by "necromancer slayer" I meant I would be hunting necromancers and undead, just BTW. sort of like a Paliobcidian_bandit said:There bulk of the PCs in Oregon are very anti-necromancy.
Yeah I would be NPCing first. Thanks for the inputDreamingfurther said:The biggest reason that I suggest NPC'ing first is that it gives you a chance to learn about the game in a more structured setting. Now if you are a REALLY motivated figure everything out for yourself person who wants to throw themselves into the hurly burly of the PC world right away and not worry about the consequences this might do to your long term build/character development then by all means PC right away. The advantage I see to NPC'ing first is that it allows you to pick and choose with a little bit more clear understanding OOG about how things work or end up working than if you PC right away and start making build/skill/character choices from first impressions which can be easily skewed.
in my experience, the Seattle chapter is not particularly good about taking new participants aside and working with them to get them comfortable with the game. I haven't heard anything that leads me to think that has changed. NPCing your first event works best when they have someone willing to provide structure to learning the game. Seattle doesn't really provide that. As a PC, otoh, you can totally play up the "I don't know what I'm doing" aspect furing the inevitable downtime and get instruction from, not just players, but characters who enjoy taking on the task of helping out new peeps, especially in Seattle.Dreamingfurther said:The biggest reason that I suggest NPC'ing first is that it gives you a chance to learn about the game in a more structured setting.
yeah? good to know! I plan on PCing in Seattle anyway!jpariury said:in my experience, the Seattle chapter is not particularly good about taking new participants aside and working with them to get them comfortable with the game. I haven't heard anything that leads me to think that has changed. NPCing your first event works best when they have someone willing to provide structure to learning the game. Seattle doesn't really provide that. As a PC, otoh, you can totally play up the "I don't know what I'm doing" aspect furing the inevitable downtime and get instruction from, not just players, but characters who enjoy taking on the task of helping out new peeps, especially in Seattle.Dreamingfurther said:The biggest reason that I suggest NPC'ing first is that it gives you a chance to learn about the game in a more structured setting.
jpariury said:in my experience, the Seattle chapter is not particularly good about taking new participants aside and working with them to get them comfortable with the game. I haven't heard anything that leads me to think that has changed. NPCing your first event works best when they have someone willing to provide structure to learning the game. Seattle doesn't really provide that.Dreamingfurther said:The biggest reason that I suggest NPC'ing first is that it gives you a chance to learn about the game in a more structured setting.
That is pretty funnymarkusdark said:Funny thing is that most players from SF like to go to Seattle because they get more plot interactions. Seems the first event that one person attended - they got more 'personal' plot than they had in SF for over a year and a half.![]()