will be against moving box until you prove it better.

Um, awakening someone after first aiding them wouldn't do anything. Now if you are talking about someone being Waylaid, that's a different story.

-Thorador Boulderfist
I've not seen Gorka's healing Kendra, but I've fought by her side and admire her spirit. She mentioned a box of healing but only in claim that it would no longer be available. It sounded like a noble goal to be sure.

Izzu'rak, I merely express the lack of simple healing techniques such as bandages in surprise from what I'm used to. The amount of healing through elixirs and magic the adventurers in (OOC here: is New Haven our town? I somehow missed the name) is impressive nonetheless.

Triage in an emergency situation where we absolutely must conserve healing I suppose. Simply having the wounded bandaged in wait of healers that are busy with other tasks or potentially separated from a group of warriors would often suffice.
Adventurers and friends,

Let us just settle that we need to establish an efficient way to deal with staying alive in combat. I understand that the box of healing is a great boon to the town but it also acts like a crutch. Having that knowledge of always having something to heal you may end up making you too reckless in combat, or too cautious.

Kendra, you are right to not have trust in the Earth Guild. The Adventurers are just another group of people to them, they won't give any truly special treatment to non members.

Again I shall say it is not wise to speak of any possible shortcomings so openly, but do as you will.

Izz'Rak Auvry'urden

Triage might be a good idea to implement. This will require that those in the guild, for I would not trust any others, to speak to each adventurer in private and determine their worth on the field. This very well could cause a rift between people so I do caution against it, but if the town agrees that this is what is needed, then so be it. I for one will say that if there is but a couple of aura in my hand when felled, I am probably not worth a potion.

-Fredrick Crawford

First, everyone is worth a potion. One can do a great amount of good with even a small amount of aura or skills. Honorable Fredrick, as a member of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden you are still effective and more than capable than most at all times. Remind me to have a private conversation with you on this subject when next we meet.

Second, it is a noble pursuit to learn how to tend to wounds and refit armor. They can prove invaluable for the short time it takes to learn and master those skills.

Third, if the earth guild is now choosing to charge for healing and sell life spells to the highest bidder, the Order of Shadow's Light will step in to provide our assistance to all regardless of membership or affiliation. Be it known that the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden will not discriminate against those that seek our services.

Fourth, Gorka will continue to operate her box of healing. If you have an issue with this, then you can simply get your potions elsewhere. If you wish to contribute to her box it will be appreciated, however, The Order of Shadow's Light will privately fund this if no one else steps up as it is a safeguard and investment in the continued viability and survivability of those who benefit from it.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Good. Gorka's box should be Gorka's box. If Earth Guild want, they can get their own box.

I believe it was gorka's choice that gorka said she would no longer be running a box of healing, and never has the earth guild decided to sell its services to the highest bidder, please make sure you know the story behind something before you comment on it. this is just what I believe however, not fact. If im mistaken, someone please correct me.

Deoman the Runner.
Mistrust in the Earth Guild

Izz'Rak, You mention holding our tongues if it involves giving away weaknesses or shortcoming, yet you openly belittle the Earth Guild. You have not been around recently. The guild not treating non-members special? Isn't that with every organization, every group, every race in Fortanis? Of course members have special privileges, but do they not also better those around them?

The Earth Guild and it's members, it's healers have always done what we can for adventurers and the surrounding community. You may not be aware, but there is a deadly blight my people in this region face that eats away their insides. The Earth Guild, without so much as a blink when my people finally went to them offered their assistance, and continued assistance to finding an origin and cure. The Earth Guild has allowed us continued use of their Disjunction network and admittance of those into the Earth Circle. Did you know that only a member of an invested Earth Circle could resurrect spirits of our fallen? Meaning only the 4 Healer ranked members of the Earth Guild can bring us back? Is that a threat? Of course not. It is fact. Without that spirits would still be stuck inside it waiting. Maybe this mistrust has spread further than I thought.

Though, if that is the case, it would explain why the spirits of those fallen last market day wouldn't accept my resurrection, or that of Jamina or Icey. I tried for an hour to bring back my own comrades, to get others to try to bring them back as well to no avail. My former apprentice and my own Kin twice refused my resurrections. Refused. There were 5 recorded resurrections this market day, all 5 refused my story to call them back. The only one who accepted my story was an insect named Vizzit. My own kin and friend Enya couldn't accept my story twice, and due to that I never got to say goodbye when her spirit faded away forever.

