Final Wave Battle on Video

ya i just saw it today too, very good by the way, but i kept laughing so hard when i saw walgar fall so many times :lol:

its nice to see videos of the encounters, especailly seince i missed the event. its a good idea, and i hope they get recorded more often.
Leara said:
ya i just saw it today too, very good by the way, but i kept laughing so hard when i saw walgar fall so many times :lol:

its nice to see videos of the encounters, especailly seince i missed the event. its a good idea, and i hope they get recorded more often.

If my wife doesn't take the camcorder to the beach next weekend, I could probably take mine along. Only thing is, I'd rather play than record stuff. ;) It's a fairly small Sony hard drive camcorder that is simple to use, though.
<<If my wife doesn't take the camcorder to the beach next weekend, I could probably take mine along. Only thing is, I'd rather play than record stuff. It's a fairly small Sony hard drive camcorder that is simple to use, though.>>

well i kno that alot of times there is at least one NPC who decides to sit out a wave battle for whatever reason, maby he/she could help you out. granted of cource ud be willing to trust someone with ur camcorder lol
I do have to say that it seemed like a lower level player would be really out of their depth and not able to enjoy this battle all that much.
I don't think any of us enjoyed this battle, high or low level. It was a giant door fight with over 50 people. Just not all that much fun, imo.

It was also only one of 6+ wave battles for the weekend.

Also keep in mind, the weekend APL was 17.5
I was hoping the last wave battle would have been on the field since it finally warmed up and started to dry out sunday. i pretty much hated this fight. Although for plot reasons it made snese and was epic, from a player standpoint, it was a lackluster way to end an otherwise awesome event.
Don't be too put off by the fighting in the video as a low level player. I think it would have been a more enjoyable battle for everyone if it was out in an open field but due to the nature of the end of the event it just turned out the way it did.
I had a blast in that wave battle, I'm proud of the low-level players who did step up and fight because they are hardcore. No one seemed out of their depth to me and as I recall no low-level players ressurected in the making of the video. Keep in mind that if you weren't there; the video doesn't really do justice to what is really happening. It wasn't like it was co-ordinated or scripted... which is what is cool about LARPing.

Good Job on the Video. I think it is really helpful to us Marshalls who wanna be like Tom Brady and watch all the video replays to see what needs to be improved. I wanna see more and I hope I don't wind up on one of these things doing something really stupid. Parduc and Walgar made me proud Pin-Cushions/Meat-Shields FTW!!! LOL, Scott/Find'rth got jumped so hard in the beginning/during of that fight, I think the NPC's who are used to PCing thought he was the chapter-villain or something. Missy/Daralasia makes me laugh because she is so calmly kicking ***.

I am so happy I finished my verbals! Surprise you're on candid-camera!

Well, I trusted my camera to someone. I'm sure there are others willing to do the same. Though I'm more than willing to take any 8mm videos and work them into internet-compatible formats... though it's not exactly that hard.
Air Raksa said:
I had a blast in that wave battle, I'm proud of the low-level players who did step up and fight because they are hardcore. No one seemed out of their depth to me and as I recall no low-level players ressurected in the making of the video. Keep in mind that if you weren't there; the video doesn't really do justice to what is really happening. It wasn't like it was co-ordinated or scripted... which is what is cool about LARPing.

Good Job on the Video. I think it is really helpful to us Marshalls who wanna be like Tom Brady and watch all the video replays to see what needs to be improved. I wanna see more and I hope I don't wind up on one of these things doing something really stupid. Parduc and Walgar made me proud Pin-Cushions/Meat-Shields FTW!!! LOL, Scott/Find'rth got jumped so hard in the beginning/during of that fight, I think the NPC's who are used to PCing thought he was the chapter-villain or something. Missy/Daralasia makes me laugh because she is so calmly kicking ***.

I am so happy I finished my verbals! Surprise you're on candid-camera!


Being the chapter villain when you are PCing sucks ***.

Getting waylaid by a PC when you are hit by a berserk and resist it sucks too. Taking the waylay because you forget you are wearing a metal coif AND have arcane armor sucks even more. Yelling at said PC: Priceless.

It was a fair battle and kinda fun at times, but also very frustrating. The pricker bush outside the entrance at head level surely added to my consternation.
Thats what happens when your that ubber. People dont know that your a total package needing nothing form anyone to keep your self standing a whole wave battle. There going to act like your anyone eles and "help" the fastest way they can. In that case stoping you from killing everyone with your Ubber crush stick of doom. Ive seen a huge change in the game form level 5 to 20. I would think that it changes even more when your in the high 30s. I also feel that this cause cool rp when people dont know what to do in a group with a pc that powerful oog.

