FINAL July 25 pre-registration list

No more pre-registers! You have to pay at the door in cash or with a check payable to "Faire Play."

1. Heidi Hooper
2. Lyndsay McClain
3. Aaron Bonito
4. Eric Stehle
5. Dan Lineaweaver
6. Missy Lineaweaver
7. Erica Stephenson (dinner)
8. Henry Hart
9. Alison Buntemeyer
10. Michelle Stagnitta
11. David Ehrhart (2 breakfasts, dinner)
12. Amanda Wells (2 breakfasts, dinner)
13. Robert Graves (2 breakfasts, dinner)
14. Trevor Murray (dinner)
15. Malinda Johnston
16. Christine Maudlin (dinner)
17. Jesse Hennessey
18. Jessica Brown
19. Brian Bender
20. Mike Engler
21. William Kinkaid
22. Onitt Hernandez
23. Rebecca Watson
24. Sean Metzler
25. Illana Ogan
26. James Trotta (2 breakfasts)
27. Justin Coggin (2 breakfasts)
28. David Balsome
29. Matt Watkins
30. Michael Wasielewski (2 breakfasts, year membership)
31. Chris Hernandez
32. Danny Perez (1 breakfast, dinner)
33. Brian Whitham (2 breakfasts, dinner)
34. Samara Martin (dinner, year membership)
35. Tonya Dawson
36. James Welch (2 breakfasts, dinner)
37. Sheila Haswell (2 breakfasts, dinner)
38. Cortni Walton (dinner)
39. William Gibbs
40. Jon Quigley (1 breakfast, dinner)
41. Micheal Stabely
42. James Stable
43. Hau Tran
44. Elissa Ward (2 breakfasts, dinner)
45. Chad Winters
46. Meghan Downes
47. Amanda Robbins
48. David Tengdin (2 breakfasts, dinner)
49. Colleen Finnegan
50. Shane Macomber
51. Marissa Livollen
52. Someone else who pre-registered at the same time as Marissa Livollen
53. Andrea Bacchi
54. Renee Iovino
55. Joe M. (2 breakfasts, dinner)
56. Kelsey Desrosiers
57. Richard Nunnally
58. Emily DesMarais (1 breakfast, 1 dinner)
59. Steve Deutzman (dinner, year membership)

Dragon: Vex Squad
Griffon: Ash Forest
Phoenix: Gilwing's Gang

1. Sharon Fruchtman (dinner)
2. Ameila Lizak (dinner)
3. Mike Ventrella (2 breakfasts)
4. Mike Strauss (2 breakfasts, dinner)

(note: you don't need to be listed here on the NPC list unless you are paying for something)

By the way, this will probably be a well attended event and it will be crowded. You may want to consider bringing your tent. (It will probably be cooler in a tent at night than in the common room anyway)
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

Glorianna will so be there.

Put me on the list.
Re: July 25 pre-registration list


Please add me to the list, too.

Amanda Wells / Leona Tinuen Tel'Arda
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

Guys, please... you don't have to ask me to add you to the list. It (a) makes the thread longer with stuff no one wants to read and (b) makes me feel like you guys think I am somehow not competent enough to figure out you have paid on my own. It's kind of insulting.

Every day, I check my email and update the list. You don't have to remind me (as I have said in every thread where we have done this).
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

Fearless Leader said:
Guys, please... you don't have to ask me to add you to the list. It (a) makes the thread longer with stuff no one wants to read and (b) makes me feel like you guys think I am somehow not competent enough to figure out you have paid on my own. It's kind of insulting.

Every day, I check my email and update the list. You don't have to remind me (as I have said in every thread where we have done this).

Bah! you should be excited players are excited to pre register for the event.
Besides im an owner, I dont pay... so how else do I tell you?

all Im sayin!

Re: July 25 pre-registration list

I'll be there, of course. Just pre-reg me for the rest of the season while you at it!
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

Kursk said:
Put me down as kursk with all food.

John Mowrer

Kursk is coming back?! Awesome.

Oh, and guys, I think Mike V. is saying that you *don't* have to post here saying that you'll be attending the event. Just pre-register and Mike will update the list.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

IvanDrake said:
Kursk said:
Put me down as kursk with all food.

John Mowrer

Kursk is coming back?! Awesome.

Oh, and guys, I think Mike V. is saying that you *don't* have to post here saying that you'll be attending the event. Just pre-register and Mike will update the list.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

Yes, because posting here won't make a difference. John Mowrer, for instance -- you haven't paid yet, so no matter how many times you post here, I won't put you on the list until you pay! ;)
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

What's the last day to pre-reg for this event, out of curiosity?
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

I humbly request that you not use my full last name in publicly accessible internet sites. Please either use "Joe M." or my outrageously flamboyant fantasy pen name "Jacob Francis Marley III".

Also, uh, I'm PCing.
Re: July 25 pre-registration list

I sent an e-mail to Mike E. but he may still be on vacation. I just wanted to let you know I won't be able to make it to the Tourney weekend and I'd like to have my pre-reg count for August's event instead please. I don't know if you can move the dinner to that month as well but that would be great if you can. Thanks!

Re: July 25 pre-registration list

Why does it seem that very few people signed up for food for the event?

Is there some fancy restaurant everyong goes?

Re: July 25 pre-registration list: BY WEDNESDAY

I think I put a note in when I pre-reged, but I want to make sure I'm signed-up for a bunk in the common sleeping area; thanks!

Lyndsay McClain