Field Dressing Training

Gorka, Socora would like to work with you on learning the healing arts, but I can't spend the normal morning time over breakfast due to tavern duties. Socora likes the Gorka's cleanly laid out details. Can you work me in for some learning time between attacks and battles?
Gorka will help in kitchen and teach while we prepare meal. Can you read and Write? Cus some of the information must be read to realy master the skill.

- Gorka
DracoIam said:
Gorka will help in kitchen and teach while we prepare meal. Can you read and Write? Cus some of the information must be read to realy master the skill.

- Gorka

Sounds like a good plan - cooking and learning at same time - Yes, Socora can read and write. It would be even more sad to have lived so long with out this knowledge. As is, am sad that I have not taken a more active role in the Healing Arts. It took almost loosing an important friend to make me realize this short coming.

My previous words were tinged with unneeded bitterness and cynicism. I will continue with my offer of teaching any student inan art required for healing, be it mending simple wounds in the field, identifying the ailments of another, identifying alchemical substances, creating alchemical substances, and basic earth magic.

The more who would know these arts the better.

May the wings of the dragons ever guard thee,
Izz'Rak Auvry'urden Lyme'jss Rilyn'nath