I agree that this video is not a "shining example" of our game at HQ. Of all the battles and encounters we've run, this would definitely have not been my choice to have on video. It certainly wasn't the most fun I've had PCing a battle. Despite that, the PCs and NPCs played fair and fun and it wasn't a failure, just not the best example.
As for dangerous, I can't agree with that. Why do you feel it is dangerous? It was pretty level ground with an 8 foot ceiling. The only danger I noted was from nature...a big old pricker bush outside the entrance that has since been removed. Running around the woods of any boy scout camp with low hanging branches and deadfall everywhere is more dangerous IMO.
As for being anachronistic, it is the basement of a cow barn that is being converted into a module space. We have owned the property for less than a year. This past weekend we finished removing via jackhammer the steel bars in the basement for keeping in cows and the concrete footers that held them in. We have plenty of work weekends coming up this year if you'd like to come help. The more help we get, the faster we can make any anachronistic feel go away. On the other hand, I didn't notice any coke machines, pay telephones, pictures of disney characters or random camp signs that are prevalent in most camps.
The NPC costuming and makeup was sub par and this has already been noted and will be actively addressed going forward. The battle was also the last Sunday encounter of a very wet and muddy weekend, so is a little more forgivable. But regardless, it won't happen again.