In terms of selling healing and life spells to the highest bidder...where have you heard this from Warlock Dure'hdel? I am unaware of such things. I can't think of a single healer who sells their healing from memory, who sells their life spells from memory to the highest bidder, or any bidder. The Earth Guild allows us usage of an item, a necklace of a dragon holding an orb that grants 2 life spells and 2 cure critical wounds per day to those that need it. Gorka and I have personally seen this item distributed to the town and both days of this market they were fully utilized. If anyone wishes to come forward and accuse us of selling it's uses to them, or being biased upon it's selection please come forward. I only ask that any information, mistrust you have in the Earth Guild have facts and evidence backing it. If it is a continued issue seek me out privately. But I will not let the Earth Guild be belittled openly over the Dream Realms.

No one said Gorka had to stop her box of healing, nobody forced her. As it was made very apparent this market day we go through potions leisurely. This is not sustainable, this is not smart. We use potions when people, in a non-combat situation are unconscious after they have been first aided. That is one less potion available that someone could of used on the battle field, instead of a life spell. It was not the box, that was in question. It was the unintended effect that potions were commonplace and simply appeared out of thin air. It was seen as a source that couldn't run out, wouldn't run out...but it did. Know as adventurers that we need to fight smarter, we need to know how to preserve ourselves more so we don't use potions so leisurely. It is not an unlimited supply, so why waste, and I use the term waste. Why waste potions on those that have already been tended too in non-conflict situations, when we truly need them most in other areas.

If anyone wishes to speak to me in private about this matter or any, please seek me by pigeon. I will be around Shademarch Keep the next few weeks surveying the land for the ideal spot to perform a Ritual of Bountiful Harvest.

- Healer Asher, proud member of the Earth Guild of Gaden.
Big Brother Dure'dhel No! Stop it you say bad stuff than not true and not right. Kendra Gorka trust Asher, Jemina and Icey with many lives, Gorka trust Earth Guild.

All Please listen to Gorka and it ok to ask questions.

First about learning, The members of the earth guild for an hour every morning, usually during breakfast, are meant to be in and around the earth circle to teach. Every Guildsman can take on at least one student a day. This Good time to learn Healing Arts and First Aid. This market day Gorka got distracted with Turkeys and Ram so Sorry Gorka not do that.

Second Adventures in the Earth Guild are Jemina, Icey, Asher, and Gorka As rank of Healer. Zed as a Guildsmen, Deomon as Icey's Aprentice. Other healers in town who have not joined or Gorka not know if initiates yet or not are; Katrina, Benjamin, and Volpay. Asher did I forget anyone?

Gorka not ask you to trust whole guild if you not want to but you trust those people who you know and have already saved lives.

Third, Jemina, Icey and Asher can cast life spells from memory. Gorka can not but all four of us know where all the others that are on items are and try to keep track of which ones have been used. You need a life spell and not know where to go find one of those three.

The earth Guild of Gaden also provided us with an Item that has the ability to cast 2 lifes and 4 cure critical wounds. Asher makes sure that used. Guild not charge money for life spells.

Fourth, you can buy your own cure light wounds. Gorka just bought up lots at a time put them in viles and handed them to people, Gorka would go though over 100 a market gather. Gorka buy from people who can make like Davion, Jeyu, Jemina, Foss, Gabrel, Fern and Bob the Blacksmith. Some times Gorka have to go to other lands to get lots. Gorka would pay at least 1 silver for each cure light wounds. Though the viles where the hardest to get at times.

Fifth, Icey Benjimin and Asher are figuring out how to run a bag of healing. It took time for Gorka to do it alone so give them time to tell us how they want to run it. It lots of hard work.

Sixth, Fight in your Armor so you don't need healing till we fight caos. less likely we all die if we don't need healing.

Any questions?

- Gorka
Shadow's Light
Healer of the Gaden Earth Guild
Pack mate to the Black Wolves
Stag Champion
Guardian of the Flame touched
Invested in the Earth Circle
Student of Kovu
Remember of Lok, Gubba, Crow, and Aina
If someone is gonna be the new box boss, let me know, I'll reserve some potions for you each day when I make cures, or we could expand it to other things like antidotes and stuff. I can work harder to fill it up faster but that gets expensive cause If you don't take the time to be careful stuff gets spilled and burned up so you need more resources to do it.


Not to argue with you, but I didn't reject any resurrection and would gladly have had you guide me back. Four out of five.

My apologies Briar, I too noticed that I misspoke in that regard.