And oog i think its REALLY funny that you got waylayed. :lol:

At the next work day i want to cut all the netal out of all the common places we play. ( if the owner types dont mid )

Walgar said:
Thats what happens when your that ubber. People dont know that your a total package needing nothing form anyone to keep your self standing a whole wave battle. There going to act like your anyone eles and "help" the fastest way they can. In that case stoping you from killing everyone with your Ubber crush stick of doom. Ive seen a huge change in the game form level 5 to 20. I would think that it changes even more when your in the high 30s. I also feel that this cause cool rp when people dont know what to do in a group with a pc that powerful oog.

And oog i think its REALLY funny that you got waylayed. :lol:


Another dark elf who was standing right next to me when it happened should have waited until he was sure I didn't call a resist. He was in motion before I had a chance to say Resist.

Oh well. I was funny and I got to "correct" him.
I don't play the chapter where this video takes place and after seeing the video I have to say that I am glad I don't. I hate to say this but if I was someone who was considering starting to play Alliance and I saw that video I would change my mind.
I was excited when I saw this link and I called my friend into the room so I could finally show him a video of my hobby. He shook his head and said it looked dangerous, confusing and unbelievable. After seeing this video I can only agree with him. This wave battle makes our battle system look confusing, choppy, and frustrating. The NPC make up is unconvincing and, to be frank, really shoddy.
The location looks extremely dangerous and anachronistic. I'm really surprised no one got seriously injured.
Half the time it looks like the players are just standing there or in some kind of "mini-hold" argument. Is this seriously what HQ is like or was this some out of the ordinary flop of a wave battle?

I'm really disappointed. I was planning on taking a trip with some friends to HQ this summer but now I am reconsidering. Please tell me this is not the norm for HQ.
It wasn't a typical wave battle, no. Very rarely do we do them indoors, and after looking at the film I doubt we'll be doing them in there again unless forced to by severe weather. One big thing we'd forgotten about with indoor wave battles (as we haven't done one in a few years) was the noise factor - it becomes exponentially harder to hear when battle calls are reverberating against the walls and ceiling. Which makes the system look horrible and choppy because you can't understand what's hitting you. This was the cause of 90% of the problems.

This film gave us the rare opportunity to kinda go over the play-by-play after the event and no, I'm not happy with the way things went either. It was one of those things that certainly looked better on paper.

Danger-wise it really wasn't any worse than a field or woods. In fact I'd say it was less so because you could see the hazards - unlike a hole in the ground that's covered by high grass or leaves. I'll give you the anachronistic part, but we're working on it. The site is new and being constantly improved, but there's only so much you can get done in a given span of time. If you saw what it looked like when they first got the site you'd be amazed at the difference.

All in all we're going to take this like you'd take any life lesson. Look at it, learn from it, move on.
I agree that this video is not a "shining example" of our game at HQ. Of all the battles and encounters we've run, this would definitely have not been my choice to have on video. It certainly wasn't the most fun I've had PCing a battle. Despite that, the PCs and NPCs played fair and fun and it wasn't a failure, just not the best example.

As for dangerous, I can't agree with that. Why do you feel it is dangerous? It was pretty level ground with an 8 foot ceiling. The only danger I noted was from nature...a big old pricker bush outside the entrance that has since been removed. Running around the woods of any boy scout camp with low hanging branches and deadfall everywhere is more dangerous IMO.

As for being anachronistic, it is the basement of a cow barn that is being converted into a module space. We have owned the property for less than a year. This past weekend we finished removing via jackhammer the steel bars in the basement for keeping in cows and the concrete footers that held them in. We have plenty of work weekends coming up this year if you'd like to come help. The more help we get, the faster we can make any anachronistic feel go away. On the other hand, I didn't notice any coke machines, pay telephones, pictures of disney characters or random camp signs that are prevalent in most camps.

The NPC costuming and makeup was sub par and this has already been noted and will be actively addressed going forward. The battle was also the last Sunday encounter of a very wet and muddy weekend, so is a little more forgivable. But regardless, it won't happen again.

Yeah, don't beat yourself up guys. You have done an incredible job on the site in such short time. I'm really sad I couldn't get up this weekend to help, though I'll admit doing things and talking with people in my field of study for once is amazing. One day I'll carry through on my threat and destroy...I mean build things with you!
<<< One day I'll carry through on my threat and destroy...I mean build things with you! >>>

There's plenty to destroy, if that's your thing. Weeds, thorny rose bushes, old farming machinery still hidden throughout the property, etc.


--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake